John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    That’s interesting. They should definitely be getting deleted. How did you delete your topics? Admin-side, or theme-side?

    In reply to: Fatal error



    That function calls wp_get_current_user() so it might be related to the $current_user global. WordPress’s get_currentuserinfo() function calls wp_set_current_user() which overrides the global with fresh data.

    It’s plausible some other plugin is loading the current user too early, or that it’s trying to initialize WordPress more than once via a subsequent call to $wp->init().

    It’s unlikely that bbPress is directly causing this, as bbPress doesn’t do any of the above things on its own. It does however reference currently logged in user data quite liberally using WordPress’s built in API functions, so it’s not entirely impossible.

    Keep us posted, and we’ll try to help out where we can.



    This is the way this feature is currently designed. Hierarchical pagination is quite challenging to tackle; WordPress provides some help with this, but it wasn’t built into our first pass, and no work has gone into improving it since.

    I have never seen any response from the devs/leaders of the bbpress team themselves, seems only volunteers

    I have a few thousand replies that hopefully help prove otherwise, and sorry that your experience so far hasn’t lived up to that. Know that there’s a staff of about 12 of us that volunteer our time to both develop the software, write the documentation, and moderate the forums, and though we don’t hit every topic, we try to help out where we can.



    The bbp_kses_allowed_tags() function ensures that cite attribute of the blockquote tag is allowed, but not the actual cite tag itself.

    Users with the Keymaster role are allowed to bypass these rules, and can post literally anything they want, completely unrestricted.

    Two solutions:

    • The “quote” plugin you’re using needs an update to not use cite tags
    • bbPress needs to allow cite tags
    In reply to: Creating a new forum



    Sounds like you have some other plugin installed that’s wrongfully blocking access to the “Forum” post type. Do you at least see the three top level menu items for Forums, Topics, and Replies?

    In reply to: User and group access



    I’d love to review what you have, and help get it into bbPress core properly.

    Can you attach your progress to this trac ticket:

    It’s a feature we’ve talked about in some fashion for the past… oh… 7 years or so. 🙂

    In reply to: Titles – Roles



    I’ll caution you not to conflate “roles” with “ranks.” A “Role” provides specific capabilities on the site (and in the forums) where as a “Rank” is a visual indicator of some kind of importance on the site.

    Sometimes these are the same; usually they are different. I bet there’s value in having a separate “Rank” plugin for bbPress to help visually group users together into level of importance that don’t dictate the scope of permissions users have within the forums.



    Odd. Could be a bug in several different places, but bbPress does use BuddyPress’s bp_core_current_time() function before calling bp_activity_add() in BBP_BuddyPress_Activity::record_activity().

    I’d start your trouble shooting there, and see what time is being calculated.



    It is! Just turn it on in your forum’s settings, set the depth you’d like, and you’re done.



    Both editor.js and bbpress.css are loaded similarly, as well as other scripts and styles in certain situations (single forums/topics, and when editing your password). Are any other SSL errors present, or is it just bbPress? What version of bbPress are you using?

    Without deeper investigation, I’m unsure how this is possible when using core functions and templates. bbp_enqueue_style() calls content_url() which uses set_url_scheme() which is the WordPress core function for correctly determining the http/https/relative scheme for every link on the site. This means it’s difficult for one to be wrong, and another to be right.



    You’ll want to filter the output of bbp_get_time_since; it’s the function responsible for humanizing timestamps. You’ll probably want to perform a string replacement starting at the comma, and append your own ‘ago’ at the end.

    In reply to: bbp_new_forum hook



    That doesn’t seem right. bbp_new_forum will only fire when forums are created outside of wp-admin, like in a BuddyPress Group Forum. If you want to add meta when any new forum is created, you’ll likely need to hook into WordPress’s wp_insert_post action, instead.



    Add this in a custom plugin or the functions.php of your active theme:

    add_filter( 'bbp_allow_global_access', '__return_false' );

    You’ll want to undo the edits you’ve made to bbPress’s files, also.



