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  • #61875

    After all my slicing and dicing with bbPress, I’m finally coming close to completing everything, except one thing. This RSS thing is really killing me :P. I’m wracking my brain trying to explain this the best way possible.

    So here I go. Each forum has a feed, how do I only show the topics in the feed? As it stands right now, the feed is showing the replies as well, I just want topics to show.

    Sorry for sounding redundant, but I’m desperate >_< to complete. Thanks in advance.


    The workaround won’t work for plugins.

    @sambauers: I think there is no complete working solution if you don’t touch the core files.

    First, load_default_textdomain and load_plugin_textdomain are WordPress version, they only look language files in WordPress directories. So, in bbPress, all text won’t be translated since language file are not loaded because WordPress load_*_textdomain won’t find language files in bbPress’ directories.

    Second, WordPress and bbPress both use default as textdomain when calling __() or _e() without assigning textdomain, that means we can only use either WordPress’ or bbPress’ language files at the same time, not both.

    (edit: plugin’s problem can be solved by add a bb_load_plugin_textdomain, but bbPress’s part. If we don’t want to use something like bb__(), bb_e(), maybe we can try to merge bbPress translations into WordPress’ in runtime? or search bbPress’ first, then WordPress’ if can’t find)


    Running the latest version of bbPress and the latest version of ck’s plugin.

    Signatures won’t update when you try to change them in Edit Profile. No error messages to be found.


    Sorry, didn’t read bbPress source carefully. Replace first if clause with

    if ( defined('BBLANG') && '' != constant('BBLANG') ) {
    if ( function_exists('load_default_textdomain') ) {
    global $l10n;

    $locale = BBLANG;
    $mofile = BBPATH . BBINC . 'languages/' . "$";
    if ( is_readable($mofile) ) {
    $input = new CachedFileReader($mofile);
    $l10n['default'] = new gettext_reader($input);
    else {
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'streams.php');
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'gettext.php');

    PS. That “..” is how you put variable to be parsed in string in PHP ( Variable parsing )

    Sam Bauers

    streams.php and gettext.php are just libraries, so if they are loaded by WordPress, then they don’t need to be loaded again. Although “include_once” should take care of that.

    The problem with the language file not loading is because of the next couple of lines. They say that if WordPress is loaded not to load the kses.php and l10n.php files. This means it is looking for yor language file for bbPress in the same place as the WordPress language file.

    It’s possible (but I don’t know enough about how gettext works) that just dropping the bbPress mo file into the same place as the WordPress mo file will work… just call the bbPress mo file or something like that.

    I think someone solved this before… search a little harder through the forums I think.


    This is a quick workaround:

    if ( defined('BBLANG') && '' != constant('BBLANG') ) {
    if ( function_exists('load_default_textdomain') ) :
    global $l10n;

    $locale = BBLANG;
    $mofile = BBLANGDIR . "$";

    load_textdomain('default', $mofile);
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'streams.php');
    include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'gettext.php');
    if ( !( defined('DB_NAME') || defined('WP_BB') && WP_BB ) ) { // Don't include these when WP is running.
    require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'kses.php');
    if ( !function_exists('load_default_textdomain') )
    require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'l10n.php');

    It should drops WordPress’ language file, and replaces with bbPress’. That means translations need to be done in WordPress won’t be translated since this code drops language file. This wont happen when you read your blog. However, I don’t have any language files, so this is coded by guessing.

    This is not a solution, just a temporary fix. I will file a ticket.


    Well, basically all of them, including plugins. I want to use my WP header, sidebar etc. and I am planning to build some custom functions that make use both of WP and bbPress functions. So I really do need integration.

    Did you find out anything on what exactly is causing the hick-up?


    I think this needs to change bbPress core and even WordPress’.

    What’s the WordPress function that you are planning to use?


    Then, you should trace in bbPress’ code to find out where causes an exit.

    BTW, you can also test error_log(get_option('blogname')); to make sure WordPress loaded database correctly.

    PS. debugging with no debugger is a crazy thing. You have to guess by experiences for best shot.


    I don’t have any clues to solve you problem.

    If I were you, I will

    1. put error_log('WordPress loaded'); after that request_once to make sure wp has been loaded.

    2. check error log for WordPress loaded, if I get that, that means the problem should be on bbPress, or on WordPress.

    3. keep using error_log, find out where causes a program end.

    This is my no-debugger-debugging method.


    Btw, I just deactivated all bbPress plugins and switched to the standard theme, but still no luck.


    Well, I didn’t mean that kind of error message. If your hosting provider gives you cpanel, there should be a “Error Logs”

    And put that line top of original config.php is correct, but to bottom isn’t.

    Maybe you can try to use relative path? (I don’t think this will help…)

    What are the versions of WordPress and bbPress which you are using?

    Still need the error log.


    Well, actually it’s a Safari error message and it’s in German, but I’ll post it anyway:

    “Safari kann die Seite „..“ nicht öffnen, da der Server die Verbindung unerwartet beendet hat. Dies tritt manchmal auf, wenn ein Server überlastet ist. Möglicherweise können Sie die Seite später öffnen.”

    Rough translation: “Safari can’t open the page .., because the connection was unexpectedly reset by the server. This may occur if the server is busy. You might try again later.”

