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  • siparker

    @consultjoseph I think this is down to the id not being available.

    We are trying various dfifferent ways of doign this now with different url structures. Once we have a solution we will release it as part of the Coffeeblack BBpress extended plugin.

    the default code still works for search engine friendly urls but there are a load of other bits i am working on too. like auto setup of urls to match default vbulletin, default kunena, default phpbb and so on. so you can just choose the format from the admin side and it will just work.

    Also looking at a sensible way to auto redirect all old urls to the new ones. Which is a harder propsective change but nonetheless it should be done so this solution can work for everyone.


    Hi Stephen. I then set up a new WordPress install with only the bbPress 2.6 alpha plugin installed and did my import. Everything seems fine and the forums work great except for the login. I’ve tested this with a user I can log in to the PHPBB site with but it won’t let me in to the WP site at all. I can see the user in the WP Users list and it has the same details (username/email) as in the PHPBB forum.


    Problem 1:
    Using builtin importer, whole system is being imported by phpbb3. Anonymous users who does not have any accounts are allowed for posting but they are showing up as anonymous, in the system.
    I have collected the usernames_of_the_visitors from posts_from_current_users and created those users, using a query:

    INSERT INTO wp_current_visitors (using_the_login)
        SELECT DISTINCT usernames_of_the_visitors
        FROM posts_from_current_users

    Step 2:
    I am creating multiple tables (in this case:3), some of the code is:

    SELECT ID FROM wp_current_visitors 
    INSERT INTO current_live_posts(author_current_posts)
    WHERE current_live_posts(post_time_and_date) = posts_from_current_users(posted_time)
      AND posts_from_current_users(usernames_of_the_visitors) = wp_current_visitors(using_the_login)

    You can see this is not the correct way contain syntax errors. First I have to correct it. Second, I have to find a way to tell the mySQL that ID is connected with ‘using_the_login’ (see the first line). Am I right?

    Please help in this regard?

    Queries after up-gradation:

    SELECT ID FROM wp_current_visitors
    SELECT post_time FROM posts_from_current_users = post_time_and_date
    SELECT post_username FROM posts_from_current_users = using_the_login

    The are working in the correct way. But, I don’t know where to insert the WHERE information correctly.Only possible solution in my mind is to create sub-queries.

    Problem 2:
    I am installing bbpress on my own(for the first time on a client website, as an evaluation task). I am creating a simple forum, with necessary plugins for login and flow control. But, an important requirement, I am unable to configure is that client wants to create a new page for each directory page. And whenever a new page is added, he wants to add a forum page, automatically. Like, if the directory page is Directory page of militarybases – Cheyenne mountain Air Force base Colorado Springs Colorado. When, he made the page using wordpress, it’s forum page like website/forum/cheyenne-mountain-air-force-base-colorado-springs-co automatically created.

    Is this possible? If yes, how will achieve this? Please don’t tell codes other than javascript and php. Please only provide the full solution, in case of others.

    Stephen Edgar

    The best way to test this is on a local site, perform a phpBB import and try logging in with a user that you are confident you know the password.

    I’m pretty sure this should be working correctly last time I tested it…

    Stephen Edgar

    @steveim, I’ll update those docs, but what happens is the passwords are copied during import, and then when an imported user first logs in then the old password is converted from phpBB format to a WordPress formatted password and stored in WP’s database user table


    Hi. I have just converted a PHPBB v3.1.10 to BBPress using the 2.6 alpha version. I am unsure whether the user passwords are converted or not.

    In the codex it says “Existing passwords are converted during the import so users can login to WordPress/bbPress as soon as the import and recounts have finished.”
    However, in the importer it says “Non-bbPress passwords cannot be automatically converted. They will be converted as each user logs in.”

    I don’t know if they have been converted or what is meant by “They will be converted as each user logs in.”

    Can you tell me what the status of the WP User passwords is and what the users can or need to do?



