_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: New Theme: bb_modmat



    Nice first try, I’ve put it here so you can see some of the issues:


    One problem I noticed is your hard coded the feed icon image on several of the templates to point to your site – you’ll want to change that to the local image (calculate it based on the bb_get_option('uri') or use a CSS background image instead )

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    Wow I can’t believe you hand copied all those messages.

    There’s something weird about your server’s load.

    The first page takes a long time to respond. Then once you have a connection you can browse fairly smoothly until it stalls again. It’s not bbpress doing it because it happens on the other side too.

    ps. you are going to need the “allow images” plugin

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    There is at least one person I found via google who has done the simple:press conversion but they didn’t say how. I suspect it was the phpbb2 process.

    Any series of steps you do via phpmyadmin can be saved in sql code and made into a converter. Give me the sql commands and I’ll make you a script.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    If you are not on 2.6 yet, stay with 2.5 and install bbPress 0.9

    bbPress 1.0 is in ALPHA and not ready for active sites that use/need plugins. Many of my plugins have issues with 1.0 because of many internal changes.

    bbPress integration is easy and takes just a few minutes if you have a typical server and standard setup.

    There are a several large sites using bbPress (including WordPress.org) so it handles high traffic just fine.

    I’ve never heard of anyone converting from Simple:Press, you’ll have to search for it. If you can get it into PHPBB2 format, several people have converted from that.



    I turn off Akismet and just use Human Test to prevent bots from registering: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/human-test/

    You just never know when a user will improperly get “bozo-ed” and you might miss their messages entirely. In fact i turn off the bozo feature too, it’s never quite worked right.





    I’ve found another incompatibility

    in how “tags” are now “terms”.

    Any plugin that accesses tags directly will fail.

    Old plugins can be found by searching for “->tags”

    (without the quotes)

    So essentially there are two “dead” tables after upgrading from 0.9 to 1.0 “bb_topicmeta” and “bb_tags”. But I wouldn’t delete them until 1.0 is final/gold.



    Hidden Forums could be modified to require a password but it’s not something I’ll be doing anytime soon myself. Others are welcome to hack it of course.



    That’s another one of those silly things that got carried over from WordPress. The database limits it to 60 characters and the default template limits it to 30 characters but it’s still overly long.

    Fortunately in bbPress (unlike WordPress) the registration form is done in a template and not in the core, so the easiest way is just to modify the register.php template under my-templates (or copy it from bb-templates) and change the line that looks like this:

    <td><input name="user_login" type="text" id="user_login" size="30" maxlength="30" value="<?php if (1 != $user_login) echo $user_login; ?>" /></td>

    And instead of 30, make it the size limit you want.

    However people that are sneaky and bypass the registration form can still make it 60 characters (ie. spammers). But they will stick out, so you’ll notice it right away.

    This can be fixed via a plugin but it would be way too much code to justify the fix. The template method is best.



    “use display name” is notorious for causing disappearing forums and other behaviours though it could very well be another plugin.

    #1 rule for diagnosing a problem is to slowly turn off all plugins and see which one is causing it.

    A bigger problem is that a plugin could in theory even interfere with the creation of an account, permanently damaging it by not giving it the proper access rights to start with – that can only be observed by looking at the tables, ie. phpmyadmin.

    In reply to: Mass email function



    If you have a large number of members, this is a positively guaranteed way to get your server IP banned by most major email services like gmail, hotmail, yahoo and aol.



    You’re adding post_form() ?

    That’s not enough.

    Look inside post-form.php

    <label for="forum_id"><?php _e('Pick a section:'); ?>
    <?php bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown(); ?>

    In reply to: Where is ThemePress?



    For the record, ThemePress integrated theme for bbPress+WordPress can be found in the middle of this page:




    it’s probably a bit outdated because it was meant for version 0.8 but should still work with a few modifications (for example his instructions say “config.php” when it’s now “bb-config.php” and the plugins he recommends are no longer required and might actually make things not work)



    Sorry I posted some incorrect/incomplete info. Until recently, it was only possible to have one database with both the wordpress tables and bbpress tables shared inside.

    It’s now possible to force separate databases since 0.9

    However I recommend against separate databases unless you have some kind of weird configuration that demands it. It’s just more overhead, more configuration, more to backup and worry about. Some hosts even limit the number of databases you can have (though tables inside are not restricted).

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    If you know how to use SVN, the trunk is your best bet.

    There will likely be regular updates this month by Sam and MDA until it’s more polished.

    The only catch is there are still a few plugins that don’t work with 1.0 and you may not know what’s wrong until you fiddle a bit.

    Then again, if you are not integrating with WordPress, 0.9 should upgrade almost effortlessly to 1.0 when ready.



    In all methods of integration, they both have their own [databases] (correction, tables) and simply share the user table (and usermeta).



    Secret key is used to calculate the cookies for password security. If you changed it, it just would mean everyone has to log in again, even if they did it just the moment before you changed it.

    That should be the only effect.

    Worst case senario that I can imagine is that people would find they can’t log in until they clear their cookies for your site. Should not happen in theory.



    Not necessarily. The don’t escape backtick which in PHP can sometimes indicate a shell. There may be some kind of condition where it’s being parsed incorrectly. I suggested they take backticks out of the api but I guess they don’t agree.



    Where did you originally generate the keys, from the WordPress random url? I’ll report that bug to them if that’s where you got them from.

    In reply to: Creative Commons T&C



    See the FAQ for some suggested URLs:


    The problem is legal TOS has to be adjusted per site.

    this is the most obvious “free” one but it has to be adapted:




    Other people have done this successfully.

    I suspect one of the three keys in the config files or the secret key in the database are not in sync between the two.



    You can fix this if you have phpmyadmin.

    Do you have it?

    go into your bb_usermeta (or wp_usermeta)

    and find that last administrator you made, it will look like:

    bb_capabilities a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}

    and just change the meta_value to


    user_id meta_key meta_value



    You want WordPress for that, not bbPress.

    There’s no need for that in forum software.



    The search box is not hard coded in the core, it’s only in the template – it won’t be forced on other templates.

    Just look in header.php

    <?php login_form(); ?>
    <div class="search">
    <?php search_form(); ?>

    The three “search” lines can be removed or just comment out this:

    <?php // search_form(); ?>

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    Yes, 1.0 alpha is required to integrate with WordPress 2.6

    bbpress 0.9 <-> WordPress 2.5.x

    bbPress 1.0 <-> WordPress 2.6.x

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