Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    OK, I had no problem registering for your site and creating a topic and a reply to my topic.

    also created a topic and reply via the top wp admin bar:

    *Hope you don’t mind my creating the topic, but seemed best way to test it out.

    As far as I can see everything is working perfectly.


    One thing I would consider adding is a plugin by JJ

    This will remove the ability to create topics and replies via the top wp admin bar for all users except the super admin.

    I am guessing that you are using the wordpress backend to create topics and replies (the screen that looks like the create posts).

    Really even though you can do it that way, you are more supposed to create topics and replies on the front end of the website. It is confusing to users to click on the top admin bar and go to the wordpress backend to create topics and replies. That little plugin removes that.


    I can say that your forums are working correctly. To make things easier to understand install that plugin I listed so that your users can’t see the top admin bar to create topics and replies. They will then see the forums as more what they would expect.

    Hope the info helps and best of luck

    ****Please delete my account on your site, go in and delete user****





    I don’t have a lot of time to really dig through everything. I read through your old posts, and frankly I don’t know what the problems are. There really isn’t any true dedicated support for these forums. I pretty much just take a peek in here a few times a week and try to give some quick answers to what I think I can help with.

    I would suggest watching the video:

    Beyond that, from what I am reading, you really may need to hire a developer to get everything straightened out. I wish you luck.




    Ok, any user can add tags to a topic, that is normal. I am talking with JJ about how he changed the info box who started the topic date though. Probably a bug, but this is a really old 1x forum setup anyhow. I know JJ is going to switch these forums to the new 2x when he gets the time someday.

    I answered your topic, but really need more info to even attempt to help



    Not enough information provided for us to really help.

    I would start by using the twentyten default theme and see if everything is working correctly when everything is setup pretty much out of the box.

    If it does not work, then a detailed listing of the exact steps you took through install to where you are now would help. Also a link would be needed to at least have a clue of what is happening.

    In reply to: Warning: sprintf()



    Never seen this error myself. Would need a whole lot more information like when and where it happens. What you do in order to cause it to happen etc.

    What theme are you using, basically the more information and a link would at least give us a chance of helping out.



    It’s a custom theme built for the old 1x version of bbpress. It was never released.



    what is the link to the topic you are talking about?

    I’m not sure how, but maybe we can go through the backend and check the edits to see how someone took control over your topic…



    Yeah, the documentation is way out of date. What you are seeing is the docs to the old standalone 1x vs. of bbPress. There are a couple of sticky threads in the forums that will help to describe how to utilize the new 2x branch. Also you can find pointers throughout the forums. At the moment I don’t think there are any ‘real’ docs about 2x yet.




    Not currently possible out of the box. I have yet to see a ‘per forum’ permission setup which is what would be required to do this.



    Sounds like you might be reading the docs for the old 1x system?

    bbPress 2.0 does not have an admin panel as it does not need one, being a native WordPress plugin and all.




    Alex is out of the office for the weekend. I’ll ask him on Monday and report back. I talked to him on Wednesday and he said he was working on a new vs. but I did not ask what was being added.

    *I do know that he offers custom created systems if you need it right away. There is a contact form on the bbconverter site to reach him directly.




    Sorry I don’t know Chris personally so no special contact info. I would simply post the question on his support forums, and maybe send him a twitter message.

    As kristarella is already working on a solution I am guessing that means there are a few people asking about bbpress support in his forums already.



    That is exactly why I mentioned the widget file. If you look closely at the code you will see that the widget code actually does use the wordpress loop.

    Check out line 542 where the arguments for the loop are set followed by a standard WordPress loop format. While the terminology is a little different, the concept of bbPress loops and WordPress loops is exactly the same.



    It will continue to be maintained into the foreseeable future but is feature frozen, meaning no new features will get put in.



    the bbPress plugin comes with 2 widgets already. You can have both the most recent topics and most recent replies, plus a few others.

    If you are trying to build a custom widget, then look at the bbPress widget code file to see how it is done. It will help a lot.



    I am not running any plugins.

    I just setup a brand new install and after adding a couple of topics with a tag everything was fine. The counts were proper.

    Then after I think it was the 3rd topic that I added a tag to the problem started happening again. I did nothing out of the normal.

    At first I was thinking that maybe I would troubleshoot it by going one topic at a time and adding tags to see where the issue comes up at. However after it happened again today on a completely virgin setup, I give up.

    I have been able to show JJ a number of sites now, around 5, where this happens. Some are totally virgin sites, some are using plugins, and some are using custom themes. As it happens to them all, I am not sure where the problem comes into play.

    I will try again to setup a brand new site and see if it happens again. I will focus entirely on just the tags issue to see where the problem starts happening. Other than that, I have no idea how to troubleshoot the problem.



    Did you ask Chris about the problem?

    As he is the author of Thesis, and a fantastic coder, I am sure that he has a simple solution.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 Post Sync?




    Yes you are correct. bbPress uses custom post types for ‘forum/topic/reply’ so there is a separation of data types.

    Mixing the output of posts, topics, and replies would require a straightforward custom WordPress loop. It would also probably need a bit of template love to make it look right.

    The idea of having a topic automatically created when a new post is created, or vice versa is another topic. Yes it is possible although I am not sure the best way to go about it.



    In order to add capabilities to a WordPress roll you need to use some type of capability manager plugin.

    Here are a few good ones:

    Any of the above plugins will allow you to add additional capabilities on a per role basis. All of them work well and it just comes down to which one you like the most.



    First thing I would try would be to activate the default twentyten theme and see if it works. If so, then it’s Genesis..

    If not, then try deactivating other plugins to see if it helps?



    Yeah, using 2.0

    You may have to click ‘edit’ on the topic, and then choose super-sticky. I don’t seem to remember an option in the stock theme to make it super-sticky from the topic view page.



    No, no need.. even with the plugin deactivated, which means it has no effect on your site, the formatting problem still exists with no paragraph breaks etc…

    There is currently nothing bbpress related showing up in the theme, so no idea why that stuff doesn’t work now, or is formatted wrong.



    I don’t see anything bbPress related in your theme. There is no bbpress.css stylesheet in the header, and the forums link goes to a 404 page.

    Did you actually install the new bbPress 2x plugin?



    The easiest way to fix this would be to modify your stylesheet css rules from your theme/child-theme.

    Remember that !important will override what bbPress is outputting. Without seeing your site, it’s hard to say much more than that.




    If i create a topic and make it super-sticky, then it shows up first in the list on every forum.


    Notice that in all 3 forums the ‘Introducing bbConverter…’ topic is on the top. All I did was edit the topic and choose super-sticky.


    your site 404 page does not have a sidebar, looks strange without one, easy to miss that

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