Search Results for 'phpbb'
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phpbb vs bb press board. Which is faster?
…and “how much” faster is.
Topic: What kind of server i need?
I would like to convert my phpbb3 forum to bbpress.
About 4000UU per day
About 100users online in one moment.
About 400 000 posts
What kind of server i need?
How much RAM memory?
What kind of procesor?
Intel Atom mono 1.60 Ghz L2: 512KB, FSB: 533MHz
512 MB DDR 2
is it enough?
2. Intel Atom Dual 2x 1.6 Ghz L2: 2x 512KB, FSB: 533MHz
I recently converted phpbb3 > bbpress 1.0.2 and for some reason now the Dashboard form the admin panel loads really slow. It seems like a mysql issue but when I check the process list it doesn’t seem bad.
Topic: Disclaimer for all
Good evening and excuse me for my bad English.
I need to put a disclaimer in my phpbb forum.
My site is about tobacco product.
I wanna display a disclaimer that sais that the site is only for ADULT SMOKERS.
I tried the plugin “Term-of-service” but it displays the disclaimer only when the user is registering.
I want that the forum is visible to registered and unregisterd user, but I need to display a message the first time the user browses my site.
I hope it’s clear.
Any idea?