ok, so if you can’t the fields, that means they aren’t being saved.
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
ok, so can you (as a test) take out the Forum no.s from all fields in the settings, so we eliminate forum restrictions from the display part
Ok I see what is happening. In your plugin on the custom fields tab you have an example image of what the forum topic would look like with the custom fields which is exactly how I would like it but the custom field content is not showing at all once the topic has been posted.
Example in the plugin – https://geekdimm.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/example-01.jpg
My result – https://geekdimm.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/example-02.jpg
Thank you so much for your assistance so far 🙂
On another note, I think I may have found a bug as well. While problem solving this issue I created new custom fields and tried to apply them to another forum via the ID. I then tested those fields on submitting a new topic but it gave an error that not all the required fields were completed and was referring to the original custom fields I created for the review forum.
Hi Folks,
I’m setting up a training website for a small company. The site consists of posted training materials and a BBPress user forum. I’ve noticed that when I update the production site from our development site the posts in the forum on the production site are overwritten. After each upgrade the forum in production only contains the test posts made in the development environment.
As far as I can tell this is because both the training pages and the BBPress forum are stored in the ‘wp_posts’ database. I’ve tested migrating all database tables except ‘wp_posts’ and confirmed that the forum is not overwritten, unfortunately, neither is the training content on other pages. Is there anyway to migrate page content from the development environment to the production environment without overriding user posts in the forum?
(BBPress version 2.6.9)
(WordPress site supported via WPEngine)
Thank you for you help!
if it is, you can test by deactivating style pack
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
function restrict_bbpress_topic_creation() {
// VĂ©rifier si l’utilisateur est sur une page de crĂ©ation de sujet
if ( bbp_is_topic_create() ) {
// VĂ©rifier si l’utilisateur est un administrateur
if ( !current_user_can( ‘administrator’ ) ) {
// Rediriger l’utilisateur vers la page d’accueil du forum
wp_redirect( bbp_get_forum_url() );
add_action( ‘template_redirect’, ‘restrict_bbpress_topic_creation’ );
Ce script vĂ©rifie si l’utilisateur essaie de crĂ©er un nouveau sujet et le redirige vers la page d’accueil du forum s’il n’est pas administrateur. Ajoute ce code dans ton fichier functions.php et teste pour t’assurer que ça fonctionne comme prĂ©vu.
I’m in testing phase, but will need one more day.
It will go as a solution in the next update of my style pack plugin, which I’ll release as soon as I’ve done.
site became reachable after 5 minutes I continue the test
as a quick test, can you try
install https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/
and add this code
function rew_astra_bbpress_fix ($value) {
if (bbp_is_single_user()) return false ;
if (bbp_is_search()) return false ;
if (bbp_is_topic_tag()) return false ;
if (bbp_is_single_view()) return false ;
return $value ;
add_filter ('astra_single_layout_one_banner_visibility', 'rew_astra_bbpress_fix', 50) ;
Hi my website is https://bailleursre.fr
This is a test version on a production domain so you can register and post on the forum and go back to see your profile this should replicate the issue
No I am not using any child theme.
I know how to use FTP what do you want me to do ?
untested, but possibly
function add_signature_to_post($topic_id=0) {
$content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $topic_id );
$signature = '';
if (isset($_POST) && $_POST['bbp_signature']!='')
$signature = $_POST['bbp_signature'];
$content = $content . $signature;
$topic_data = array(
'ID' => $topic_id,
'post_content' => $content
// update topic
$topic_id = wp_update_post( $topic_data);
add_action('bbp_new_topic', 'add_signature_to_post', 10, 1);
add_action('bbp_new_reply', 'add_signature_to_post', 10, 1);
Hi all, I have done plugin conflicting test on my site but couldn’t find the cause of the issue. Can anyone help to solve it or guide me on this?
Hi, I enable both full visual and text editors in my forum using bbp Style Pack. I found that the colour picker for text doesn’t work for every post I tested.
