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  • #233259
    Robin W

    In had a quick look at the code above and the call

    include get_theme_file_path( '/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/user-subscriptions.php' );

    is looking for that file in your theme, not the bbpress plugin.

    as a test, create a directory in your child theme called ‘woo-bbpress’ (it can be called anything) and put a copy of the user-subscriptions in there

    then replace then above with

    include get_theme_file_path( '/woo-bbpress/user-subscriptions.php' );

    and see if that improves


    code below of course inserted in functions.php.

    Any help please? Thank you so much


    Im using the last bbPress version, and twenty-twenty theme. All fine!
    But I need to integrate bbpress with woocommerce in a custom woocommerce dashboard we made, so basically I have to link all bbpress profile links (Topic created, Replies, Engagement…) as Woocommerce Endpoints.

    All set up but the problem is the links not showng the correct user information but : “Oh Bother, no topics found here!”. Despite the user has created topics , followed or subscribed.

    This is the code I put for the Subscription Endpoint for instance:

    add_action( 'init', 'wpsh_subscriptions_endpoint' );
    function wpsh_subscriptions_endpoint() {
    	add_rewrite_endpoint( 'subscriptions', EP_ROOT | EP_PAGES );
    add_action( 'woocommerce_account_subscriptions_endpoint', 'subscriptions_endpoint_content' );
    function subscriptions_endpoint_content() {
    	include get_theme_file_path( '/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/user-subscriptions.php' );

    so, any suggestions please? 🙂


    In reply to: Topic Count

    Robin W

    without getting into looking at the code, you might want to look at the meta for a topic which is imported vs. one that is added. I think there is a ‘parent’ or ‘forum_id’ set in topic meta to say which forum it belongs to, which might need setting for the imported ones to get the repair tools and updates working correctly.

    or even the actual post parent of the imported topic might need setting.

    If it is not that, come back and I’ll do some digging further.


    Sure, sorry, should’ve done that.

    .bbp_dropdown { 
    	font-size: 12px;

    I added this at Appearance -> Customization -> Additional CSS. I’m using Astra Pro, but I think the location is the same for all/most themes.

    Robin W
    Robin W

    but if those are the classes then

    font-size:  8px !important ;


    font-size:  8px !important ;

    in either your themes custom css area or my plugins custom css tab

    Robin W

    ok, I can see it now.

    Best I can suggest is item 8

    otherwise beyond free help I’m afraid


    Good afternoon,
    I installed bbpress successfully and created a few forum entries.
    also added a few test topics.

    It displays fine:
    Also, it displays one of the forum entries with a list of topics fine at
    However, when I click one of the topics, it shows a content area blank below the header…
    I changed the theme, and it works fine to show topic details and reply..
    I even added a single page with a shortcode to display the topic, thinking that the CSS conflicts, it shows fine at
    However, from the list of topics to browse the topic content, it fails.
    When I looked at it, it even called content-single-topic.php code, however, I do not see bbp-container content being supplied to add a topic information page…

    Do you have any idea about debugging this problem?
    Thank you in advance for your help,

    Jay M


    I am using WordPress 6.1.1 and bbPress 2.6.9.
    I have a forum where if I use the standard forum page e.g. there are no problems and pagination of the large number of topics works correctly producing a URL of say
    However, I wish to have a page with some other content at the to so are using a short-code to list the forum topics. The URL for that page is However, on this page pagination does not work. The URL for the third page is but this produces an error 404.
    I have tried various solutions found from others having a similar problem including: using a standard theme, resaving the permalink setting, adding a bp-custom.php file with some code in it etc. but it still fails.
    Can anyone suggest a solution?

    Robin W
    $user_id = get_current_user_id() ;
    $user_url    = bbp_get_user_profile_url( $user_id );
    Robin W

    ooops, sorry, just remembered that this is a known error.

    Ignoring Brizy (any remaining issues with Brizy you’ll need to get a developer to help with)

    either install

    bbp style pack

    which has the fix for this built in

    or use this code

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'rew_supports_js' );
    function rew_supports_js() {
    	echo '<script>document.body.classList.remove("no-js");</script>';

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    Vivian E

    @Robin-w A developer helped to look into it and found that the H1 tag is generated by this wordpress function

    He also helped to temporarily edict the H1 tag to a H3 tag by editing the core files to temporarily solve the redundant H1 tag.

    We texted the site without the core files edicts and on trouble shoot mood using the Troubleshoot plugin you recommended. Leaving only the Bbpress plugin and wordpress default theme enabled. I noticed that the new Topic form does not have an editing tool bar even when I “enabled” the editing formatting tool bar” on Bbpress settings.

    When I proceeded to turn on 2 plugins in troubleshoot mode; Brizy page builder and Bbpress with the wordpress default theme. I placed the Bbpress “new Topic form short code” on a Gutenberg page on the site, then noticed the New Topic form still shows on the Gutenberg page but without the editor tool bar!

    When the Bbpress short code is placed on a Brizy page, the Bbpress editor tool bar appears but doesn’t function properly. For example; the insert/edict link form does not appear as a “pop up” when I am trying to create a link on a post, instead the insert/edict link form appears on the footer.

    I don’t know why this is happening. help!


    Okay, I figured it out: turns out the default forum home page uses whatever you’ve defined for Posts Archive, at least if you’re using Elementor, like I am.

