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  • #136623

    Topic: bbPress

    in forum Troubleshooting

    The newest version of bbPress has caused a couple of my sites plugins/short-codes to display incorrectly. The plugin in question is Cookie Law Info, it appears to remove it format i.e. no button image and text not centred etc. Also the short-codes for my elegant themes, theme do not appear to be displaying correctly either.


    In reply to: Membership counter

    Stephen Edgar

    That site is the old bbPress 0.9/1.x version… The bbPress 2.x plugin does not support number of or users online.

    For the other stats you can use the bbPress shortcode [bbp-stats] To display the forum statistics on any page or the widget for your sidebar.


    I wanted to enable a WP shortcode I have written within bbpress, it seems the common way to do this is to use do_shortcodes($content) on the post, this works fine and I’ve seen it in a number of published plugins.

    The problem with this is that it enables all shortcodes including the bbpress ones such as login, stats etc. In fact a number of published plugins suffer from this issue (oops).

    The best solution I’ve come across is using the whitelist plugin:

    But I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas?
    Could a new bbpress action for registering shortcodes be added? Then any plugin author just has to register their own new one and not have to worry.
    My other idea is to do a find/replace on “[” before my do_shortcodes call, switch them to something else, and then switch them back after, but leaving my own shortcodes unchanged.

    Anyone else had this prob? Anyone using a plugin that hasn’t taken this into consideration?! (try adding a bbpress shortcode to a post and seeing what happens!)



    A couple of reasons why the shortcodes won’t work.

    1. Make sure the bbpress plugin is installed an activated.
    2. The theme strips out the any use of shortcodes in the write panel.

    Have you tried using the shortcodes in the “Text” panel rather than the “Visual” box?

    ~ Matt


    Hi John James,

    Thank you for this information. Good to know.
    The Codestyling Localization plugin really seems to be very strict. I do not need it necessarily. Anyway, I work better with the poedit.


    The warning in Codestyling Localization is too strict. Both bbPress and BuddyPress allow for loading translation files in the core languages location: wp-content/languages and as a result, do not call load_plugin_textdomain but instead load_textdomain with the correct filters.

    Does the CS plugin allow you to override their error reporting? I remember that plugin being pretty robust.


    On this page they say “To use any of the shortcodes simply insert the desired shortcode into any WordPress page.”

    So far I’ve tried these three

    [bbp-single-forum id=1]

    nothing happens except they show up as text. Why?


    Thanks for the info on the short codes. It has taken forever to find that info.

    Alright, I took and created two pages, “Register Page” and “Lost Password Page”. I published them both and put the URL’s in the appropriate spot in the widget. Then I go to the site and test out the register page and enter my information. When I click register it says, “User registration is currently not allowed”. What do I do from here???


    In reply to: Import Forums error

    Stephen Edgar

    Cool… Done… Just download again via the link up there ^^^.

    If there are any others hanging about let me know or any other text, paragraph, images etc BBCodes I will add them all in for bbPress 2.5


    In reply to: Import Forums error

    Stephen Edgar

    Hmmm… It should work…

    Can you find a post with either a [QUOTE] or [MENTION] BBCode to see if these have been converted to <blockquote> which will help work out if any of the BBCodes are being converted to HTML.


    The site is now up and will be (i hope).

    Thanks in advance.

    Check the urls: &

    Both have the same shortcode. But the results are different!


    Yes, I know. That’s really a bad luck. I will update the thread whence the site will become online.

    However here is a screenshot of the forum index.

    I also asked this question in StudioPress forums. (Earlier i thought the problem was with Genesis themes)


    Both pages turn up a 404 from hostgator.


    Hello all,

    I wonder how (& why) bbPress is rendering same shortcodes in different ways? Actually, I am unable to identify the problem.

    Even after disabling all the plugins do not have any role in the broken forum.

    You may take a look on <–This one is broken and “forums” is forum’s base slug. <– This works fine

    Both of the above urls are “page” having exactly the same code.

