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  • #141484

    I would like to put my search for the forums in my footer.
    <div class=”bbp-search-form”></div>, essentially move this to the footer. I need to echo out this form with php in the footer.

    I tried… echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-search]‘) and [bbp-search-form]… those 2 shortcodes did not work. However other bbpress shortcodes did work with do_shortcode. Any other options. Or what is the php function that is called to output the search input box ? Thanks Jillian.


    Thank You for that info. I set up the new directory and file like you mentioned. Do I need to do more or should it adapt.

    I have the new bbPress folder created under the wp-content/themes folder and added the new php file to it.

    Here are the forum pages I am messing with.
    The basic forum root
    The new page using shortcodes

    Nothing has changed in either since I created the suggested files. Do I need to specify the new theme file somehow?

    Thanks for your help.



    I really love how your forum is laid out. I have been trying to set mine up similar to that style and can’t get it. I really want the separated categories like that. I kinda got it working with shortcodes on a new page but its not that great. Do you mind sharing how you did yours?


    Topic: Forum root

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I want my forum root to display the a list of forums instead of their parent categories.
    I am able to do this using these shortcodes on a page I added myself:

    [bbp-single-forum id=10621]
    [bbp-single-forum id=10623]
    [bbp-single-forum id=10625]
    [bbp-single-forum id=10627]
    [bbp-single-forum id=10611]

    You can see this working on my forum page. This is how I want my forum root to look.

    But when navigating the forum, the breadcrumbs link to the ‘real’ forum root. When I add
    echo do_shortcode('[bbp-single-forum id=10621]');
    to the template file of this page it adds the categories index again (just like [bbp-forum-index] would).

    How could I get the individual forums on the forum root OR change the links in my breadcrumb?

    WP 3.8
    bbPress 2.5.1
    Website: 24Baby



    Sounds like the problem is that you actually “do” have a page called “forums” that is in the trash and you have to EMPTY the trash to get rid of it. Once you do, then you can create it again with the proper short codes and page slug of “forums” (instead of “/forums2”)


    Stephen Edgar

    I can directly add the vimeo url to the topic and it seems to work. Is that the best way to do it?

    This is the easiest and best way to do it as WordPress is actually controlling this rather than you having to use shortcodes.

    See this for more info (and other links that work the same way)


    Hi All, I am a bit confused and I need some advice. I have a bbpress forum and I want to place vimeo video in the topics and replies. Is there a plugin (or plugins) that allow me to use shortcodes. Viper’s does not seem to work.

    I can directly add the vimeo url to the topic and it seems to work. Is that the best way to do it? Shouldn’t I be using shortcodes instead.

    I am running the lastest WP 3.8 and the latest bbpress.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    ok, I’ve figured it out.

    the files which have to be edited are:

    in the first one you’ll have to cut off this line in each place it comes:
    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'topic' ); ?>

    and substitute with something like this, to make the new-topic link:
    <a href="<?php bbp_forum_id(); ?>

    then you create a new template page (which you’ll assign to a page called “Form New Topic”) copying your theme default page, and adding at the top /* Template Name: Form New Topic */ . then you can substitute the function which displays the content, or just add this below it:

    $forum_id = $_GET['forum_id'];
    echo do_shortcode("[bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id]");

    at the same you can edit the second file (the topics list) substituting this:
    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'reply' ); ?>

    with something like this:
    <a href="<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>

    and then create a new template called “Form New Reply”, and add a code similar to the other one but using the shortcode to display the reply form. unfortunately the shortcode for the reply form seems to don’t have a topic id attribute, according to this list:

    I’ll make some test to see how it react, the only other solution I see is to make a spoiler with the reply form, so it’s hidden till you click.

    p.s. you can also store the ids into variables, using these functions:

    $forum_id = bbp_get_forum_id();
    $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id();

    In reply to: WP PAGE

    Stephen Edgar

    Use the [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] shortcode on your page.


    I have the latest versions of WP & bbPress.

    Looking for short codes for “ACTIVITY” – “MEMBERS” – “GROUPS” to keep it private from the public. i.e., only those logged in will be able to view those three items on the home bar.



    I was directed to this topic when I asked about the particular features this customization was said to have solved. I too have also tried to follow the directions and entered the codes from this post, but to no avail. I get the same crashed website.

    Here’s where I put each peace of code. Maybe someone can point out where I went all wrong. – I put this in my functions.php file. – I put this in my theme’s bbpress/loop-single-forum.php file. – I put this in my theme’s bbpress/loop-single-topic.php file.

    As someone mentioned, The creator of this code seems to have a stand alone version of bbpress instead of the plugin type that I use with Buddypress. Perhaps this is why it hasn’t worked for a few folks. I’d be interested to hear from someone that has Buddypress installed on their copy of wordpress and have successfully been able to make the customization work for them in their template files. If we could hear how they went about installing the code, it might help out some that might be stuck.