To better describe the issue, pls see screenshots below:
Before submission:
After submission:
It seems that the html code for text colour is not sent after submission.
We’re getting strange PHP Error messages relating to forum posts that don’t exist like this one. Should we be concerned?
Many thanks
WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘8702-67865’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO ggx_gdbbx_tracker
, topic_id
, forum_id
, reply_id
, latest
) VALUES (8702, ‘67865’, ‘11504’, ‘72638’, ‘2024-05-15 06:40:25’) made by require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), apply_filters(‘template_include’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bbp_template_include, apply_filters(‘bbp_template_include’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bbp_template_include_theme_compat, BBP_Shortcodes->display_topic, bbp_get_template_part, bbp_locate_template, load_template, require(‘/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/content-single-topic.php’), do_action(‘bbp_template_after_single_topic’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Dev4Press\Plugin\GDBBX\Features\ActivityTracking->latest_users_topic, Dev4Press\Plugin\GDBBX\Database\Main->track_topic_visit, Dev4Press\v47\Core\Plugins\DBLite->__call, call_user_func_array
The bbp_get_all_child_ids()
function in bbpress/includes/common/functions.php
is returning Trashed posts, which should objectively not be the case. There’s no world in which trashed posts should appear unless someone is intentionally digging in the trash.
Line 1997 is currently this:
$not_in = array( 'draft', 'future' );
It should be this instead:
$not_in = array( 'draft', 'future', 'trash' );
I have tested that as a manual change, but obviously, this needs to be bbpress’ default behavior, not my locally-hacked override.
Alternatively, you could add a third argument for overrides, but I think this is just an oversight.
Thank you.
I have not tested it with that plugin, so cannot say
Thanks–I already had bbp style pack installed.
Did some more testing and ended up also installing “bbPress Notify (No Spam)”.
When I had the bbPress Notify plugin override the subscription to forums & replies settings, the emails are now sending as expected.
Appreciate the help!
I just sent a test email from Check & log email and successfully received it
that line of code is related to the replies widget – as a test try disabling that widget and see if it makes a difference
so does sending a test email from Check & log email (nothing logged in tests) work?
I’m having the same issue with notifications of replies and new topics not being sent by email.
Plugins installed:
Simple WordPress Membership
bbp style pack (notifications enabled)
bbPress Members Only (forum set to members only with all other pages visible)
bbPress Notify (No Spam)
Check & log email (nothing logged in tests)
Code Snippets (original code above added)
Easy WP SMTP (confirmed that other emails are sending successfully, eg notification of new member registrations via Simple Membership)
WP Notification Bell (new replies ARE showing up here)
I’ve run tests with replies and new topics for a test user subscribed to everything (and directly to the topic used to test replies), and am still not getting any emails. Have, of course, checked the spam folder.
I’d appreciate any suggestions for troubleshooting.
Thank you!
Just to let you know that I did not see any change:
I configured point 6.
[Academia Astrologia Avanzada MB]{forum_name}
and I got the following notificaton email
Academia Astrologia Avanzada MB New Topic Alert: test 8
The forum name is missing
We actually have solved this issue now.
It turns out that the affected Forum was set to only have Keymaster in “Ultimate Member” Permissions!
So we’ve now rectified that and everything is working as it should do.
However the only discrepancy is that when we created test participant accounts that did not have the “Keymaster” permissions, we were able to reply, as could another end user account that had only “participant” permissions.
So in short, we’ve solved the issue but there appears to be a bit of strange grey area here where some users can still reply despite not having the permissions to.
Ok, so because we’ve not been able to replicate the issue with test accounts et al. We think that if we delete the end user’s account and then remake the account this will rectify the issue. As we’re aware that the user may already have content that they’ve created under their account we want to migrate that to a dummy account while we’re putting in place the deletion so we can then migrate it back to their “new” account and thus cause little to no disruption for them. We just wanted to check that if bbpress content is in this equation, that this content type does also get re-allocated like any other WP content types.