    Hi @senatorman , I think you’ve replied in the wrong topic (

    Just to follow up on your error: I’ve copied and pasted my queries from a Ms Word document and something got broken.
    In fact you look at the single quotes in the queries they are all wrong (’ instead of ‘).

    I have fixed the query for you and you can find the new version below:

    /* Get all posts with wrong author and correspondent right author from translator table */
    create table TMP_ORPHANS as
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.value_id real_author,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_date, NULL) post_date,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_date_gmt, NULL) post_date_gmt,
    WHEN <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type = 'reply'
    THEN (SELECT tmposts.post_title from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts as tmposts where = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_parent)
    ELSE <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_title
    END post_title,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_modified, NULL) post_modified,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_modified_gmt, NULL) post_modified_gmt,
    (	select <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.meta_value
    from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_bbp_author_ip' and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.post_id = <YOUR_SCHEMA>
    ) user_ip
    from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts
    left join <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_users on <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>
    left join <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator on <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.meta_value
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type in ('forum', 'reply', 'topic') and
    (<YOUR_SCHEMA> is null or
    <YOUR_SCHEMA> = 1) and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.value_type = 'user' and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.meta_key = '_bbp_old_user_id';
    /* Do this to be able to create indexes later – some may not work */
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_date datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_date_gmt datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_modified datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_modified_gmt datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column user_ip varchar(40);
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_title varchar(255);
    /* we create indexes to speed up the update process */
    /* Revert bad authors to good authors */
    set <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.TMP_ORPHANS.real_author
    where <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type in ('reply', 'topic') ;
    /* Drop TMP table */

    Please remember to execute each query individually and not all of them together.
    You can easily distinguish the queries as I have put a comment before each of them.


    I try to post here the steps I did to import from PHPBB to BuddyPress v2.6 alpha.
    The concept is the same of what you’ve already read in my previous post but I think the SQL scripts are different.

    So first of all I’ve created manually all the missing columns in my PHPBB tables (I was converting from an old version of PHPBB and the converter was expecting some columns that didn’t exist – this could not be your case):

    ALTER TABLE forum_forums
    ADD forum_posts_approved numeric;

    ALTER TABLE forum_forums
    ADD forum_topics_approved numeric;

    ALTER TABLE forum_topics
    ADD topic_posts_approved numeric;

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_facebook varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_twitter varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_occupation varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_interests varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_location varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_youtube varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_skype varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_googleplus varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_website varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_aol varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_yahoo varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_icq varchar(255);

    ALTER TABLE forum_profile_fields_data
    ADD pf_phpbb_wlm varchar(255);

    Then I’ve performed this KEY STEP: insert a dummy row in the WP_USERS table with a very high userid (e.g.: 99999). This should be higher than the highest userid you have in your phpbb installation.
    In this way, when the users get converted, the system will assigned IDs starting from 100000 (again, if you have more than 100K users, then you need a higher value).
    This step is necessary, so you will always be able to distinguish the old id (PHPBB, < 100000) from the new one assigned after conversion (>= 100000).

    After that I’ve started the conversion (it took long).
    After converting, the authors of certain posts were wrong.
    There is a table that is generated after the conversion that maps the old IDs to the new ones.
    So I’ve execute the following scripts to readjust (cannot guarantee this would fix entirely the problem):

    /* Get all posts with wrong author and correspondent right author from translator table */

    create table TMP_ORPHANS as
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.value_id real_author,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_date, NULL) post_date,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_date_gmt, NULL) post_date_gmt,
    WHEN <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type = ‘reply’
    THEN (SELECT tmposts.post_title from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts as tmposts where = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_parent)
    ELSE <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_title
    END post_title,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_modified, NULL) post_modified,
    IFNULL(<YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_modified_gmt, NULL) post_modified_gmt,
    ( select <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.meta_value
    from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.meta_key = ‘_bbp_author_ip’ and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_postmeta.post_id = <YOUR_SCHEMA>
    ) user_ip
    from <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts
    left join <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_users on <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>
    left join <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator on <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.meta_value
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type in (‘forum’, ‘reply’, ‘topic’) and
    (<YOUR_SCHEMA> is null or
    <YOUR_SCHEMA> = 1) and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.value_type = ‘user’ and
    <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_bbp_converter_translator.meta_key = ‘_bbp_old_user_id’;

