bbpress has various widgets and well as shortcodes, so you can call it from pages, posts and sidebars
check out the documentation !
Hi guys
I know this is more an issue with another plugin, but I thought I would post here as well in case anyone had an ideas
See original post here
I’m using the “NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster“ and since setting it up 3 days ago, I’ve come in after the weekend and found it’s killed any pages I have using BBpress shortcodes (eg [bbp-forum-index]) The direct links to the forums are working fine, it’s just pages containing shortocdes.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
Hi Guys!
I found the guide where are the codes for “Show status labels for bbPress Topics”… Well, I want to add a label for “Topics with No replies”, i tried do it by myself but It makes me crazy..
Does anybody know which reference or functions should I use?
Can you post a link to the page on your site that you put the search form shortcodes, so I could test and see what possibly could be the issue.
I am very new to bbpress and i’m trying to set it up on my site.
I have created a bbpress forum page where i display shortcodes. The shortcode for the search shows up, but it won’t find any topic.
Anyone has an idea of what i’m doing wrong?
Hi there,
I’m getting the same issue with this for my website Sharing Discout & Popular Codes
Looking for the solutions
Hi there
here an picture i want my forum:
how i dit it?
i get an new site and add shortcodes like [bbp-single-forum id=3234]
now the breadcrumbs are linking on the “original” root “/forums” link… so i have think, ok, make an site with the perma link on /forums/ and add the shortcodes…
but when i dit this, my site looks like this:
so, can you please help me change “only” the one breadcrumbs to my custom site, or what can i do the “originally” “/forums/” works correctly with the shortcodes?
thank you very much
not quite sure what you are after.
can you not use the shortcodes
I was not aware that shotcodes even existed for bbp.
Further to your advice I seached and found the documentation of all the SC’s. This is a great step for me.
Thank you for your help
[bbp-topic-form] is not working. I am able to use others shortcodes and they work fine but not the new topic form.
Please can someone tell me the cause this shortcode isn´t working?
OK, now I see !
How about [bbp-lost-pass]
Check out
Well not a bbPress specific plugin, but there are a few plugins that can work with custom post types (bbPress uses custom post types).
A plugin I found and tested is called NS Featured Posts, but like I said many other plugins could possibly work too.
After installing the plugin make sure to go to Settings > NS Featured Posts and make sure to add the topic custom post type from bbPress in the plugin’s settings.
Now we can go to Topics > All Topics and see a new column that says Featured. Make sure to click the checkbox near the topic you would want to feature.
Now we are going to make a custom view to display these featured topics in a topic list, and also be able to display them in pages with a shortcode.
Add this php code snippet into your child themes functions.php or insert this snippet into a custom plugin like functionality.
This function displays about 10 featured topics on a single page, change 10 to whatever you want.
function rkk_register_featured_view() {
bbp_register_view( 'featured', __( 'Featured Topics' ), array( 'meta_key' => '_is_ns_featured_post', 'meta_value' => 'yes', 'posts_per_page' => '10', 'max_num_pages' => '1'), false );
add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'rkk_register_featured_view' );
Now in a custom page or widget area that has a widget text area that can handle shortcodes, insert this shortcode.
[bbp-single-view id='featured']
Probably the most noticeable issue after the import are the attachments. They are basically a number with opening and closing ATTACH bbcodes.
I’m not quite sure what to do with attachments as bbPress import system does not yet support attachments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I could add some code to “hide” the BBCode whilst still keeping it as a refernce?
Also I’ve added support for YouTube, Daily Motion and Vimeo BBCode conversion
Then there are the quotes to other posts. These simply just come in as text and the post IDs don’t match those in bbpress. In xenForo, the quoted posts link back to the post that was quoted.
I’ve added some styling to the quotes now, so it wraps that quotes in “blockquote” and cites the authors name, e.g “wendellh wrote:”
For now we can’t link to the quoted post, this is on my radar to do but requires some pretty big changes, maybe bbPress 2.8.
