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  • #238378

    I recently installed bbpress and AWPCP Classifieds. Whenever a user clicks the edit button to edit their post, it takes them to a page that asks for the Ad email and access key. This page is default with AWPCP and is called -Edit Ad. Inside that page is the shortcode [AWPCPEDITAD]. I disabled the AWPCP plugin to test and the result was when a user clicked the edit button, it then just shows the shortcode text from the -Edit Ad page. I am little more than a beginner when it comes to web development. I have built a few websites but they are all basic and mostly wordpress sites. This is the site address if you would like to look at it.

    The site is for testing. Hopefully once it is done, I can put it into service for my club. Thanks if anyone can help.


    In reply to: Forum


    I have created a forum page with the URL ‘/chats’ and titled it “Forums”. Also, I have added a heading to the page and inserted the shortcode ([bbp-forum-index]) directly below it. Additionally, I removed the root slug option in the Forum settings page and left it as a blank field, saving the changes. As a result, the root slug was automatically generated as ‘forums’.

    is it correct?

    View post on


    hi Robin. Can we add these 2 codes to functions.php of the child theme?


    In reply to: Forum

    Robin W

    ok, so you can add text below the heading, just create this as normal text.

    Then where you want the forums put in the shortcode


    If you are using blocks, then there is a shortcode block you should use.


    In reply to: Forum


    No. could you please provide any option or code to add a shortcode on this page.

    Robin W

    ok, it could be due to loots of things, not possible to resolve without site access top a live example.

    But try accessing from a different browser (maybe cache on your browser), or clearing cache on your site if you have it.

    otherwise try :

    #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links a, #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links {
    	font-size: 13px !important;

    Hi, I want to highlight the first topic that the user creates to ask his doubts so that it can stand out from other replies. I tried this code but I don’t know what’s missing here. I could not find the CSS classes for the first topics in their documentation.

    .bbpress-forums .bbp-topics:first-child {
    	background-color: #000;
      font-weight: bold;

    Additionally, I want to highlight the best reply either by changing it’s color or by pinging it to the main topic so that new visitors won’t have to check every other reply. It will be helpful for the new users.

    is there any way I can solve these two issues using css:

    1. Highlight the first issue so that it stands out from the crowd of replies
    2. Highlight or ping the correct/solution contained reply thread so that new visitors won’t have to read everything.


    In reply to: Forum

    Robin W

    The ‘Forums’ heading is created by your theme.

    which method in the below are you using to create the forum page? item 3


    Topic: Forum


    we need to add a shortcode on this page above ‘Forums’ heading.
    Is it possible to add through in function.php?


    Certainly! In the WordPress REST API, creating a new topic and assigning it to a parent forum involves utilizing the wp/v2 endpoints for both forums and topics. To achieve this, you can follow these steps:

    ### 1. Get the Forum ID
    Firstly, you’ll need to know the ID of the parent forum to which you want to assign the new topic. You can retrieve this ID by making a GET request to the forums endpoint, typically /wp/v2/forums.

    For example:
    GET /wp/v2/forums

    ### 2. Create a New Topic
    Make a POST request to the topics endpoint, usually /wp/v2/topics, providing the necessary parameters including title, content, and forum to link it to the specific forum.

    For example:
    POST /wp/v2/topics
    Content-Type: application/json

    “title”: “New Topic Title”,
    “content”: “Content of the new topic”,
    “forum”: <forum_id>
    Replace <forum_id> with the ID of the parent forum retrieved from step 1.

    ### Example Using cURL
    Using cURL, the process might look something like this:
    curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“title”:”New Topic Title”,”content”:”Content of the new topic”,”forum”:1}’
    Replace with your actual WordPress site URL and 1 with the ID of the desired forum.

    Remember to authenticate the API request if your WordPress site requires authentication for creating new content.

    This approach allows you to create a new topic and assign it to a parent forum via the WordPress REST API. Adjust the endpoint URLs and parameters as needed based on your specific WordPress configuration.

    Robin W

    put this in the custom css of the style pack plugin.

