Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (@ipstenu)

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  • @ipstenu


    I opened that a half a month ago :) But thanks, _ck_! It works now. I updated my ticket but … why isn’t it picking that up from the default template?

    In reply to: Sanitizing user names



    I’m on WP 2.7/BB 1.0a5trunk, so sending everyone to login/register through WP won’t work for me. Yet.

    I’ll have to read up on how wp_authenticate translates to the BB world to have a go at.



    Okay, with 1.0-a-5 trunk I get the same old inactive user when I register via WP. No errors on the page or in the log, though.

    Also I got this error, which I fixed by flipping back to the old file:

    Call to undefined function  wp_check_invalid_utf8() in
    /home/XX/public_html/forums/bb-includes/functions.wp-core.php on line 60

    In reply to: Sanitizing user names



    I’m looking at trying this with http://www.theblog.ca/wordpress-case-insensitive-login but … yeah, can we sanitize for bbpress too?



    You need to use the Alpha build if you’re trying to integrate between WP 2.7 and BB.



    I use a google search on my site for the forums (with a custom return page) and it works pretty well. I have it search my domain.net and it gets WP and BB in one.

    In reply to: Codex linking?



    The destination URL would be http://wiki.mydomain.com/wiki/PAGE And it cleverly sees the spaces (like ‘Main Page’) and turns that into underscores (Main_Page).

    Plugin Name: Wiki Link
    function wiki_link($text) {
    $wiki= str_replace(" ", "_", "$ 2");
    $text=preg_replace("/([[(.+?)]])/si","<a class='wiki_link' href='$url$wiki'>$ 2</a>",$text);
    return $text;

    It does eat that $2 doesn’t it…



    Both? I like categories when I want to troll things like themes or ‘requests for help’. And then tags are great when I think I want to know everything about Joe Schmoe, regardless of which category.



    Nah, I have it in a subfolder.

    If johnjamesjacoby is right and you didn’t integrate your user tables but you ARE trying to share cookies, then you would have exactly this problem.



    Try this: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/post-meta/ ? No idea if it works, but it’s one of _ck_’s so odds are good.



    @bryan868 – the other thing to do is re-replace all your AUTH/SECURE etc keys in BBpress with the ones from WP. ALL of them. Every last one. Then purge your cookies and log back in.

    @johnjamesjacoby – it’s just in a subfolder :) http://www.amfproductions.com/a/wp-login.php

    In reply to: Members can add tags



    @chrishajer – If I get bored enough this week I may make a plugin to show all the tags a person makes (list it on their profile page maybe) or even on mouse-over for admins…. Actually the later sounds smarter. Mouseover the tags and the ‘alt’ is the person who added them. You’d still need a bit of brains to sort out that ‘Gee, JimBob there made these tags in a lot of posts’ Dunno, I can think of a few approaches and none appeal to me past common sense :)

    @wiseacre If you really want to remove the ability of non-mods to add tags, just edit topic-tags.php in your template.

    Wrap <?php tag_form(); ?> with an ‘if mod’ sort of deal. Call it a day.

    In reply to: Members can add tags



    Someone could write a plugin to list all tags added by ID whomever, I suppose, but tag spam is either really clever (that MIGHT be spam, maybe not) or blindingly obvious (mmm ‘sex’ is not an appropriate tag here), in my experience. And most of the time it’s the latter.

    In reply to: Members can add tags



    Actually it’s a lot easier to figure out who made the tag than you seem to think.

    ID’s are set in every single tag. <li id="tag-85_71562">tags</li>

    Go to https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/71562 and you’ll see that I added a tag :) Easy as pie to see I’m a spammer ;)

    In reply to: Members can add tags



    Wait … what does that have to do with tags?

    Members can add tags.

    Moderators (and Admin and Key Master) can remove them.

    Where did this come into PHP & SQL?



    Re-upload functions.bb-template.php (and probably all files in bb-includes). It sounds like they got truncated for some reason. You should never need to edit those.



    This should auto-correct itself when the user logs into the blog (or tries to comment).



    Check your secure and auth keys. I had that problem until I found I’d had an extra space in one.



    The latest SVN seems to fix this, though it throws a new error.

    #1016 has been opened.




    The issue with roles has actually been since I remember integration starting with 2.7/1.0 series. It’s basically because there is no role set and no role map set for the bbPress side of it.

    The issue with roles being set as INACTIVE is expected and worked without issue (once the user logged in, all was fine). But having the roles show up as an ‘error’ is new since 1.0a4.



    It was a legal thing that stemmed from their split with YABB (they used to be YABBSE) and people taking their code and claiming it was theirs. How rude! YABB, by the way, stored passwords in CLEAR TEXT at the time that all went down. I think it was 8 years ago?

    Anyway, it’s not an inability, it was a decision based on a bunch of jerks. They’re good coders, and decent peoples.



    Vbulletin makes me want to cry, regularly. I used to use Invision (someone else paid for it) but their templating system made every upgrade a two day project. SMF similarly, though the code is much easier. That ain’t saying much :/

    Not that I think bbPress is perfect. If I had to pick anything but bbPress, I’d do SMF.

    In reply to: button for guests



    And using <?php login_form(); ?> to show login info with the register link won’t do?



    The two things I had a problem with were the auth cookies (I had to repaste it all it) and the cookie_domain

    I set, on both BB and WP, my cookie_domain to .domain.net and it started working.



    Turns out mine aren’t the same (exactly).

    Server 1

    Operating system 	Linux
    Kernel Version 2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp
    Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.8
    PHP version 5.2.4
    MySQL version 5.0.67-community

    Server 2

    Operating system 	Linux
    Kernel Version 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp
    Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.8
    PHP version 5.2.1
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community

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