I’ve also noticed that soft deleted posts (only viewable by mods and admins) in xenForo are coming in as public posts.
Ah, I didn’t know about these types of posts, I’ve now done this, for topics/threads replies/posts that were “soft deleted” these are now imported with bbPress/WordPress “pending” status.
Im trying to create a sub forum list style.
Ive tried the bbstyle plugin and the various codes I found searching here.
Only one to work at all was this. But its not what I want. The theme is Kleo with bbpress/buddypress.
.bbp-forum-info a.bbp-forum-link {
display: block;
Hey Stephen,
I really appreciate your help! 🙂
Probably the most noticeable issue after the import are the attachments. They are basically a number with opening and closing ATTACH bbcodes. For example:
In xenForo, this links to attachments/photo-jpg.872
Then there are the quotes to other posts. These simply just come in as text and the post IDs don’t match those in bbpress. In xenForo, the quoted posts link back to the post that was quoted. For example, here is an imported post with a quote:
and here is the original post in xenForo:
I’ve also noticed that soft deleted posts (only viewable by mods and admins) in xenForo are coming in as public posts.
I realize I may be asking for too much, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. 😉 I do understand though if it’s just not possible. I’ll keep looking around for other bbcodes as well.
Hi Biorn,
Create a standard WordPress page and put the slug ‘forums’. Creating this page will override the standard page that comes out.
You can then add the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode on that page (see and change the title of your page.
Nice plugin you created. Do you think it would be possible to create shortcodes in the next update? My theme is so old it does not have widget areas LOL.
Thanks, cool plugin BTW.
That’s an interesting suggestion. It would not be hard but for the settings. Since the widget settings are set inside the widget itself, I’d have to redo the settings and make them part of the plugin settings.
I’ll see what I can do…
Hey @tkserver,
Nice plugin you created. Do you think it would be possible to create shortcodes in the next update? My theme is so old it does not have widget areas LOL.
Thanks, cool plugin BTW.
You can put any of these codes into your functions.php of your (child) theme.
Thanks @robkk, that worked.
I was aware of the shortcodes, I just did not know you could use that value there.
This issue is theme related, because bbPress is just inheriting the CSS styles from the themes stylesheet. Same thing with the other themes, there are just some styles that could affect some classes in the code that can make the layout look different.
In the theme compat code in bbPress, has it where you can use default WordPress conditionals like is_single()
which should show up for each single forum and topic, and is_archive()
for the forum archive (forum root page) and topic archive (usually at or forum root).
So while you did create a single forum page using shortcodes as an easy to do workaround, as the code for the “indentation” is created by your themes CSS and only for single pages using ,while you created a simple page. When you enter the normal forum url in 2016 you will see the same “indentation” you see on topics.
You are on the money on what CSS to use to fix the issue, there is just some media queries that you need to add is all. There will be a slight margin to the right around 700px width when the sidebar goes under the content, but a page has that same margin in your theme and for consistency I just say leave it in.
This CSS should help your help solve your issue.
@media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
.bbpress .entry-content {
float: none;
width: auto;
You can place this view shortcode into a page and just link to it anywhere.
[bbp-single-view id='no-replies']
More information on shortcodes.
I would like to add a link to Unanswered topics. I have seen the widget page, but cannot use it because I need a link. Is there any shortcodes or other ways to do this?
I did it very nice with activated TinyMce for bbpress (simple one) and media upload button.
Then with one snippet limmited users to se only own uploads. It is easy to find on Google.
Now with Shortcode UI (Shortake) it is very easy to make plenty of visual shortcodes for forum. So play with it and use it for attachments.There is allways way to remove other media modal tab items.
I will play a bit with it in future. BBC codes as shortcodes, etc.
Is this the standard /forums ? Then start creating a standard WordPress page and add the [bbp-forum-index] on it. Now you can add any other shortcut or text on this same page.