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  • #63000

    Integration takes about 10-15 minutes once you’ve

    installed both WordPress and bbPress .

    You just have to get the cookie hashes and paths to match

    and make sure bbPress allows the looser names that WordPress does as well as set the roles for WordPress if you allow registration through the bbPress side.


    I have a new bbPress theme called Black-Letterhead. It’s derived from the default Kakumei theme. This theme is a takeoff from my WordPress Theme also called Black-Letterhead.

    Here’s the download and preview links:

    Sorry, no live demo available.


    What does integration mean to you? What features would an integrated install have for you? I’m curious because integration means different things to different people.


    Hello, really very beautiful Themes. Do you have which against it if I translate and with also for the Download offer these into German with left for you? LG


    I agree that people get turned off by downloading and installing something that does not work, then they search out plugins to add functionality, and the plugins no longer work, and that is certainly discouraging. But I don’t think creating a ‘Plus’ download is the way to go. I think a better job needs to be done on the releases, to ensure they work, and then somehow plugins need to be updated. Since bbPress is so young, a lot of the plugins that were written no longer work with current releases. There are “required version” and “compatible up to” fields, which are populated and appear to be accurate, but maybe they’re not always maintained. The Extend section seems like it’s gotten some love lately, so maybe the plugins will remain compatible longer now, or at least someone will check on them. I know writing and maintaining a plugin is a huge commitment.

    In short, I know it’s frustrating to download software that doesn’t always work, then find plugins to solve problems only to install those and not have them work, but I don’t think a ‘Plus’ release is the way around that.


    In reply to:


    Just a caution that something is making my bb-benchmark dump the results publicly on your pages.

    I’ve just posted 0.19 so you might want to make sure you use that.


    In reply to: Copyright Question


    Hi SessionX,

    I would recommend to you to get in contact with the developers on cause me and most other members can`t help you.


    I also believe there is code on the WordPress side that uses 3rd party mailers like gmail or yahoo to send passwords. This could be easily adapted to bbPress as a plugin.


    I don’t think deleting them with phpMyAdmin affects any plugin specifically, but deleting them directly in the database doesn’t remove all references to those posts. I suspect there are other references to those posts that are not removed when you remove the post directly. Take a look in the admin panel at Site Management > Recount. Those are all things that are tied into posts somehow. For example, maybe a member has a post listed as their last post, then you delete that post. That would be bad since the reference they hold pointing to the post is no longer valid.

    So, deleting just a post in the database is a bad idea. Doesn’t sound like you need to mass edit any posts, so for deleting them, use the bbPress admin panel, not phpMyAdmin.


    Can anyone help me with this problem?

    I need play-by-play instructions on importing user info from an already existing BBpress database to a fresh WordPress install. Can anyone help me?

    Thank you so much!


    It’s just for convenience, and right now I’m doing a lot of test posts, so it’s quicker to delete those posts with the checkbox. I was deleting them in phpmyadmin, then read _ck_’s post about the plugin. If you don’t mind, can you explain how my deleting posts and topics through phpmyadmin would affect a plugin? So far, though, I only have the anonymous user plugin.


    I agree. For deleting posts, I would do it through bb-admin and if there is a need for something like this, it’s probably plugin territory. For a mass edit, which wasn’t really explained, I don’t see a problem using phpMyAdmin and a regex to update some text.


    Don’t have one. I got rid of it when I got turned off the pretty permalinks.

    Since I uploaded with integration in wp, what exactly should I do to delete this installation so I can try it again? I know I need to deletemy bbpress tables, but I also know that it added info to my wp tables, or at least some ofthem.




    It may be important to do deletes through bbpress and not phpmyadmin because there may be plugins that hook into the delete process.

    I’ll look into making my recent posts plugin have the ability to do deletes via checkbox. Or it might be possible to mod the existing bbpress admin page.

    (I assume this is a spamming issue or something like that)


    If you’re looking to do something like that, I would use phpMyAdmin and access the posts directly. You also have two separate issues: mass edit and mass delete. What exactly are you trying to do?


    > Is this a security issue? Are the forums at risk of sql injections?

    No – or if they are, this isn’t a symptom (in my opinion, as ever). bbPress just isn’t prepared for this case. Cheers for reporting it.


    If you have an .htaccess file in your bbpress directory, remove it or rename it temporarily and see if the 404’s go away.


    ah you are right

    Opened a TRAC ticket on this.


    Sorry about the site name, _ck_! I agree with your decision, much easier to get it right when I type it in!

    I’m so glad you knew where to find Omegacool ~~~ that theme is perfect!

    Thanks so much!



    Omegacool has a site too, there are download links there as well:

    (ps. it’s I decided bbpressshowcase was just too long and too many sss’s ;-)


    by mass edit/delete, i mean edit/delete multiple posts at once (with a checkbox). I don’t want to click each one, then click the pop-up dialogue boxes that ask me to confirm the delete.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to also furnish a few colleagues a German assistance side approximately over bbPress, so that the German users also an approach place to have and can exchange itself, because on already for a long time nix more is the matter, so that we want to take over the support. Now is my question whether correct it is and whether the name may be used bbPress in the Domaion? I would be pleased much about a positive answer. Yours sincerely


    Anyone know what happened to Omegacool??? Ican’t get this theme, but I saw it on and loved it! I think I would be able to work my own site’s theme into it fairly well.




    If you cannot get into admin panel it’s one of two reasons:

    1. cookie hashes & paths don’t match

    2. you do not have the proper role set under bbpress as administrator

    The 404’s may be caused by turning on slugs without multiviews or proper mod_rewrite rules. If you have slugs turned on, turn them off temporarily (in your config.php) until you solve the other problem. ie.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    I am betting on the role not being set in bbPress that’s preventing you from getting to the admin panel. This can be inspected/fixed via phpmyadmin. I’ve been meaning to write an auto-load plugin to fix this issue automagically.


    I’ve whipped up a little plugin to restore proper admin access roles for both bbPress and WordPress without having to tinker in phpmyadmin:

    Copy this to your plugins directory in bbPress OR WordPress (not both). Then access bbPress or WordPress (whichever you used). Then test you can access admin panel. Then DELETE the plugin off your server. There is no reason to leave it there.

    (you MUST leave the leading underscore “_” on the plugin name which makes it auto-load without having to activate it first. I have not tested it from the WP side but in theory should be fine.)

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