Available immediately is bbPress 2.4.1. This version of bbPress fixes seven bugs with bbPress 2.4:

  • Fix forum status saving. (#2408)
  • Fix widget settings saving. (#2319)
  • Fix custom wp_title compatibility. (#2405)
  • Fix search results custom permalink compatibility. (#2441)
  • Fix custom user topics & replies pages. (#2448)
  • Fix hierarchical reply handling in converter. (#2439)

Go download bbPress 2.4.1 now!

For a more detailed log of changes, check out the 2.4.1 milestone in trac.

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  • FreeWPress


    I’m first!!.. Provide to upgrade now!!

    Nashwan D


    I was waiting for it.. Thank you all ๐Ÿ™‚






    hello. Im using BBPress 2.4.1
    1.Please tell me how can I customize the email sent to the user at the time of registration.

    2. Also could you tell me how can i hide the admin toolbar when the user logs in. multiple users can regsiter, so I dont want to hide the admin tool bar manually for all of them. is there a way to do it once and for all ? ..

    thank you



    Hi guys, ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks for all the incredible work you do on BBPress!

    I’m using WordPress 3.6.1, BuddyPress 1.8.1 and BBPress 2.4.1

    The page titles for wordpress and buddypress have been fixed.

    However, BBPress has completely stopped interacting with Buddypress. By this I mean no new topics, posts, mentions or any action made by my members in BBPress are showing in their profile activity or in the ‘Notifications’ section of the WP admin bar.

    I’ve also added this code to a base ‘Forum’ page:

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-topic' ); ?>
    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/form', 'topic' ); ?>

    And in the topic section the ‘Forum’ select field has ‘No forum’ as the default selection. Rather than taking the first forum as the default as in BBPress 2.3.2.




    Hi Jhon james.. I just followed your video tutor bbpress on youtube, maybe I have missing html if possible check my setting plss http://new3dline.com/forums/ how resolve the code?
    Thk you

    Vitor Moya


    Hi Guys,

    I’m using WordPress 3.6.1 and BBpress 2.4.1 , but i having the same problem after installing and unistaling the BBpress plugin. I can’t create topics and a message “Error : Are You Sure you want to do this?” appears, please someone give me a solution for this



    i have bbpress forum i am using wordpress 3.6 i have install and follow all step final the when all open form page all forum display on my page but when i click any form title there is this error “Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Post’ not found in /home/rm1969/public_html/silverandbluereport.com/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/theme-compat.php on line 375”

    i am waiting for answer



    I have also problem with bbpress 2.4.1. When i open forum page and go to the forum topic in the line of breadcrumbs appears this message.

    Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in…wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/forums/template.php on line 1878

    Please help..



    where are you all i have problem please help me i am using bbpress 2.4.1 i am using wordpress 3.6 i have install and follow all step final the when all open form page all forum display on my page but when i click any form title there is this error โ€œFatal error: Class โ€˜WP_Postโ€™ not found in /home/rm1969/public_html/silverandbluereport.com/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/theme-compat.php on line 375โ€ณ



    My users have lost their edit button (bbp-topic-edit) during the move to 2.4.1 (admins can still see the edit link)…



    Guys, I have been a WordPress user for a couple of years, but just beginning to work out bbpress. It looks great (thanks!) but I’m finding a few difficulties working out a few things.

    I want to suggest that you enlarge the Codex slightly to assist new users, with a section titled something like “Some common issues”. It could include your recommendations and suggestions on the following:

    Getting sidebars the way you want them:
    Outline the various common problems and the recommended approaches/plugins to solving them (there are many threads on this, not all resolved):

    • remove all sidebars
    • Get the same sidebars as your blog
    • Different sidebar to blog

    Do we need a special CSS or can we use the CSS from the blog?

    Features of most forums
    Most forums have features that it is sometimes hard for newbies to find the right way to get them, so giving us some good advice would really help:

    • List of forums in sidebar
    • List of recent posts in sidebar
    • Login/register box
    • HTML/BBCode buttons – is a separate plugin useful?
    • Admin & moderation

    I know you probably don’t want to favour some plugins over others, but giving us your best advice, and maybe listing a couple of alternatives, would be very helpful.


    @unklee Thnaks for your feedback, all great ideas and it is just really a time issue, our 9-5 day jobs get in the way of spending more time with bbPress ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Anyone with a WordPress/bbPress/BuddyPress username & password can edit and update the codex so we may not mention this fact as often as we should and are extremely grateful when new contributions occur.

    Just go to https://codex.bbpress.org/ and click ‘login’ and have at it ๐Ÿ™‚



    Hi Stephen, I understand you have many things to do and mostly in your “spare time”, but I think some documentation like this would reduce the number of questions and promote the product.

    I don’t know enough yet to write anything, but if/when I resolve my problems, I might give it a go. I am sorry to see that people don’t always come back to the thread they started with a question when they have the answer, to tell us what they worked out, so I had already planned to do that.

    Thanks for your response.

    @netweb I can’t get my forums index to look like yours. Help?



    Awesome I get answer for this help.



    Hi Guys,

    Iโ€™m using WordPress 3.6.1 with forum BBpress 2.3.
    I want to move to 2.4.1, but my BBpress can’t see new version.
    How i can upgrade it and don’t kill my forum?



    come here to see…



    I am having a problem with the latest version. My Forum content is not showing.
    I am hoping for your kind response. Thanks.



    Tried downloading bbpress 2.4.1 on a new wp site that is on 3.7.1, plug-in failed to work after activation.




    I am experiencing the same problem with WordPress 3.7.1 and bbpress 2.4.1. New installations, but can’t activate the plugin. It says ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.’

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