chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Forum already exists



    If this is an existing forum and you don’t want to lose everything then DON’T drop the tables. What happened on the upgrade that caused you to reinstall? Do you have a backup of the database before the upgrade?

    In reply to: Forum already exists



    You need to drop all the bbpress tables from the database and reinstall. Read from here down in this thread:

    In reply to: Support and bbPress



    There was lots of discussion of BuddyPress at the first IRC meetup:

    2009-12-09 Meetup

    I don’t think anything is decided, but you can kind of see where things were taking shape there.



    Sounds like you’re not the keymaster at the forums, so you won’t have an Admin link and won’t be able to access bb-admin.

    Try clearing all your cookies or a totally new browser, and just log in to bbPress, not WordPress, and see if it works.

    In reply to: Support and bbPress



    Yes, 2100 GMT on Wednesday:

    meetup on IRC at 2100 GMT on Wednesdays

    That’s 3:00 PM in Chicago. You can visit this site with a browser, no other software required:



    Seems like the plugin from Nightgunner5 would be a good place to start. The functionality is there, just remove the parts you don’t need, then instead of moderating the post, return a message that they need to post more content. You’ll be using less than this plugin provides.



    I’ll bite. Here’s an ugly example:

    You can style it however you want.

    In reply to: cannot access install



    You should not need to do anything strange at all. Just unzip the software and access the directory with a web browser and the installation should start. If that’s not your experience, something is wrong.

    Are you on a Windows server?



    I just opened ticket #1233 at trac, before I read these actually.



    The svn is just short for “subversion” which is version control software you can use for checking out code. It’s still a domain: it’s perfectly safe. Just a subdomain.

    In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?





    Sorry that should have been directed at citizenkeith:

    “_ck_’s bbpress signatures and BBcode Buttons Toolbar plugins”

    I just wanted to look at those two plugins and didn’t really feel like searching for them.



    Here is a list of the tables that are created in 1.0. Here I changed the table prefix from bb_ to bbpress_:

    Those are the tables that need to be dropped to start the installation over. You don’t need to delete any files at all.



    No, you delete all the database tables that have the prefix of bb_. You’re not deleting the files in the filesystem at all. Database tables, not files. The installer checks for those tables, and if they’re present, it suggests you upgrade instead of install. If you remove the tables, bbPress will continue with the installer.



    Michael, do you have links to both plugins you’re using so I can download them and take a look?



    If you change the url manually in the browser address bar, can you access the admin? If it redirects again to /pub/pub/, check your .htaccess rewrite rules.



    Just a quick note: mod_deflate is present on Apache 2.* series web servers, Apache 1.3.* uses mod_gzip. Thank you for the informative post, Милан Динић.



    You run that SQL query from something like phpMyAdmin, something that has access to your database and allows you to run SQL queries.



    You could also have the plugin auto-load by putting an underscore in front of the plugin file name. So, if this plugin file is named:


    rename it to:


    ^ and see if it works. If it does not, just delete the file and load the forums again.



    I would recommend dropping the bb_ tables from the database, and try installing again at the URL you provided. That error occurs when there are old bb_ database tables in the database. If you changed the bb_ table prefix, then just drop the tables with that prefix. Then complete the installation again.



    No, I was just pointing out what the lead developer of BuddyPress said about it. I don’t believe it’s in a packaged release, it’s in ‘trunk’ which is sometimes unstable. It would be worth watching the BuddyPress releases to see when it’s available for single WordPress in a stable form. It’s coming.



    You can’t call a WordPress function (or even a function in a WordPress plugin) without doing deep integration between WordPress and bbPress. Normally, someone would create similar functionality in a bbPress plugin so you can use that instead of trying to call the WordPress plugin:

    How about this bbPress plugin from Gautam Gupta:



    604 is a weird permission. That’s:

    owner: read/write

    group: nothing

    everyong: read

    My guess is that you’re the owner and only the 6 here matters. You could probably use 0600 and it would work (assuming you ARE the owner.) I can’t even see how the 0 would matter, since everyone can read, but not if you’re in the group. Makes no sense.

    Anyway, so long as the directory is 0755, you’ll be able to get into the directory.



    “My Mom’s on Facebook” music video:

    Some language probably NSFW or kids.



    tonicarr, have you seen this re: WordPress single and BuddyPress?

    Single WordPress support in BuddyPress trunk is already quite stable. Who’s tried the latest?

    Also, _ck_ is female.

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