    In Firefox, I just get a white page, no error message.

    When I add the “”require_once(‘/var/www/web7/web/wp-blog-header.php’);” line to the bottom of config.php, I get this error message:

    “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _http_build_query() in /var/www/web7/web/wp-includes/compat.php on line 108”

    Again, both WordPress and bbPress are running fine on its own, but it seems as soon as I try to load them together, something goes wrong.


    In reply to: subforums and markup


    @itissue: Didn’t fel64’s method work?



    I have bbPress running along with WordPress. It’s working fine so far, but now I’m trying to use WP functions in my bbPress theme.

    I followed the directions and added “require_once(‘/var/www/web7/web/wp-blog-header.php’);” to the top of my bbPress config.php file.

    But all I get is “Connection Reset by Server” when I open bbPress. As soon as I remove that line, it’ll work again, but without the WP functions, of course.

    What am I doing wrong here?


    Sounds like you are having a problem with db-mysqli.php. It’s been covered in the forums here (search for threads tagged 745 and you’ll see what I mean) or just look at this recent post:



    having some problems with installing:

    install.php gives me this warning:

    …bbpress/bb-includes/db.php on line 61

    followed by this

    …bbpress/bb-includes/db.php on line 73

    DB_HOST is not localhost, changed to db server mt info,

    apparently it won’t support the db host name?


    I use BBPress 0.8.3 here:

    but I can’t see my custom themes even the default theme in the panel.I can only see”Dashboard Users Content “when I login to panel…


    Update:My forum has upgraded to 0.8.3 from 0.8.2,I find there add two options about Mysql Datebase in the config.php of the new version(0.8.3) .It set the Datebase CHARSET and COLLATE to utf8.

    Then I created a new Mysql datebase and set the config.php correctly,but when I install it,it said:

    “Warning: mysql_get_server_info() [function.mysql-get-server-info]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/.lewis/okokb/bbpress/forums/bb-includes/db-mysqli.php on line 80”

    then I check the line 80 of the file,db-mysqli.php,it looks seem that the version of my Mysql Datebase must be 4.1.0?

    isn’t it? but my Mysql datebase are all above 4.1.0.

    But I saw that,when I signup with a new Datebase,I can see my custom themes in the panel.

    Now I want to know,if BB require only 4.1.0(the version of the mysql datebase)….

    I’m very sorry about that my English is not good,I hope you can understand what I mean….

    Thanks all.



    Thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate it.

    What are you guys waiting for? Get cracking. (joking). How much do you guys think this would cost me? I know, it’s something you cant predict right now. I dont know any development/design, so i cant predict anything at all. Maybe 1000, 2000, 3000? More than 3000?

    But seriously, why doesnt Matt introduce an open source social networking software?

    Im not actually asking so i can get my hands on it. Its an analyst’s perspective.

    Im also very interested in finding out why WordPress has been so successful, and why other blog softwares might not have been as succesful. I believe it has to do a lot with the “corporate image” of wordpress/automattic and the love they have for their community.


    In reply to: Excerpts


    You may want to think quite carefully about doing this, as it’s not the simplest of tasks. The key issue is that bbpress does not have the data you want at the time you want it.

    Basically bb only looks into the bb_topics table to see what the latest topics are. That tells it what the last post id was, what the last poster’s name was and all that, but it doesn’t tell it what the content of the last post was. To do that, you need to grab the ids of every last post being displayed, then write a database query to get the data from bb_posts. That can (*can*) be done in a single query though I think, much as bb grabs all the topics at once, so it’s not too bad. Then you have the data and can play with it however you want.

    So it takes some neat hooking and querying.

    Trent Adams

    #1) This is simple enough as MU is built for that.

    #2) If you are talking about each member having their own bbPress forum as well in #2, I would suggest that would be a massive problem. If you just mean having them using a single forum, I think this can be done.

    #3) Avatars can be down with many plugins you can find in these forums or over at . Combining with MU might be a little difficult or require a plugin. I would suggest looking around to see if anyone on MU has come up with a solution already. That or use Gravatar ;)

    #4) Combination of plugins and RSS feed grabbers could do that without very much hassle. What is written already might be sufficient from the plugins area, but a couple different database requests would make new plugins for this quickly I am sure.

    #5) You didn’t have one ;)

    #6) People out there have successfully integrated bbPress and WordPressMU logins, but you might need to search a bit over at as well for the answer ;) It also depends on your answer to #2 though…..

    #7) You already know the answer and Null helped with the others.



    [7] Private messaging. This can be done with bbpress.

    Yes, there is a plugin for this

    [8] Groups. Can this be done?

    Not yet (put it on trac as request). There is a way with an plugin I believe. Make a new group (e.g. like moderators) and put your people in it.

    [9] AND THE BIGGEST OF ALL – Can “friends” be made for a member, where you click his/her profile and friends are listed?

    I was working on a plugin that does this, but I got stuck with it, so it’s back on the selve for now.

    Can’t help you with the other questions



    Come on in guys :) .


    Thanks anasohbet!

    I have just found out that there was an issue with my download manager preventing anyone using internet explorer to download any of my files. This is now fixed. So if you have tried previously to download Misty Morning, please try again. The download link will work now.

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