    So I updated my links to refer to the forums target, edited the Posts Archive template in Elementor to include the forum index short code, and everything appears to work.

    I also changed the Elementor display conditions for the template and restricted it to just Forum Archive (or Forum Posts, I don’t remember offhand), just in case I want to define a different template for other Posts Archives later on.


    I’ve set up a custom forums landing page using the bbp-forum-index short code. It works fine.

    However, when a new entry is submitted (and probably if an existing entry is edited), clicking the Submit button sends me to a different page than the one I’ve set up. Specifically, it sends me to /forums…which simply displays “Blasts from the past” (that may be text I entered at some point in the setup process).

    How do I configure things so that my custom page gets used instead? Alternatively, how do I edit the /forums page?

    As you may have guessed by now I’m a new bbPress user :). My site runs the Astra Pro theme (with a customized child theme). I also run Elementor Pro on the site.

     * bbpress file to emulate page.html to display forums
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    	<div class="bbpress-container bsp-fse-container">
    		<div class="bbpress-content">
    			<?php the_content(); ?>

    The only modifications I made were to remove the calling of the footer and adjusted the header to a variant that I created called “header-small-dark”. Oh, and also removed the call for the page title.

    Robin W

    Doing anything involves finding out where and why this is happening.

    If we find that, then we can look at possible causes and potential solutions.

    I am yet to be convinced it is a bbpress issue at all. bbpress uses this element when a user inserts a link – that is true, but it is a generic piece of wordpress code. This is a bit like saying because Fred cuts his lawn, any lawn that is cut must have been cut by Fred.

    I am not seeing this form on any pages in my test site.

    The code is in some javascript in the footer, and could be loaded by anything, including a wordpress setting, theme or plugin.

    so can you


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Vivian E

    @robin-w exactly it’s a WordPress element that’s only suppose to load on the backend! I use bbpress plugin and what BBpress does is that it causes this element to load on the front end! so that people who want to post a new topic or reply to an existing one can edict their texts and insert links. For example right now if you are tying something on bbpress and try to make word a link, you tap on the link in the editor menu and you will see “that wordpress element” pop out.

    I use Bbpress plugin and that elment shows up visibly when users want to link a text as well!
    BBpress causes that backend “wordpress element” to show up on the front end.

    The thing is even when the “wordpress element” is not visibly seen i.e when a user is trying to edict a link when typing a new Topic on the Forum. “The wordpress element” can still be seen hidden in “the source code” of the page and other pages even when not visibility seen. This doesn’t disrupt the user experience but here is the reason why I have a problem with this;


    The “wordpress element” has a H1 tag. when it’s loading in the front end. My pages has it’s H1 tittle which I put there. So the H1 tag tittle tag on my page and the H1 tag on that “wordpress element” on the source code makes for redundant (2) H1 tags on my site page.

    Apparently search engines like Bing has a big issue with redundant H1 tags and shows it in my Bing webmaster report as a critical SEO error that need to be fixed. while search engines like Google have no problem with this.

    Is there a way that when BBpress pulls that “wordpress element” (that by default loads only at the backend) to the front end, it changes the tag on that “wordpress element” to a H3 tag??

    Vivian E

    @robin-w Oh thank you!

    you don’t see any source code like this for a form that looks like this.??

    Vivian E

    @robin-w it’s a false flag because my security company confirms that everything is clean. I will have them take a second look with the name of you guard.

    Yeah it’s a webpage. the insert/edict form isn’t visible if you just view the webpage. Look at the “source code” of the webpage.

    It’s literally the wp-editor insert/edict loading on the source code. What I really want is ti change the H1 tag to a H3 tag.

    Robin W

    the code would need to go in a theme page, as it is your theme that renders the sidebar.

    Sorry beyond free help


    In reply to: Searching Problem


    At present the site is in development behind a firewall so I cannot share it, though this should change next week as I bring it live but then a username and password will be needed.
    However, what I have identified is that when a two word search is made the resulting URL is
    This produces the error.
    However if I change the URL to
    It then works so the code is inserting the wrong word separator.

    This seems to have been quoted before
    Though that was some years ago.

    I have already tried a standard theme.
    Does this provide any clues?


    I know many fellows talked about how to remove a sidebar from a topic page, but they all are too complicated for me. So, I’m wondering whether I can remove a sidebar from a topic page by editing “funtions.php”.
    For example, the url of a topic page includes string “topic”, so the following code (not completed yet) will work?

    function bbPress_sidebar_hide() {
    	$url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    	if(strpos($url,'topic') !== false){
            // here is the code for removing or hiding a sidebar which I don't know 
    Vivian E

    @robin-w while I have messaged my site security company and waiting on a response from them! I did a malware scan of my domain using Sucuri;

    The site seems clean! You can use Sucuri to check! Also my Google search console and Bing webmaster does not show any malwares! I will still appreciate if you can tell me the name of the your security so I can my site Security company look into that. It could be a false flag.

    Pending that, could you please help me with a code snippet to change the H1 tag in the the insert/edict link form (that pops up when someone wants to insert a link on BBpress). How can I change the H1 tag there to H3 tag??? Please I’ll appreciate a code snippet that can do this pleaseee!

    Robin W

    hmm, the link for the python brags forum goes to

    I would expect it to go to

    but even entering this in the browser also redirects to the first link.

    are the forums in some sub area?

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