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  • #78276

    I think bbpress is relatively faster when compared to phpbb.

    stock photography

    Olaf Lederer

    I think you can’t compare both forums, bbpress is still in an early stadium.

    bbpress is very cool because it’s very easy to combine bbpress with wordpress (and buddypress)

    EDIT: and bbpress is more spamproof (at least for me)


    phpbb vs bb press board. Which is faster?

    …and “how much” faster is.


    In reply to: bbpress and memcache?

    Ryan Hellyer

    Hmm, well this all sounds promising’ish.

    I asked Sam Bauers at WordCamp NZ how bbPress would compare speed-wise and server resource wise to other standard forum softwares like phpBB, SMF, vBulletin etc. He said that the others were probably faster on a shared hosting environment, but when mem-caching is running that bbPress leaps ahead in performance. Sam, perhaps you were referring to forums which REQUIRE mem-cache (ie: super large forums) running better on bbPress than the other softwares?

    At any rate it sounds like for my purposes that I shouldn’t worry about these things too much and just stick with using it straight out of the box.


    @chrishajer I was converting a PHPBB 3.04 install to a bbPress 1.0 install. I am using the original script in the first post of this topic. Should I be using a different script?

    Sorry for the lack of details in my first post. I was trying to keep my 17 month old girl alive another day LOL.


    @willscootforfood – looks like the apostrophe (single quote) was not escaped before trying to insert. Can you explain what you’re trying to convert and what script you’re using? And what version of bbPress are you going to use?


    I am getting the following error:

    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s bike’, ‘5’, ‘8’, ‘0’, ‘0’)’ at line 1 [1064]


    INSERT INTO bb_forums (forum_id , forum_name, forum_desc, forum_parent, forum_order, topics, posts) VALUES (‘6’, ‘Bike of the Month’, ‘Each month we will showcase a different member’s bike’, ‘5’, ‘8’, ‘0’, ‘0’)


    FILE: includes/db/mysql.php

    LINE: 174

    CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error()

    FILE: phpbb3tobbpress.php

    LINE: 201

    CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()




    @heartson is bb and phpbb in the same db?



    I would like to convert my phpbb3 forum to bbpress.

    About 4000UU per day

    About 100users online in one moment.

    About 400 000 posts

    What kind of server i need?

    How much RAM memory?

    What kind of procesor?


    Intel Atom mono 1.60 Ghz L2: 512KB, FSB: 533MHz

    512 MB DDR 2

    is it enough?


    2. Intel Atom Dual 2x 1.6 Ghz L2: 2x 512KB, FSB: 533MHz

    1GB DDR2


    I really love bbPress, but still wished some features existed by default. I know it’s doable via plugins, but default features are more cool, you can always turn it off. I really dislike the fact that some of the solutions I have seen on this forum, are related to “integrate your forum with WordPress, and use this plugin and it will work”, no, I don’t like that. bbPress should be able to do stuff on its own, without WordPress.

    I don’t want to install WordPress for the sake of making some things work. I have been a WordPress user for so many years already, but still I refuse to do that. I have managed to convert my forum, which was originally SMF into bbPress (SMF > phpBB > bbPress), that was a lot of work, but I’m really happy I did that.

    bbPress is by default very EMPTY, very very very empty. I was not used to a forum, with so less features and options. My users didn’t like it. I managed to add a lot of features via plugins. Now my users are a bit happy, I’m also very happy.

    The best part I love so far is, that making changes not always is so difficult compared to SMF or phpBB. phpBB is the last forum software on this planet I’d want to use, OMG so difficult to make changes. SMF is one of the best out there, but has some limits due to their copyright system.

    Some things I’d really love to see happening anytime very soon:

    1. A codex page, with detailed instruction about the codes, just like its big brother WordPress has, at least a start, so we, the webmasters, can do more cool stuff

    2. More features by default, such as:

    a. Private message

    b. Avatar upload

    c. Memberlist

    d. Quote option in topics

    e. Smilies

    These are some very basic options.

    I’m sure bbPress will be one of the most professional forum software out there one day, it’s not so far yet, but I see it happen.