    #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links a, #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links {
    	font-size: 13px;

    I have 3 categories (main forums) and a bunch of sub forums. I would like to display 1 main forum/category, the blogs, separate from the rest on the front page, but I don’t find the option to do it.

    This only works for specific forums, not categories [bsp-display-topic-index show=”5″ forum=”10,11,12]
    and this style adds a different style (the original) that I don’t want [bsp-display-topic-index].

    So, how to display one or more categories using short templates?


    In reply to: Export/Import

    Robin W

    sort of…

    It is doable, but requires a series of steps and some code.

    I am trying in spare time to get this into a workable solution, but needs more work.

    Robin W

    without a pluguin

    Custom Capabilities

    with a plugin

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>roles

    Robin W

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets


    So where does the “add_shortcode )’… go?

    Robin W

    try adding this to custom css

    # Mobile
    only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
    fieldset.bbp-form p {
    width : 20px ;

    Is there a way to link post and topic tags and show post and topics associated with the tag on a single page in front end?

    I tried doing it using [bbp-single-tag id=$tag_id] short code on post tag page but I couldnt fetch the topic tag id in runtime. Is there a shortcode like [bbp-single-tag slud=$slug], I can fetch the slug from the post tag URL in runtime.

    Robin W

    ok, so that is a page with a shortcode that tends to suggest you do not have the bbpress plugin active

    Robin W

    ‘how to quote a post or comment without using any plugin.’

    you could try using a Ouija board, but otherwise you will need code in either theme or plugin.

    You could pay someone to cut some theme code, but of course that won’t be maintained unless you take out some sort of maintenance agreement with the author.

    Adding a plugin will not make any difference in load time that anyone would notice (or indeed most software could time), and if you use caching software nothing measurable at all over theme code.

    bbp style pack

    has a quotes section



    I am trying to follow the step-by-step instructions, and I am still having trouble displaying the main forum page. I am trying to use method 1. I checked and verified the settings.

    I added some test forums and topics, and I can see them in the backend.
    Forum Root = Forums
    Permalink structure is set to POSTNAME
    Category | Tag base left blank (default)

    I created a page called Forums and nothing displayed.
    I tried adding the shortcode and still nothing appears.

    I am referring to:

    Page Links:
    Wordpress : 6.3.2
    bbp Version 2.6.9

    Thanks in advance.
    Fills silly to be stuck so early on in the process.


    Looks like I’ve fixed it. I had some code to change bbpress usernames in my functions.php file, which I have deleted.


    In a bbPress forum I want to prevent participants from creating topics but allow replies. In searching the Internet I found code examples from which I selected some to build a plugin. I know a little PHP but WordPress is like a “black box.”


    function ‘modify_participant'()
    add_filter(‘mod_participant’, ‘upd_participant’);

    function upd_participant($role,$caps)
    $role = bbp_get_participant_role();
    $caps = modify_capabilities($role);

    function modify_capabilities($role)
    return array(

    // Topic caps
    ‘publish_topics’ => false,
    ‘edit_topics’ => false,
    ‘edit_others_topics’ => false,
    ‘delete_topics’ => false,
    ‘delete_others_topics’ => false,
    ‘read_private_topics’ => false,

    // Topic tag caps
    ‘manage_topic_tags’ => false,
    ‘edit_topic_tags’ => false,
    ‘delete_topic_tags’ => false,
    ‘assign_topic_tags’ => false

    For instance the WP loaded hook causes it to run once at the start which should call those functions to initialize things. Is an add_filter also executed at that time to complete initialization? Then the black box proceeds with the bbp_get_parcipant_role routine so that the capabilities array elements can be updated. I read that WP filters always expect an object to be returned. It seems that these wouldn’t be permanent but just temporary in memory for executing that page. However my suspicion is that more coding would be necessary because that would be too much to depend on the black box for.


    In reply to: wpForo to bbPress?

    Driven 2 Services

    I’ve handled a few with code I wrote myself. It’s very possible to do. 🙂

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