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  • #69928

    vannak, let me know what happens.

    Chris, I see webhosting companies visit websites that deal with webhosting all the time, it’s possible GoDaddy hired a PR firm to scan websites for talk about them. Given the amount of competition for hosting, it’s very likely.

    If you google their IP, you’ll notice that GD person looks for “godaddy sucks” and shows up to post things like “will look into it” so this is PR at it’s cleverest. They really are on godaddy ISP though in Arizona so it’s legit (or a offshore group hired to use GoDaddy as a proxy).


    I justed upload bb-rating folder to wordpress site, WordPress Plugin can activated.

    But I don’t know how to use it or the plugin can’t working.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Joined. ;)


    Looks like cross integrating the bb-load.php file into wp-config.php breaks the WP admin styling completely. It causes the header to output all funky and out of order. Trying to track it down now, but for the time being don’t try it! Yikes! Haha!



    I’ve thought about this, and tossed it around in my mind for the past few weeks. I think that for us right now, it would make sense to do things this way, since we’re only really familiar with WordPress, and then bbPress. There are a few other products that Automattic has, such as WordPress MU, BuddyPress, and BackPress, that also will need to have a way to integrate around each other and any random installation combination of them.

    With that being said, from a bbPress users perspective, it might almost make more sense to have WordPress MU be a plug-in for bbPress, giving each individual user their own WordPress type blog. This would use bbPress as the core installation, and include another application inside itself.

    You can see that with so many products and possibilities, the fact that Sam has enlightened us with a working bbPress/WordPress dedicated integration solution using bbp1.0alpha4 is pretty awesome.

    I’m going to do my best to make a plug-in like you’ve mentioned, to add a bbPress menu in the WordPress admin panel, and allow editing of the bbPress settings. I think that again, right now, a majority of the bbPress audience is going to lean towards that as a next logical step. Eventually however, BuddyPress and BackPress will probably be the future for all of us.

    Your points are valid, and I think many of us here feel the same, just rest assured that the devs are listening and busting their butts to make things work together the best way they can.


    This looks awesome! I am going to try it out tomorrow… I noticed that some nbsp’s were being “encoded” in my bbPress installs tonight, and was wondering how I was gonna strip them out. Looking forward to trying this out :-).

    Will report back with results.


    Hello David!

    A fully integrated version of bbPress 1.0 is being tested here:

    If you can help out with the testing, that would be great!


    Sam Bauers

    Do you know what transport is being used on the broken installations?

    wp_remote_get() now uses the HTTP API library, which is supposed to try different ways of retrieving a remote HTTP resource. It is possible that the method the problem server is selecting to use looks like it is valid to WPMU but in fact isn’t for some configuration reason.

    Beyond that I really can’t help without more specifics about your setup, mainly what transport method the HTTP API is using.


    In reply to: WPMU 2.6 and Alpha 1.0

    Sam Bauers

    Sounds like a bug to me, please report it in Trac


    I LOVE bbpress…..

    I LOVE wordpress…..


    I am really disappointed that bbpress integration with wordpress was broken at wordpress version 2.6 and has yet to be put back into bbpress.

    In fact, bbpress intigration with wordpress wont be back until bbpress version 1.0 which is not due for some time.

    on one of my websites:

    i currently run the 1.0-alpha, because i need wordpress 2.7.

    I don’t know about everyone else, but I am extremely disappointed that wordpress and bbpress are from the same company (Automattic), but they are not joined at the hip like I thought, they are more like completely independent and might as well not be made from the same company.

    bbpress is an excellent product on its own, but the integration with wordpress is simply embarrassing.

    So, this what I think should be done:

    Create 2 versions of bbpress.

    1) a standalone version already in existance

    2) a wordpress plugin (installed from within wordpress) that has the same functionality as bbpress. The bbpress admin would reside within wordpress itself. This would make bbpress instantly integrated with wordpress.

    Having 2 versions would increase the number of users of bbpress and make it a lot easier and simpler for non-technical users to integrate bbpress with wordpress.

    Please consider this. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.



    Hi _ck_ I didn’t give the topic link to godadday. they actually found it by themself. anyway, i’ll try your suggestion. thanks indeed.


    Sam Bauers

    bb-config.php shouldn’t need a LOGGED_IN_KEY definition – you may as well remove it.

    BB_NONCE_KEY is a new key for making unique nonce values – this doesn’t affect cookies.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Trent Adams

    I am a fan and always have been. It has been a great ride and thanks to all that contribute and spend time on this project and with the community.




    I checked all my settings again and it looked like I did not put in my define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, on bbconfig.php. That is now fixed and running smoothly.

    Haven’t found problems logging in/out either bbpress or wordpress. Thanks sam.

    Question: what is define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ”); on the bb-config file? It is currently empty and don’t remember having it on 1.0a2.