    That’s why I’m a proud user of this software.


    Tried to convert phpbb 3.0.5 to bbpress 1.0.2 and got this error:

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    Table ‘xxx_phpbb.bb_forums’ doesn’t exist [1146]

    An SQL error occurred while fetching this page.

    Any way I can fix this? Thanks in advance for any help.



    I recently converted phpbb3 > bbpress 1.0.2 and for some reason now the Dashboard form the admin panel loads really slow. It seems like a mysql issue but when I check the process list it doesn’t seem bad.


    Some above have mentioned “less is just less”… and for a non-hacker like myself, I agree. I’d like to see bbpress come “fully loaded”, at LEAST with all the basic features one sees in SMF and phpbb3 all ready to rock and roll “out of the box”.

    FULL integration / merging with WP would be my pick. Then themers would have to work harder developing the bb into their themes for each WP “community portal” (What I’m calling the FULL WP / bbpress / buddypress / bbsync package).

    I’ve also expressed my ‘wish list’ here.

    However, having said that I totally agree with the moderator above who said “So it’s something about the promise of bbPress that’s not yet been realized that gets people frustrated.” WordPress is way cool, and with a *truly* integrated bbpress portal system, it would rock the world and give Drupal and Joomla and SMF and phpbb3 a good run for their money! Imagine a Fantastico install of WP, and then just ticking some boxes and all the bbpress stuff was already there, “fully loaded” with all the options and ready to rock & roll?

    Ahhhh, I’m a suckie Myer’s Briggs ENJF idealist… can’t help myself….


    @johnhiler Thanks for the links. I’ve decided it only makes sense for us to use BB if it was deeply integrated. I’m willing to take the server hit, it can’t be any worse than what phpbb is doing.

    @mark-k I think you would be everyones hero if you pulled it off. Instead of one big plugin, maybe you could do several smaller ones.

    The one thing I can’t wrap my head around is login pages and profile pages. Having 2 different pages (integrated or not) is not only confusing to users it’s confusing to administrators. In a perfect world BB would handle all of this, but we know that’s not the case. So what to do? You can’t have a BB “login box” in WP, but BB should be their only profile page (that’s where they will be uploading avatars, checking PMs, etc.). So could you redirect WP login page to BB? If so how would you automatically redirect them back to the last visited blog page? I’m so confused I don’t even know how to write these questions intelligently. How do you have just one login page and just one profile page?


    I got the avatars working. :)


    Bleh, I found the cause, it was the previously mentioned ‘ in the forum name or description.


    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ’em’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘646’, ‘6973’)’ at line 1 [1064]

    I’m using phpBB 3.0.4 and bbpress 1.0.2, MySQL 4.1.22

    Am I going to have to upgrade MySQL to complete this?


    In reply to: Disclaimer for all


    This is bbPress Support Forum, not phpBB Support Forum.


    Topic: Disclaimer for all

    in forum Plugins

    Good evening and excuse me for my bad English.

    I need to put a disclaimer in my phpbb forum.

    My site is about tobacco product.

    I wanna display a disclaimer that sais that the site is only for ADULT SMOKERS.

    I tried the plugin “Term-of-service” but it displays the disclaimer only when the user is registering.

    I want that the forum is visible to registered and unregisterd user, but I need to display a message the first time the user browses my site.

    I hope it’s clear.

    Any idea?


    Same here. Passwords do not work. Users need to reset them.


    No errors.

    Everything seemed OK, except passwords didn`t work.


    cloo, were there any errors during your conversion?

    I was going to attempt 3.0.4 > bbpress 1.0.2 until I saw this :D


    In reply to: dotNetBB import


    I haven’t heard about it here, you seem to be the first to ask.

    For conversions for forum software that haven’t already been attempted, you can sometimes find a conversion too to convert your forum to phpBB and then import phpBB to bbPress.


    Post your email address and we will close this topic.

    Or, look here:



    There are many posts about conversion from phpbb to bbpress.

    however it seems the process is now more complicated??

    Is there any developer who could be hired to do this conversion for our site? we have over 15,000 posts,

    so would not like to loose them..


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