Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload
Sure, give me a moment to clean and zip it up.
What I meant to ask, Louisedade, was if you fancied making the identicons a branch of your plugin?
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadA really useful plugin, it works very nicely. I’ve had my eye on Identicons for a while and wanted to integrate them, the result being that I hacked up Scott’s identicon plugin to only contain the class, wrote a function to make identicons for users and integrated it with your plugin (so, changes made to all three files). It assigns users identicons when they register, and they’re kept in the same way as you do things now. I personally love identicons. It’s running now at – just look in any thread.
I was wondering, is there a reason for storing the metavalues in the database? An alternative is to go to the folder directly and look for all possible variants in turn (considering the standard naming, you’re just checking extensions), saving on the database read and writes – but I’m not sure which would be faster. You’d have to delete the old avatar of course in case you don’t overwrite it because of different filetypes.
There’s a final modification I want to make, purely aesthetic. Any idea how to get the avatar link into one of the profile tabs (like Edit or Favourites)?
In reply to: bbpress / wordpress avatar?I think the easiest thing to do is to use Louisedade’s avatar plugin ( ), and then using a simple MySQL query on the WordPress side to get that data to use next to comments.
How did you integrate profiles?
In reply to: Template integrationMost of us using bbpress are using wordpress as well.
Are you sure?
I would like a great degree of integration too, mainly blogpost/topics and comments/replies, but we may be in the minority.
In reply to: Hide a forum name from the frontpage listThere’s probably a filter similar to
, where you could check if the forum name is the same as the one you want to get rid of.In reply to: Won’t recognize print stylesheetThat’s a problem with your browser/html/printing thing, not to do with bbPress. I’m not sure how to fix it though, sorry.
In reply to: Registration issueFor future reference, do you know how you fixed it?
In reply to: Multiple forum one installationBah, double-posted. Apologies.
In reply to: Multiple forum one installationMy guess is
. Give it a shot.In reply to: forum_pages(); pagination not counting correctly.Ahh, ingenious. The right thing to do would be to go to the trac part of the site and submit a new ticket for this bug, which will then be fixed. Login is the same as for this forum.
In reply to: like5.comThat’s probably the prettiest Authentication Required form I’ve ever seen.
In reply to: Multiple forum one installationOf course. Exactly the same principle applies.
Replace this
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.
$bb_table_prefix = 'bb_'; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!With
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.
$bb_table_prefix = ereg_replace('^(www.)', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$bb_table_prefix = ereg_replace('.', '', $table_prefix);
$bb_table_prefix = $table_prefix . '_';That is all.
In reply to: Soon to come, the WP Gathering theme for bbPress..Sorry Spencer, I haven’t seen the Gathering theme and aren’t particularly looking for a forum theme right now anyway. It’d be cool to see, though.
But please don’t take down WordPress, I need that WP/bb/Mediawiki integration article for future reference!
Make a trac ticket?
In reply to: Registration issue(Yup, that’s the right thing to do.)
Interestingly your other pages in the root of the forum (such as bb-login.php or statistics.php) seem to work; are you sure /Blog/forum/register.php exists? I can’t think of any other reason.
Incidentally, the folks at Top Gear weren’t surprised that the car was blown away, just by how much.
In reply to: Categories and posts from wordpress blog?Oh, I see what you mean. I just thought of those as seperate sub-forums of the main forum.
I don’t know how that option works. Perhaps it tags threads according to their category if that category is there? Just experiment with it a bit, and if you find out tell us
In reply to: Categories and posts from wordpress blog?There’s no such thing as categories in bb, unless I don’t understand what you mean? You can tag threads, but there’s no such thing as categories.
In reply to: Help With Template IntegrationJust hang this code onto the bottom of your style.css file and it’ll be dandy.
p.menulink {
margin-bottom: 0;
}If you do not want the gap to be that small, change
(there must be no gap between the number and thepx
!).Incidentally, I don’t know what your control of the situation is but that site is not particularly pleasant HTML. You have tables in tables in tables, for god’s sake! What you’re doing in the sidebar could be so much easier done using a
element. Are you using Frontpage or something?Please, it’ll be much less work for you if you use clean HTML; at least in future! Tables are so very rarely a good solution.
In reply to: Template of this forum??Not sure what it was originally, wmarcy, but it’s all a bit screwy. They’re in seperate paragraphs, which means they can’t be side-by-side (unless they’re both ID’d and have seperate float rules). So basically, find the form (as in, form HTML element) for the search and replace it by:
<form method="get" action="">
Search: <input type="text" value="" name="q" maxlength="100" size="40"/>
<input type="submit" class="inputButton" value="Search ยป"/>
button however still won’t be on the right, but at least it’ll be level and since it wantonly jumps about when youtext-align
it right I can’t be bothered with making it right-aligned. Make the width of your search bar wider or something if you need to push it over.In reply to: What is a bozo?Bozo: “1” means they’re set as a bozo (generally 1 means true, 0 means false). You do need to remove it, but if that’s ineffective apply the patch and then remove again.
In reply to: Can’t create postsOr better yet, apply the patch.
In reply to: Fix or remove bozo function before it kills bbPressI think in the vast majority of cases it does work. Anyway, I agree it seems like releasing .82 just with the bozo thing fixed (making the changes the plugin makes now) would’ve been the smart thing to do – but I don’t know what’s going on in their offices.
In reply to: Categories and posts from wordpress blog?Yup! It’ll create (or edit) topics in bb when you make or edit posts in WP.
In reply to: Installing PluginsMake sure you use the image plugin correctly. Images need the following syntax:
<img src=”linktoimage” alt=”image description” />
In reply to: Slug based permalinksIt’s a wordpress plugin! I don’t think I can call bb_new_topic() from wordpress?