    I’m not seeing any problems here. The topic counts are correct, and the breadcrumbs for each topic I’ve viewed appear to be correct.

    Can you link us to a topic that you feel like is appearing in the wrong place, along with a link to it appearing in the wrong forum?

    In reply to: Forum root confusion



    Awesome. Yeah, there’s just a little bit of adaptation that’s needed to make the two play nicely together. Happy you got it sorted.



    I suspect Pippin would be the one to contact for this?

    Exactly correct.



    There are a few plugins that jumpstart WordPress’s roles and capabilities, which can cause permissions issues with bbPress (and any other plugin that relies on roles and capabilities.) These plugins are __doing_it_wrong() in the conventional sense, and there’s not much bbPress can do about that other than throw debug notices when WP_DEBUG is turned on.



    It looks to me like bbPress isn’t finding its default CSS. You could try reinstalling bbPress; it’s possible you have an incomplete installation, with only some non-essential assets were caught missing.

    Otherwise, it could be a plugin conflict, or some other code might just be getting in the way of bbPress’s CSS loading. You could also try deactivating plugins one at a time, and seeing if something new you’ve added recently is causing this to happen.



    Sounds to be like qTranslate is accidentally stomping out bbPress’s top level menu locations. WordPress’s code in regards to navigation has a tendency to be pretty fickle in this regard.

    bbPress even takes measures to try and avoid this from happening on its own, but it looks like it’s still not enough anymore.

    We’ll see if there’s anything we can do on our end to avoid any of these kinds of menu collisions again. If so, improvements will come in a future version of bbPress.



    The most likely culprit is another plugin causing a conflict. If you’re an admin already, activating bbPress, it forces your forum role to Keymaster so you’re able to administrate the forums completely.



    If you can report back any progress, we’ll be around to help.

    Best of luck!



    Sure did; thanks. I ways able to create an account easily enough, but it looks like logins are completely broken on your site; they do not even work through WordPress’s traditional wp-login.php directly (which is what bbPress sends login data to.)

    Something else is wrong, outside of bbPress, though it’s difficult to troubleshoot on this end. It might be the case-sensitive URL (with “Install” in there) or it could be any other server config, plugin, theme, or random cookie issue.

    Sorry I can’t be much more help, but hopefully this helps you sniff it out.



    No sweat, and happy to help. Looks like the link to your forums is bad. Can you verify the URL and link us again?



    A few things to check:

    • Is the plugin active?
    • Are you calling the function correctly (named correctly, etc…)?
    • Cherry picking functions and putting them in your functions.php file can be tedious, since you’re stuck supporting all your own new code rather than letting the plugin do the work. Are you sure you’re comfortable with this?
    • If the function says it’s undefined, it means whatever file you’re putting that code in, isn’t loading. Why not?

    You’ll likely have better results if you filter the results of bbp_after_get_topic_admin_links_parse_args like so:

     * Replace the individual link calls with your own functions
    function foo( $args = array() ) {
        $args['links'] = array(
            'edit'  => bbp_get_topic_edit_link ( $args ),
            'close' => bbp_get_topic_close_link( $args ),
            'stick' => bbp_get_topic_stick_link( $args ),
            'merge' => bbp_get_topic_merge_link( $args ),
            'trash' => bbp_get_topic_trash_link( $args ),
            'spam'  => bbp_get_topic_spam_link ( $args ),
            'reply' => bbp_get_topic_reply_link( $args )
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_topic_admin_links_parse_args', 'foo' );

    Keep in mind that each link function accepts its own parameters (including the ability to change the text to anything you want) so you can either pass new parameters, or filter each link and adjust them. This way you can just filter bbPress’s core functionality rather than rewrite everything on your own

    In reply to: Private Messaging?



    Integrating BuddyPress and bbPress should be a breeze. One thing to keep in mind however, is that bbPress user profiles yield to BuddyPress’s member profiles. This could be overridden with a plugin, but is the default experience when integrating them together.

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