    Many thanks in advance! 🙂



    I am using the default template of bbpress and I’d like to customize it

    My issue is divisible in 3 parts:

    1- I’d like to cut off the “add your reply form” from the bottom of the comments list
    2- I’d like to make a custom page with the form, which I’ve seen I can make with a shortcode
    3- I’ll need to build up a button “post reply” on the topic page, which I think it will have to pass to the form page a variable with the id of the topic, otherwise it won’t be possible for that form to append the reply to the correct topic, isn’t it?

    I think I’ve found where to cut off the displaying of the form but I’d like you to confirm before I make mess. is it in this file:
    and if I’d like to cut off the form from the topics archive lists as well, the file should be this:

    point 2 should be easy, but I am wondering how I’ll have to pass the variable of the topic which has to be commented.. anyone can explain me how this works?

    in point 3 I have no idea.. I’ve browsed millions of files today and found millions of functions and hooks so I don’t know which I have to use and how. by instance I’ve found a bb_get_forum_id() and a get_forum_id() and who knows if there are more similar that I’ve missed. which has to be used to retrive the current topic id? and how it has to be used?

    Thank you very much for reading this topic, I hope someone will help me.

    Stephen Edgar

    Give this plugin a try 🙂

    This plugin is designed to safely allow bbcode shortcodes and other safe shortcodes to be embedded in bbpress topics and replies and also blog comments. You don’t wan’t users entering shortcodes such as [bbp-login] in the middle of their reply.


    In reply to: YouTube Embed Issue


    Hi – thanks for your reply. I know this is going to sound defeatist and lazy but I simply cannot believe that in this day and age of automation that BBP makes you have to do all of this technical stuff.

    I run a blog for my client that you can see here on non-hosted WP. They’re very happy with it:

    You’ll see in the blog that it’s so easy for me to just plug a YTV video in there. So now my client wants a forum where they can allow others to post a wide variety of YouTube videos presented in ASL (like the example in the first post). But what’s mind blowing to me is when I set up BBPress, I’m amazed that this feature of embed is not right there and ready to go; but instead, I have to tweak and do all kinds of complex stuff like adding codes and stuff. Wow.

    I chose WP because the blog (not the forum) does all of this for you conveniently so I can do my job of publishing and not have to worry or figure out all of these codes and stuff. Why in the world would bbPress be completely different.

    Anyway, thanks for your help and I’m not really sure what to do at this point about my client’s forum needs.



    I use some other plugins providing shortcodes. The work fine on every page, but not in topics or response of the bbpress forum.

    For example this progress bar plugin

    How can I add the function that the shortcodes will work in bbpress forums?

    Thanks for your help!


    thanks very much.

    i’m not sure what i was doing wrong the last time i tried but the short codes did work perfectly for the individual thread this time.

    Stephen Edgar

    Have you tried using the single forum shortcodes for each forum you want on each page that you want a forum?

    Stephen Edgar

    Shortcodes should do the trick as most things are covered by them.

    Eg. If you want to show a forum use the single forum shortcode, if you want to display a single topic with the replies use the single topic shortcode.

    BuddyPress is basically doing the same as the shortcodes and I’m not entirely sure what you mean by ‘i tired with shortcodes but that only seemed to give the headings’ unless you are using the wrong shortcode where for example [bbp-forum-index] rather than [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id].


    Dear Stephen.

    That did the trick – i disabled WP United and topics has the right authors but other problems occur:

    * I can’t log out anymore – you can push the button logout but nothing happens. When you refresh – Login Screen appear. strange! – I use Buddpress & BBpress. Tempate Default Buddypress template. Before forum conversion did was still operating well.
    * When you make a reply to a topic – all the BBcodes buttons are gone.


    Hi, is it at all possible to display an individual part of my forum on a different page?

    i want to be able to do exactly what buddypress does when they display bbpress categories as forums for their groups, and so i can have that category of the forum show up as an element in a custom made page.

    i tired with shortcodes but that only seemed to give the headings, i want the threads and comments from the forum to be usable from different pages in my site, exactly how buddypress allows users to access the forums in their groups.

    Any help would be amazing as i’ve been stuck on this for 2 weeks now and my project deadline is almost upon me.

    Robin W

    If you want to create pages specifically to do things, then you can use shortcodes, the list of them is here

    so if you created a page and form instance put in the shortcode


    you would have a page with a login.

    Above the shortcode you could put some rules, or tell people how to register etc.



    In the forum setting, it says:”Partner with a WordPress Page and use Shortcodes for more flexibility.”
    How can I do that?

    Stephen Edgar

    Basically your users shouldn’t be logging into to backend in the first place, thus they should never see that to be even tempted.

    You can add a login widget to a sidebar or create a page with a shortcode, up to you which way depending on how you want your site to look etc.

    Stephen Edgar

    If you want widgets above your topic list you will need a theme that supports putting a sidebar at the top of your page, otherwise will one of the shortcodes work?


    could you share your code :3 ? Where do you copy the codes for the widgets?

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