_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    The average user of IE is not going to know to throw it into compatibility mode.



    There are settings that stay in the database.

    For example the “WordPress database secret” is stored in your database settings and would be changed when you restored the db. That will completely affect cookies.

    So double check that it’s still same in WP and bbPress after you restore.



    Mods don’t have the ability to delete users here, only admin.

    Sometimes people reply several times if they are getting flagged as spam because they never see their message and don’t know what is going on. They also may be set to bozo mode accidentally and not know it.

    Sometimes there is also server lag because of how Automattic does mysql replication. You may post to one server and then the page refresh comes back from another server that has not gotten the posts yet in it’s mysql table.

    ashwaag was a strange user indeed, probably a bot in testing, the posts were copies of other people’s posts. One of them was even a post of mine that they just copied. Weird.



    If you are on a host with a menu based system like Cpanel or Plesk they usually have an option to password protect a directory. You can use that to protect your bbpress forum install (and wordpress) and that way it will be impossible to access for anyone except you.

    There is a bbpress plugin that forces login to be required to see the forum so you could install that and even if anyone found it, they would only see a login.



    If you login on the wordpress side does bbPress see the user logged in?

    If not, the cookie hash has probably changed and might need to be forced on both sides.

    This is simple integration right, not full/deep integration?



    You can run it on a local windows machine by using xampp


    But if you have no technical experience at all, it might require some patience and learning.



    Region is determined by a combination of tld, declared character set, and server ip location. Even with all that, sometimes it’s impossible to figure out automatically what the target audience is, hence the “???” I’m still improving the routine.

    Let’s just say I have a new found respect for Google – I think they must look at whois info for the domain owner registration. I don’t quite have the resources to mimic that yet.

    906 isn’t too shabby considering how many sites there are now.

    I like how you replaced “sticky” with a nifty little icon.



    For those that like technical statistics:

    * PHP Popularity

    5.2.x : 62%

    5.1.x : 5%

    4.4.x : 15%

    4.3.x : 2%

    * Server Popularity

    Apache/2.x : 56%

    Apache : 24% (unknown version)

    Apache/1.3 : 11%

    Microsoft-IIs : 3%

    Litespeed : 1%

    Lighttpd : 0.5%

    Nginx : 0.5%

    * bbPress Popularity

    1.0a6 : 5%

    1.0 ? : 5% (1.0 using pre-a6)

    0.9.x : 52%

    0.8.x : 35% (this is likely wrong, it includes 0.8 installs that upgraded to 0.9)



    There are now three bbPress forums with over a million posts, the leader being Simon and Schuster’s site which appeared so suddenly that I suspect they must have imported their content from another forum that already existed for some time.

    Here are some other ranges by number of posts:

    1,000,000 + 	 	3
    100,000 - 499,999 11
    50,000 - 99,999 22
    10,000 - 49,999 70+
    5,000 - 9,999 70+
    1,000 - 4,999 300+
    100 - 999 1000+

    bbPress is being used in nearly 90 countries/regions.

    Here are the top 50 in order of highest use.

    (note that as we get lower in the list, the higher the chance of inaccuracy,

    some countries/languages are hard to detect)

    1. United States
    2. Germany
    3. Russian Federation
    4. Spain
    5. United Kingdom
    6. Italy
    7. France
    8. Turkey
    9. Canada
    10. Netherlands
    11. Sweden
    12. Denmark
    13. China
    14. Japan
    15. Brazil
    16. Europe
    17. Romania
    18. Poland
    19. Australia
    20. Norway
    21. India
    22. Argentina
    23. Ukraine
    24. Czech Republic
    25. Belgium
    26. Switzerland
    27. Finland
    28. Austria
    29. Indonesia
    30. Hungary
    31. Bulgaria
    32. Montenegro
    33. Iran
    34. Saudi Arabia
    35. Ireland
    36. Chile
    37. Latvia
    38. Niue
    39. Portugal
    40. South Africa
    41. Israel
    42. New Zealand
    43. Greece
    44. Malaysia
    45. Slovakia
    46. Lithuania
    47. Mexico
    48. Thailand
    49. Serbia
    50. Singapore



    IE8 breaks some rendering on some themes.

    If it works in IE7 however, this mini-pluging will make it work again.

    Microsoft is starting a semi-forced IE8 upgrade tomorrow via Automatic Updates.


    Most novices will be too scared NOT to install it so the number of IE8 users will grow exponentially this week.



    Here’s a mini-plugin that will allow higher roles to skip akismet, if you turn the throttle bypass on for any member, they will also bypass akismet with this:


    Plugin Name: Skip Akismet
    Description: Allow moderators, admin and specified roles to bypass Akismet filter
    Author: _ck_

    // add any other custom roles to this list


    function skip_akismet() {
    global $bb_current_user,$bbdb;
    if (empty($bb_current_user->ID)) {return;}
    if (in_array($role,$skip_akismet) || bb_current_user_can('throttle') || bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    remove_action( 'pre_post', 'bb_ksd_check_post', 1 );
    remove_filter( 'bb_new_post', 'bb_ksd_new_post' );
    remove_filter( 'pre_post_status', 'bb_ksd_pre_post_status' );




    ah it needs the topic id, sorry, try this

    <?php  remove_action('topicmeta','bb_polls_pre_poll',200); bb_polls_pre_poll($topic_id); ?>



    Very nice clean layout, I like it alot.

    The poll puts itself by default wherever the topicmeta is, however you can change that. Just a guess, untested, try putting this near the top of your topic.php template:

    <?php  remove_action('topicmeta','bb_polls_pre_poll',200); bb_polls_pre_poll(); ?>



    Unfortunately all Graham/Bayesian algorithms are doomed to fail, spammers have learned how to defeat even the best of them.

    The best way to detect is counting the number of links in a post (in html or plain text) and holding any messages with more than 3. Of course they will adopt after many sites start doing that.

    I am working on an advanced module for Human Test that will also check these databases, though some require membership:







    Bot Scout


    It’s too “expensive” (in time and connections) however to check all of them on an active site for each post, so I’ll probably limit it to just registration, and maybe the first few posts a member makes.



    I have now fixed the Approve Registration plugin for bbPress 1.0a

    as well as another bug it had with resetting passwords upon approval.

    (it might also now work again with bbPress, untested)




    There isn’t any site “larger than recommended” for bbPress ;-)

    There is a bbPress site with nearly 2 million posts and another with 8 million users, so there aren’t any limits.

    I’ll look at the approve plugin and see how hard it is to make work with 1.6



    If it’s happening here, I bet it’s happening on wordpress.org too so hopefully they will get to the bottom of it. I suspect spammers must have clogged up their algorithms with lots of garbage on purpose, causing lots of false positives.



    A fixed list of avatars would be easy to do, you just upload them yourself into a folder you decide and then have php do a glob of the files in that directory and present them to the member as a form with a radio select. Whatever they chose gets written by name to the user metadata.

    Then you just need simple code in the display post template to show their chosen avatar.

    It would be much safer and faster than other avatar methods.



    Glad to see you got it going, even the menu links are there now, nice job.

    Fairly impressive for someone who didn’t know any html or php, etc.



    I’ve hardcoded it in the javascript.

    edit it and change

    function edOver(element) {element.style.color="#000080"; element.style.backgroundColor="#ddd";}
    function edOut(element) {element.style.color="#000000"; element.style.backgroundColor="buttonface";}

    to whatever color you’d like



    Sorry about that but that’s yet another example why I keep telling people not to use the alpha on live sites.



    Try my related topics plugin until someone writes an auto-tagger.



    Merlin that code looks vaguely familiar ;-)




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