John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Closing this one too. No reason to bump all of these.



    Bumping your own topic, along with several others, is pretty lame. Closing this one since it’s old, and is only going to fragment the conversation more than it already is.



    the breadcrumbs still link to the forums-index page

    I don’t understand. Where do you want your “Forums” link to go, other than your forums?



    I’d suggest not creating or editing anything from within wp-admin. It’s a pretty poor experience right now, and I’ll be putting some work into it for 2.2. It’s not nearly as helpful or powerful as it should be, and is more likely to break things than anything else.



    In the receiving end, bumping topics here is really annoying, so I’d recommend not doing it. 🙂 These forums don’t move quickly enough to necessitate it, and we’re all volunteers that will help you whenever we have the opportunity to do so. A bump, even with friendly intentions, just ends up making us feel bad because we took a few days off, and making us look like we’re lazy to everyone else.

    Also, cryptidwolf is incorrect, and offers nothing to this conversation that helps you with your issue(s) of which it seems like there are 2; the first being you can’t get the forum index sorted, and that once you do, you want it to look differently than the default templates look.

    The way I suggest fixing it, is to create your own custom page template with the look and feel that you want your index to have. It’s no different than a WordPress theme; if you want it to be different than it is, you sometimes have to do it yourself.

    The forum/category sections are a layout that a few people are working on, and certainly could be a bbPress core feature. Since bbPress has always been topic and content focused, the forum layout isn’t something that gets a lot of attention. Sorting out the forum/category hierarchy and layout is actually a pretty complex set of loops to automate, as it involves checking depth and walking a tree of forums that could potentially be outside of the current scope.

    I haven’t bothered looking too far into it since it’s something that will take concentrated time and effort, and there are other things bbPress needs before that becomes the top priority to put time towards. If you, or anyone else wants to put the time in because it’s important to you, I’d happily review and commit a patch to make sure it’s included in future versions.

    I know this isn’t the best set of answers you were looking for, but it’s all I have for now.



    Shouldn’t be happening with Twenty Ten. Basically, this is a nonce check error. Nonces are used through out bbPress to make sure you’re actually invoking actions on your own request, and that someone hasn’t duped you into doing something you didn’t want to do.

    This is the first I’ve heard of this, so some plugin or theme is really interfering with things. is always running the latest build, so if it’s not broken here, it’s not broken in core.



    That’s pretty odd. Do you have server specs you can share? PHP version, available memory, apache/nginx, etc…?



    I don’t understand. Do you mean here at If not, and you mean the bbPress software, it’s using whatever WordPress core uses.



    Closing this; it’s old news now, and we’re on to the next batch of enhancements.



    You should add this to the codex showcase page.



    You can stop bumping this. I don’t know what “proper attention” means to you, but I can’t look at it any more than I already am. If it’s critical to you and your site, dive into the code and start fixing things.



    Not a bbPress problem. Looks like your theme is a child theme of BuddyPress’s bp-default, and it uses hardcoded relative paths in its @import rules. Any number of things could be going wrong here, but it wasn’t updating bbPress that caused this to happen.



    Everything looks like it’s working now?



    Lots of posts about this already. Eventually we’ll open source the theme. Until then, build it yourself or wait. 🙂



    If it’s for BuddyPress, you should ask over at 🙂



    Something is filtering the parent out of the query. Mostly likely a rogue plugin or the theme is incorrectly using query_posts()



    You’re welcome. Look forward to seeing your codex page. 🙂



    Since the admin area has a settings API that it uses, compared to bbPress which currently uses customized templates, you’ll have to do some developer work to integrate them. Until bbPress has API’s for theme-side fields, this will likely be a one-off solution for your specific use-case.

    In reply to: Unread plugin



    This would be really great.



    I’ll likely open-source the theme in a few weeks.



    No idea what royal_login() is, but it’s not related to bbPress.



    I’d advise against reverting back. Instead, in your theme’s functions.php, put…

    $GLOBALS['bbp'] = bbpress();



    Some plugin is not filtering queries correctly, and is intercepting bbPress’s query and breaking it. Try deactivating plugins and seeing which one isn’t playing nicely.

    In reply to: phpBB



    What error do your users get?



    I’m a little confused by what netweb is telling you to do. The bbPress Moderation plugin is actually the thing that ENABLES the behaviour you’re experiencing. Without that plugin, your users should be allowed to create topics and replies on their own without any intervention from you or anyone else.

    Deactivate the bbPress Moderation plugin, deactivate bbPress, activate bbPress. That should reset all of bbPress’s role and capability mapping, in the event something is broken.

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