fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Advanced Search



    It does, the forum is just being silly. It added the full stop to the url.

    Use this:


    Not possible to quote.



    Are you actually getting any spam? It would show up in the Akismet admin menu if you were. If not, you could disable it.

    fix-bbpress does nothing if the version number is not 8.1.

    In reply to: Start over



    Don’t you get an email with your password from bb when installing from scratch?

    In reply to: Advanced Search



    Yup. bbpressroot/search.php. So for this forum, it’s https://bbpress.org/forums/search.php. Your search page may need a template change: https://trac.bbpress.org/ticket/694#comment:1

    In reply to: Unread Topics



    Err, no. :P I read your description here. I thought about that approach before but I like the time-based implementation, especially as my hosting is a bit creaky (and edit: having come to the finish of this post, I realise that it’s actually not that bad at all! Maybe it is a good idea, especially as it’s a lot more convenient). It’s good that you’ve done it though, and cool that you’re sharing it (in the face of adversity :P). I hope you don’t mind; here’s some suggested changes that could speed things up a lot.

    For installing the table, you may want to use bb_dbDelta() (should work exactly as wp’s implementation: https://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_Tables_with_Plugins ).

    There are also a lot of queries made that you could probably avoid. For example, in the topic listing the current topic will be in the global $topic, and you can get its last_post_id by this:

    $last_post_in_topic = $topic->topic_last_post;

    You can do the same for the number of posts.

    Every column in the table will be available as a member variable (don’t know how familiar you are with PHP? Member variables are just like above, $member->!!!member_variable!!!) – that’s true for users, posts, topics and forums alike. (Meta entries are too, if there’s an entry topic_colour in the topicmeta table you can call it by $topic->topic_colour.)

    Right now you’re making at least three additional queries per topic:

    if ( utplugin_is_topic_unread($topic, $user) || utplugin_is_topic_new($topic, $user) )

    utplugin_is_topic_unread() makes three queries. If it’s not unread, it’ll check if it’s new, too, which is another two. For the default 30 topics, that’s 90 – 150 additional database queries per single view of a page. Since db queries are usually the bottlenecks in website speed that could be a problem. (_ck_ would probably blow an artery.)

    By using the already-queried stuff from global $topic you can cut that down to one or two topics per query. Also, in utplugin_is_topic_new() you’re using exactly the same value again, but making a new query for it, if I see that right. You could either move the check to utplugin_is_topic_unread() (which would return true for unread and for new) or make that a global itself.

    That would make it at most one query per topic.

    Finally, IIRC data for all topics on the page is being called in a single query. If you can find the right filter or hook, you may find that you can get all the relevant topic_ids at once, at the start, then do a _single_ query on your table that gets data for all of them, make that a static (so it’s preserved every time the function is called) and use that data every time. Then the overhead generated by your plugin wouldn’t even be so bad.

    In reply to: Unread Topics



    Jeez, you’ve totally got the wrong end of the stick here. The approval takes forever because he’s busy and working on other stuff, not because we’re in a giant elitist conspiracy that won’t host your plugins unless you’ve been on the cover of Hello!



    I don’t understand. PHP5 runs PHP4 code just fine; if it runs on 4, it will run on 5. (Other way around may be a problem, but that doesn’t seem to be it?) The plugin might not use features of 5, but it will run under 5.



    > I have it installed, now I can’t log in.

    Cookie problem. Clear your cookies, attempt to log in, check what cookies were set. Tell us.



    In bb-includes there’s a file called wp-functions.php containing duplicates of some functions from wp; if you’re integrated, it doesn’t load those but loads the originals from wp. There must be some discrepancy between the functions there.

    In reply to: Inline Images?



    I don’t know all of the API changes you’d have to make, or if it’s even feasible – bb might not have all the API. Integration would be easier.

    I don’t know of any such mods, but it sounds like a fairly simple concept and you might be able to do it? Uploading files is extremely well documented as a tutorial for beginners, PHP has a whole bunch of easy zip file functions built in and making a new post is also easy, using bb_new_post() I think. Really it’s not a particularly hard task, what puts most people off from programming is intimidation I think. And people here would help you. Or you can hope someone else does it, but that’s unlikely.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    posts and users over time is the only thing you don’t have – and all I meant was since launch, anyway. Everything else you do have.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Uh, I was interested at looking at average contribution, ie. posts per user, posts and users over time if you have any time data, distribution of forums by posts, users and contribution, that sort of thing. All things that are easily doable over the web (but also a big load on the server), but trivial in Excel.



    > styling the login doesn’t work

    Can you be more precise? What do you want to do, what have you tried, how precisely has it failed?

    Do you mean the “You must log in to post.”? That should be translatable, but otherwise as far as I know it’s stuck in core files.



    > Also anyone know why bozo status isn’t just a checkbox in the Kakumei theme??

    No, but there’s an input type=”text” instead. Go to the bozo’s profile, edit it and set the bozo status from 1 to 0, then save.

    (Also, the original problem in this thread is now irrelevant because bb has been updated. I assume your problem is a different one from M and the others.)

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Actually I’d be quite happy with the unfixed-up data, I just want to chuck it into Excel and look at the pretty colours. You don’t need to do anything to it first for me to be happy with that.

    In reply to: avatar



    Trent, the reason that I modlooked this one is because it was a duplicate – it would be good if there were some way to communicate about it too, to avoid stuff like this. (The guy’s got avatars, btw, just styling problems.)

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Have you got the raw data, would you share it? Or fancy putting up some visualisations and analysis up publically anyway?

    In reply to: Strut Your bbPress!



    You administrate/use keys on the technorati forums? Anything particular you had to do? The auth and cookie code you could just plug, obviously, but did you do any other major work?



    Does disabling the plugins one by one not work?

    The image plugin seems to be somewhat messed up right now; it breaks use of code on my forum and sometimes I have your problem, too. Not sure why. Hopefully mdawaffle will update it soon.

    In reply to: avatar



    Looks good to me, FF & IE7. User details always at height of post. You could probably get away with a min-height of 100px; that’d reduce the big empty posts.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    If you’re going to list Loinhead, you might as well put in some numbers. :)


    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites


    In reply to: avatar



    I don’t know what you mean. Have you got a link or page output to look at?



    To delete a topic, you have to open the topic, scroll to the bottom and click [Delete Entire Topic]. You can’t rename the theme as it’s a default, but you can make your own theme (and name it whatever) by creating a my-themes folder in root and creating a style.css file (you can just copy the one from bb-templates/kakumei to start with, as a reference).



    Some things you can change in the template, some things are hardcoded. I’m not sure what you mean but if something isn’t done in the template and you think it should be changed (everywhere) then you can report bugs, defects, possible enhancements on trac: http://trac.bbpress.org.

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