Aaron (@ergate)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ergate


    If I remember correctly, a folder will override a wp page. What I have done is, install bbpress at a location within wp, then create a page in wp with the same name that you gave your bbpress install. When viewing the blog, the page will show up in the pages section, menu bar or wherever you theme puts it. This should create a dynamic link to the forum.

    I think this is what you are looking for.

    I have done this for static folders and things like bbpress.



    I may be thick but I cannot figure out how or where to change the gravatars. I have the implemented, and the default image shows up, but that is as far as I can get.

    In reply to: WP Stats



    Yeah I am familiar with bb’s stats, just looking for something that will return more data.

    Does anybody know if there are any other stats plugins that are compatible or that have been developed?

    In reply to: Private Forum script



    works now. I mis-read your disclaimer earlier. So those of us using .73 need to change ‘bb-init’ to ‘init’ in the plug-in.

    In reply to: Private Forum script



    so1o: does this plugin need to be used with the code posted earlier in this thread, or is it standalone?

    If it is standalone (ment to function on its own) I am not getting any results. I put the plugin into my-plugins and no results. Everything loads as normal.

    Any pointers.



    Yes it is possible.

    If you havent done it already, create a folder at the root of your bbpress install called my-templates, copy front-page.php from bb-templates into my-templates. Edit front-page.php in my-templates, go to around line 44 and you will find the “Sticky” text, change it there.

    In reply to: Change URL address?



    Only gotchas I can see would be in the content of the posts, if there are links from one post to another post within the forum. They will break.



    If I am not mistaken it looks like he already has an integration done. mjfiszman is that correct?

    If so how did you set this up? or are you doing this manually?

    If it is integrated (eg. calling bbpress functions on the wp page) did you try get_topic_posts()



    “Read More” is handled by a filter on post_text.

    Is this pluginable, or something that can be done via templates in my-templates?

    The RSS feeds display topics instead of posts. This involves the bb_rss.php_pre_db hook, the $bb_db_override global, and some voodoo.

    Nice to know, this helps solve some issues I have on a site design I am working on.



    thats exactly what I was refering to. I should have put in the link.



    err, change that.

    It installs great, and the buttons click. But thats it. It isnt updating the code, inserting images, links, etc. On images and links it does bring up the window to enter the address / location but nothing is inserted into the post.

    I checked the header and the javascript is loaded, and in the correct location.




    I had been hopeing someone would do this. Works great.




    Theere is this,


    it might be a little old, but I think it is relevant. MediaWiki / WP /bbPress

    In reply to: wpmu bbpress issues



    Did you put your .htaccess in your bbpress install?

    If not doing that might solve your problem, if you cannot login to generate a htaccess check out this thread and grab the multiviews htaccess




    You could put

    <?php search_form( $q ); ?>

    into your header.php

    You can also make a custom search form, and place it in the header.

    In reply to: Comments in WordPress



    Agreed, this would be a great idea. What a great way to combine a blogging community and forum users into one discussion.

    I dont have time right now but in a couple of weeks I will poke around with this, incase nobody else has.

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?




    this worked right out of the box.

    FYI, when installing this you should, if you havnt already, copy the edit-form.php and post-form.php to “my-templates” before you edit them.

    Hopefully we can find someone to help with a bbPress version of “comment quicktags”.



    On one of my installs I can use the .htaccess created by bbPress, BUT, I also get the 500 internal server error with the tags. I have the above correction in place and I still get the 500 internal server error.

    Multiviews still works just fine though.

    In reply to: Can’t Login!



    Yeah, that was a little confusing. Thanks for clarifying.

    FYI, I just recieved an email from the bbpress dev mailing list about this being updated. It is now less confusing on the config sample to.

    In reply to: Can’t Login!



    When I use this option

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.

    Set it to true, and use my prefix, I am running into this error:

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate' AND SUBSTRING_INDEX( user_pass, '---', 1 ) = '*****[moderated]*****'

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate'

    Even if I intentionally put the wrong db prefix, it still gives this same error.

    But as long as I use keep using the old integration code in the config file

    // use the WP user table for your bbpress user list

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    the login works just fine.

    In reply to: Freshness?



    As far as I know.. No.

    Just try setting the time one direction or the other + or – until you find your setting.

    Not much of an answer but I had to do that a while ago then all was right.

    In reply to: Freshness?



    In your config file set the time, according to your time zone, time zone of your server, or whatever time you wish it to display.

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;



    Its becuase I switched back to Multiviews.

    I was giving the other a try, but until I can get it to work I will stick with multiviews.



    I gave this a try “bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php”, and it did not work. I get an “Internal Server” error.

    The multi views I posted earlier works with no problems. Any suggestions?



    This is what I am using

    # BEGIN BBPress

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteBase /location_of_install/

    Options +MultiViews


    # END BBPress

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