    /* Do this to be able to create indexes later – some may not work */
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_date datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_date_gmt datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_modified datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_modified_gmt datetime default NULL;
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column user_ip varchar(40);
    ALTER TABLE TMP_ORPHANS modify column post_title varchar(255);

    /* we create indexes to speed up the update process */

    /* Revert bad authors to good authors */
    set <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_author = <YOUR_SCHEMA>.TMP_ORPHANS.real_author
    where <YOUR_SCHEMA>.wp_posts.post_type in (‘reply’, ‘topic’) ;


    I hope this helps.



    Thx @Giobby. A had already read your topic, and do as you told, but i keep this problem.

    -The first topicpost has always the correct author
    -The second ans all other posts in that topis has the anonymous as author.

    This problem has nog every topic, some topics had for al posts the correct author.

    Iám sure, there is a problem in the converting file, and it looks that this problem online exist by big phpbb forums

    Please. BBpress team, can you look at this problem?


    I hope this helps you:
    I had to write some custom queries to fix the wrong authors problems.
    Can’t promise it’s going to work, but when I’ve run some counts on the tables during the process it looked that all the orphan posts were correctly reassigned to the wrong author.

    Good luck!


    Ignore the previous post!

    Despite my despair above I decided to give it another shot.

    I tidied up my phpbb board, deleting a lot of old Admin logs and did a fresh export.
    I recreated the SQL database.

    This time it seemed to work.


    Thank you for your help. Unfortunately I think I have reached a dead end.

    I decided to give another try. I created a new phpbb database, and a new WordPress installation, just in case I had caused some damage.

    Attempting the import produced the following error. Presumably it is objecting to something in my phpbb database. I can not find ‘forum_topics_approved’ anywhere (but have little experience with MySQL).

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics_approved’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100

    No forums to convert

    Starting Conversion

    My comment about lack of stats was that there was no positive feedback e.g. x forums imported, which would be helpful.

    I did not understand the comment “If you also view the source of the page, right click and “inspect” will also bring this up, you should see some debug code showing the SQL queries being performed during the import:”

    Stephen Edgar

    No, you should not be using phpBB Converter file 5795, you should be using the version that is included with 2.6-alpha.

    That will fix the problem in your screenshot.


    i understand what you say and do that exactly
    removed al mods and use a basic pbpbb 3.1.9 database
    I use for all the latest verions

    -bbpress 2.6 alpha
    -phpBB 3.1.9
    -phpBB Converter file 5795

    As i said earlier in this topic, there is a problem with the latest version of the phpbb converter

    After converting all the passwords, at the beginning converting posts or topics i there is an error.


    I am running phpBB 3.1.9 and bbPress 2.5.10

    As I am still a relatively new WordPress user, and have never used bbPress, I installed the latest version, but I normally avoid alpha and beta software.

    As this is an offline installation for learning/experimentation I guess there is no risk so will try 2.6

    Stephen Edgar

    Are you using bbPress 2.5.10 or 2.6 alpha from

    If you’re not using 2.6 alpha that “could” be the issue, it’s updated for the latest phpBB 3.1.x branches, the 2.5.x only supports phpBB 3.0.x branches

    (Plus 2.6 alpha has lots of extra improvements)


    Yes, I definitely selected phpBB, and am using the most recent release.

    Stephen Edgar

    On the importer screen there is an option to select what forum you are importing from, I presume you selected phpBB from that dropdown?


    I imported a sql backup of my database to my local system and phpMyAdmin shows this with 6 forums with prefix “phpbb_”

    Database Server localhost
    Database Name iabi1038_phpb1
    Database User <myuser>
    Table Prefix phpbb_

    This chugs along, with no obvious errors, (but no real report of what it did) – although the “No forums to convert” error no longer appears.

    Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the Forum in my WordPress installation.

    Stephen Edgar

    It looks like you have not imported the phpBB database into the same MySQL instance WordPress is using.

    You cannot use a “remote” database to import from.


    I have setup WordPress on a computer (Raspberry Pi3 running Ubuntu MATE 16.04) and it is working.

    I installed bbPress and am trying to import my phpBB Forum

    It is unclear exactly what I need to enter in the “Import Forums” dialog.
    I have tried many different options. I am assuming that this is asking for MySQL details.

    My CPanel reports
    Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
    Server type: MySQL
    Server version: 5.5.48-cll – MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    Protocol version: 10
    User: iabi1038@localhost
    Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

    MySQL® Databases shows
    Database Size Privileged Users
    iabi1038_phpb1 2.32 MB iabi1038_phpb1

    I have tried

    Database Server
    Database Name iabi1038_phpb1
    Database User iabi1038_phpb1
    Table Prefix phpbb_

    This chugs along, with no obvious errors, except it seems to find nothing.

    No reply_to parents to convert

    No replies to convert

    No tags to convert

    No super stickies to stick

    No stickies to stick

    No topics to convert

    No forum parents to convert

    No forums to convert

    No passwords to clear

    No users to convert

    Starting Conversion

    Stephen Edgar

    If you’re using any phpBB mods this might cause issues.

    You also need to make sure you use bbPress 2.6 alpha, which includes all the changes required , you cannot simply copy the changed phpBB.php file to a different bbPress version.

    To use the most up to date phpBB importer use bbPress 2.6-alpha as I pointed out, if you have to use the old phpBB version use bbPress 2.5.10.

    But as I’ve said, there are huge improvements to the phpBB importer in 2.6-alpha so updating phpBB to the latest version is my recommendation.


    I have it working now, and there is still a big problem a can’t solved.

    When i convert a big phpbb forum to bbpress the relation between post and author get lost.

    Pleas help me with this big problem


    @Robin W Clear and loud.

    Regarding you point #2 I respect your opinion even if as a user I have a completely different POV 🙂
    I strongly believe in a tool like a forum and I’ve been migrating my contents (some of them 15 years old) through several products because “content is the value”.
    In my experience (I’m not a php software developer but I’m a content creator) plugins has been a PITA since my first phpBB forum and the main culprit to CMS maintenance and upgrade.
    While I’m sure that WordPress will not disappear in few years I cannot swear for sure on each plugin. What will happen when a plugin I used throughout all my site will not be upgraded because the developer went on Mars? I became very careful to choose my plugin since it happens several times in my life.
    Of course I do not pretend that wp or bbpress should have everything in their core but imho it’s really strange that to have the most basic features for a modern forum I need to install several plugins. (my old thread:
    The most perused sentence about bbpress is “bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress”. It communicate me an assurance on the quality and stability of the product. In other words: we are here to stay. On the other hand, being so plugin dependent you communicate to me exactly the contrary and I’m scared.

    End of the rant/Looking forward to see 2.6



    I’m trying to import my phpbb 3.1.6 forum to bbpress wp 4.6. Nothing is happening on my import. Please find below my setting and the message I got from Import option.

    Database Server – localhost
    Database Port- 3306
    Database Name – tamilpot_DB (My phpbb DB name)
    Database User – tamilpot_DB (My phpbb DB Username)
    Database Password – xxxxx (My phpbb DB User Password)
    Table Prefix – phpbb_ (This how my prefix in phpbb database).
    Rows Limit – 100
    Delay Time – 1
    Convert Users – Checked
    Start Over – Checked
    Purge Previous Import – Checked

    In response, I got as,

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    Conversion Complete
    No reply_to parents to convert
    No replies to convert
    No tags to convert
    No super stickies to stick
    No stickies to stick
    No topics to convert
    No forum parents to convert
    No forums to convert
    No passwords to clear
    No users to convert
    No data to cleanStarting Conversion

    Can you please help me to import my forum to bbpress?

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