you can report things on TRAC…
current tickets :
Already building this into my site, fixing stuff and adding things I like. Great stuff guys!
not a production site I hope.
I wanted to throw this link out to you all, it’s the Justin Tadlock’s Forum Plugin For WP thread where Justin chimed in on a few things about what he’s done, and where he’d like to see bbPress (Plugin) go and whatnot! 
The only other thing I want to say right now is that I read on IRC that JJJ will have an official demo site up and running on very soon, where I’m hpoing we can join/login to and try and break stuff, so it’ll obviously run the latest development copy?
The adove (^^) is just so JJJ doesn’t forget about it!
@ Rich
Not at the moment and the deadline is still far away. But the plugin already works like a charm and since its in the early development stage, I can tweak it anyway I want it.
@Willabee – Would love to see what you come up with.
The deadline is still far away, I think so too.
Lots of updates and rearranging today.
If you’re running on an SVN check-out you’ll want to SVN up. If you’re running on a zip download, you’ll want to deactivate the bbPress plugin, delete your /wp-plugins/bbpress/ directory, replace everything, and reactivate the plugin *in that order*
A first pass at WordPress capability support is now included, so that will cause issues if you don’t deactivate/reactivate.
Going to work on topic and reply count functions next.
K thanks for the update, I’ll update the demo later on.
I’ve updated things, but it’s caused an issue.
After sorting out the first issue.. I appear to have lost access to the admin menu.
JohnJamesJacoby: Lots of updates and rearranging today. If you’re running on an SVN check-out you’ll want to SVN up.
I’d spotted most of the changes going in, things are looking good, and my local copy works great and as expected (I’ll post a slight issue on Trac to do with the Child Theme not being in the /themes/ directory though!)
Rich Pedley: […] I appear to have lost access to the admin menu.
There is #1357 on Trac opened up a few hours ago now which would appear to report the same issue, although I’m a little puzzled, cause I don’t recall ever seeing anything other than the Forums, Topics, and Replies CPT items in the menu? — Have I missed something that needs looked into?
Hmmm, I’ve deleted and re-uploaded all the files, however I am now not able to create new forums or see any options for the forum. Unless this was removed and has not been implemented yet.
Originally I was able to as I could see Forusm, Topics and Replies menu. Have I missed something?
You’ll also need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin, since the capabilities are added and removed on plugin activation and deactivation. Until then, you’ll have some strange issues. I’ve edited my original update to reflect this.
‘Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbp_get_topic_author() in /wp-content/themes/bbp-twentyten/loop-bbp_topics.php on line 36’
Is the New Topic form supposed to be in the sidebar? I noticed that the reply form is fine… right underneath the current posts, as expected.
Here’s a screen capture of my test install:
already reported, and it appears to be Firefox specific.
Form offset should be fixed.
@DKB – Sounds like you’re missing a file somewhere, or your svn up didn’t finish.
Same issue here – the whole Forum section is gone from the Admin menu.
@JJJ I uploaded as a zip.
Did you have a previous version installed? if so delete all files and re-upload and it should fix it. (do a deactivate/reactivate)
Still no admin area. I’ve deactivated/reactivated a number of times. I’ve even deleted all the files and re-uploaded it and deactivated/reactivated. Still no enjoy. I’m using the latest SVN for testing purposes and downloaded the zip
I have downloaded the latest version of this plugin and placed it inside the /wp-content/plugins/ folder but it doesn’t show up in the Plugins area of WP-Admin and therefore I can’t activate it! Does it need activating somewhere else?
bbPress isn’t a WordPress plugin. It’s a standalone software.