    Sam Bauers


    In your wp-config.php file, right after you include bbPress you should probably clear out all filters and actions so that nothing in bbPress alters WordPress unexpectedly. Use this code right after the include to do that:

    // Remove filters and action that have been set by the included bbPress
    if ( defined( 'BB_PATH' ) ) {
    $wp_filter = array();
    $wp_actions = array();
    $merged_filters = array();
    $wp_current_filter = array();

    Sam Bauers

    I’ve also briefly tested the deepest integration possible with a cross include; including BBP into WP config, and WP into BBP config, thus allowing all functions in all areas.

    You are a braver man than me.


    On a side note Sam…

    I’d like to try to head the project to include the bbPress administration area into the WordPress admin area as a plugin… It sounds like a major task, but I really don’t think it will be that hard since all of the functions are written for me already…

    I noticed that you tucked your plugin under the WP Settings menu, which is where I think it belongs for now. However, once integration becomes more popular, I suspect users may want a centralized administration panel, possibly requiring a separate WP root menu for bbPress related settings.

    I know I’m thinking light years ahead here, but perhaps starting to think about an integration standard now before we get too far into things might not be a bad idea?


    I’ve also briefly tested the deepest integration possible with a cross include; including BBP into WP config, and WP into BBP config, thus allowing all functions in all areas.

    Aside from the really painful overhead and the possible plug-in conflicts, it seems to work that way also.

    I do highly recommend clearing out all cookies once you’ve got everything setup.

    Sam, I’ve got homework I need to do for the next few hours, but I promise by tomorrow morning I’ll have a write-up for you.


    On some forums you might want to remove bad html markup that’s not allowed instead of encoding it into text. Here’s a mini-plugin to do just that. It also converts <b> into <strong> and <i> into <em>

    It only runs when posts are saved instead of each time they are displayed to keep things at full speed. Posts by Moderators and Administrators are not stripped.

    (note: for now it doesn’t obey backticks and will strip inside them)

    Plugin Name: Strip Bad Markup
    Plugin URI:
    Description: removes tags that are not allowed in posts instead of encoding them
    Author: _ck_
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.0.1

    add_filter('pre_post', 'strip_bad_markup',9);

    function strip_bad_markup($text) {
    if (!bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    $tags=bb_allowed_tags(); $tags['br']=true; $tags['p']=true; $tags = implode('|',array_keys($tags));
    $text=preg_replace("/</?(?!($tags)).*?>/sim","", $text);
    return $text;


    Sam Bauers


    This is what I like to hear!

    Sam Bauers

    People having issues with cookies etc need to remember to configure the WordPress plugin and also follow it’s instructions to modify the wp-config.php file in WordPress.

    Further to this, you should clear out any manual settings you have made to bb-config.php in bbPress and re-check your settings in the “WordPress integration” page in bbPress admin.

    Then clear all your cookies and retest.


    Using deep integration inside the bb-config.php, I’ve been able to include all of the WP functions normally included in the WP/header.php file successfully. This has allowed me to replace the bbPress login/registration with the WordPress one and actually use the WP login/logout function from within BBP.

    So far Sam, I am calling this a huge success.


    I was not referring to me modifying the core, but rather suggesting that the developers modify it for a future release of bbPress.

    SMTP is a major mail API. It can be handled transparently by bbPress with the existing underlying PHP support of the ‘mail()’ function. Seems like a one line (and transparent to existing systems) change in bbPress would be preferable to requiring bbPress admins to discover the issue, debug it, and then find and install a plugin. It would have also prevented me (and judging from the forum topics, others) from spending our (and your) time on the issue as well. Perhaps I am missing something about the development and distribution of bbPress, but using a plugin for a 1 line change is putting a sledgehammer to a tack. Especially since a system presumably built for *nix systems goes into a Windows environment (and rather an unusual one at that; IIS being generally preferred to Apache in that world) rather well. Just my 2c worth.



    Logged in as KeyMaster, using the BBP1.0alpha4 (non trunk) and using the BBP Integration plugin for WP (trunk) I can confirm that all cookies, logins, logouts, and admin panels appear to be working from every direction.

    WordPress installed in “ROOT/” directory.

    bbPress installed in “ROOT/forums/” directory.

    Pat yourself on the back soldier, we have lift-off.

    Once I am comfortable with my findings and can test this more thoroughly I’ll write a detailed how-to integrate topic ASAP.

    Side note: It also all appears to still work even with deep integration in the bb-config.php file. Still testing so stay tuned with that.



    i’ve tried to add ** to /mytheme/header.php ( inside the head tags of course) –


    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.js”></script>

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.accordion.js”></script>

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquerycustom.js”></script>

    but it does’nt work so far, is there a special bbpress rule for 3rd party scripts?

    it works as standalone version, but the integration in bbpress fails big time.


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