    Other than the missing html structure (on the /forums, forums/topic-tag/docs/, /forums/users/example/) everything is fine.

    The theme is working with twenty-ten. twenty-eleven and twenty-thirteen. But broken with Genesis 2.0 (with sample and custom child theme0) and hybrid themes.

    Waiting for a reply!

    Stephen Edgar

    Try accessing instead

    Also to get the forums on your front page of WordPress setup a custom page and add a shortcode:



    I’m currently trying to use the shortcodes:

    For some reasons, these plugins don’t appear on the bbpress forum pages but works perfectly fine on any other page.

    Am I missing something?




    In reply to: Confused

    Anonymous User 5853594

    You could create a page and call it “help”. Using the bbPress shortcodes you can show the forum index on that page.

    You can change the slugs in the settings page (Settings>Forums). There you can change the base slug to “help”, so that all topics show up under /help instead of /forums.

    Just make sure that you don’t get conflicts between your pages and the slugs.


    In reply to: Adsense Plugin


    It just appeared when the plugin was activated and nowhere else. It doesnt seem to affect anything as the ad codes i have added are appearing in the forums and in the correct locations specified.

    Edit: I dont know what this notification message means.


    In reply to: Color my forums


    Hi Tecca,

    That didnt work. changing this codes doesnt reflect any changes on my forums page. in my Godaddy account i am changing this under

    webroot / wp-content / plugins / bbpress / templates / default / css / bbpress.css

    if you think am editing wrong file please let me know.


    In reply to: Color my forums


    In your bbpress.css file, change the background of each of these:

    .entry-title {
    background: red;
    #bbpress-forums div.odd,
    #bbpress-forums ul.odd {
    background: yellow;
    #bbpress-forums div.even,
    #bbpress-forums ul.even {
    background: green;

    Just change those color names to hex codes to make them look a bit better.


    – bbPress Version : 2.3.2
    – WordPress Version : 3.5.2
    – PHP/MySQL Version : PHP 5.3/MySQL 5.1
    – Theme : Twenty Twelve (modified)
    – website adress : local ( …)

    I just discovered this extension by mordauk and I made some changes on it to display on a page WordPress, the profile page from bbPress.

    In includes/common/shortcodes.php :

    <em>/*line 92 :*/</em>
    			'bbp-profile-edit'     => array( $this, 'display_profile_edit'  ), // User Profile
    <em>/*lines 747 to 762 :*/</em>
    	 public function display_profile_edit() { 
     		                // Unset globals 
     		                // Start output buffer 
     		                $this->start( 'bbp_profile_edit' ); 
     		                // Output templates 
     		                if ( is_user_logged_in() ) 
     		                        bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-user'        ); 
     		                // Return contents of output buffer 
     		                return $this->end(); 

    My problem is that the profile page is displayed correctly, but none of the links work.
    Someone has an idea to solve this ?



    In reply to: Where is my forum?


    Thanks so much Trifon,

    Hmmmm it seems you need to understand code to use this plugin.
    1. Should I put all of those codes in a page? (I bet I’m sounded very stupid)

    2. If I add the code to a page, and then adjust and create forums as per the getting started link – will they then all appear on the page?



    In reply to: Where is my forum?

    Anonymous User 5853594

    I suggest that you read up on the basics of bbPress in the documentation. A good place to start out for you would probably be here:

    Also, for showing the forums on a page, you could create a page and use the shortcodes to show the index and such. You’ll find the shortcodes here:



    Thank you for this plugin that corresponds to our research, but we need your help Please!

    we would like to optimize the Forum for a Association students parents:
    – Topics that open directly into the forum instead of another page
    – How change the title of the forum in French (topics, freshness …)
    – We have a display problem when you click on the Member
    – How to organize different shortcodes?
    – We have a lot of square alone on the page … why?

    Is there any help for the French version 2.3.2 please?

    Thank you for your help (and sorry for our English!)

    WP 3.5.2
    BB Press 2.3.2


    In reply to: Forums List


    Found answer in shortcodes:

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