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  • #72499

    I SOLVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since no one anywhere was giving me answers and since I’m stubborn and must solve problems, I spent yet another 10+ hours troubleshooting and I did it!!!

    Want to know the simple as hell fix?

    Well, besides including,

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    In WP Config and the following in bbPress Config, (Notice how cookie domain and cookie path are the EXACT SAME in both configs)

    // WordPress database integration speedup

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_name = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_user = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_password = ‘changed’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_host = ‘localhost’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_charset = ‘utf8’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_collate = ”;

    $bb->custom_user_table = ‘wp_users’;

    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = ‘wp_usermeta’;

    // WordPress cookie integration speedup

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘same URL’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘same URL’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ”;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_HASH’;

    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = ‘wordpress_sec_HASH’;

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_HASH’;

    $bb->admin_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-admin’;

    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/bb-plugins’;

    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forums/my-plugins’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = ‘/wp-admin’;

    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/wp-content/plugins’;

    // End integration speedups

    I also did what I should have done from the start but didn’t because I am a DUMBASS,

    I copied the following from WP config,

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    AND EXACTLY AS YOU SEE IT THERE (Even the spaces in between so the WP Config and bbPress config matched even those spaces in between lines) I copied it over to bbPress Config, adding the “BB_” prefix to it,

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘randomexcrement’);

    Even though I looked at character for character there was something off and by copying and replacing that information I can now log into WP and it logs me in bbPress and logging out of one logs me out of the either.

    I hope this helps someone out there!!!


    As it turns out even if the blog URL for WP is the same as the site URL (WP doesn’t even list the blog URL in the database even though it shows up under WP Admin Options) you need to include it in the bbPress Integration settings. Doing set reset my cookie path from /forums/ to:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    As it turns out, coding logic told me, that the plugin didn’t include the cookie domain sicne it was null.

    So in fact, they are exactly the same.

    That and I fixed it for full integration. :-D But that’s another thread!


    Thanks for the input _ck_, as always :)

    I’m not often trying to replace an entire function from template-functions.php, i just want to overwrite one function once. But i get now that it has to be in pluggable.php, which is cool.

    I suppose my issue here is this: why are many functions that output hardcoded HTML hardcoded into templates-functions.php in the core and not in pluggable.php so that theme / plugin developers can’t overwrite them?

    In my opinion (and it’s just my opinion) there are far too few hooks in BBpress and some of them are in the ‘wrong’ or difficult place for theme development or front-end plugin development. This may seem daft to alot of people and long time BBpress contributors, but with the likes of _ck_ writing so many great back end plugins, most of mine focus on making BBpress work in a slightly more modern way (ajax, nestings, wysiwyg, etc); and i keep hitting these ‘walls’ of where BBpress has hardcoded something.

    Basically I struggle to see why BBpress doesn’t have a functions.php file in the theme directory. As it stands we’ve got to create a theme the way we want it, then integrate it into the WordPress theme, then remove the conflicts for the WP and BBpress theme as the standard BBpress theme came with a different div structure to the standard WP one (madness), then add the hooks for all the stuff thats not got a hook, then move hooks for the one in a ridiculous place, then write a plugin to load up all the functions that your theme will use as standard (cos god forbid we’d have a functions.php like wordpress).

    It makes developing a theme that does anything more than background colour of posts and what happens around/outside the forum a real nightmare. And what’s worse, it means that any theme to stray away from the ‘default’ kakumei theme, needs to have a plugin installed as well.

    While this may seem like no big deal to people (and it’s not a huge deal), given that we use a different structure for our folders to WP (again – crazily stoopid given the market BBpress’s aimed at even at this stage), we’re reliant on the user to install and activate everything properly.


    Instructions with a theme if we had a functions.php and WP structure:

    • Copy theme folder to your theme directory.
    • Load up admin section, and select the new theme.

    Instructions with a theme as is:

    • Create a my-themes folder in your BBpress directory
    • Copy the theme folder into that directory
    • Create a my-plugins folder in the your BBpress directory
    • Copy the plugin folder into that directory
    • load up admin section, and select new theme
    • activate new plugin to make theme reliant functions work

    Now, obviously there is nothing too taxing on the second version, but it’s long been my experience that the less steps users have to undertake the less errors are made. Especially, and this is the bit I don’t get, when WordPress does things in a really simple manner (and has done so for ages).

    I appreciate that forums of the nature we create are never going to be the most exciting or ground breaking in the world, but for those who think i’m wrong about more modern / different theme’s being available for bbpress let me ask this:

    1. If you look at the Top 20 forums in _ck_’s list (, can you tell it’s a BBpress forum before seeing the “powered by BBpress” at the bottom? If you’re bored do the same for the rest of the top100 and see how many you need to check are running BBpress.
    2. By comparison, when you go to a non-BBpress forum on the internet, can you automatically tell what forum software it is every time?
    3. But i bet you can tell it’s NOT BBpress straight away. Why do you think that is?

    (infact the first one i’d to scroll to the bottom to check it was made my bbpress and it was – a number have switched away form bbpress – was which is using one of my template hacks from last year. the other worth mentioning is which is lovely and innovative – so that’s 2 out of the top100)

    Billy S

    Hey all. After much help from reading these forums and tinkering endlessly, I have gotten cross site logins working between WP2.6 and bbpress 0.9 . I don’t know if you’d call it ‘integration’, but it allows a user to log in once and gain access to all appropriate site resources. Although probably not the best solution, what I did is create my own cookie login, which is caught before wordpress or bbpress load, and creates a new user object which is universal to WP and BBPress (and any other webapps you use). It does take a little…alteration…of core WP and BBPress files. I strongly encourage you to make backups before doing this, and proceed at your own risk. It worked for me, but I cannot guarantee that it will fork for you. Also, it took a bit of hacking before I came up with this solution, so it may contain minor errors or accidental omissions as I am having to backtrack to recall what exactly I did.

    okay, here goes…

    First, we have to configure bbpress to use the wp_users table. That is done in the admin area of bbpress (settings->wordpress integration). Check ‘Show Advanced Database Settings’ and enter your database information for the wordpress install. Also, enter the wordpress database secret code near the top of the settings page.

    Next, I created a file in the document root called ‘cookie_login.php’:

    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/cookie_login.php'){die('Cannot access directly');}

    //Initial Setup of Variables
    $SECRET_KEY = 'SECRET_KEY_DEFINED_IN_BBPRESS_AND_WP';//use a real secret key
    $site_user = false;

    //Do the DB thing
    $the_db= mysql_connect('SERVER','USER','PASS');

    //Start Session!
    session_set_cookie_params(1800,'/',''); //30 minute session
    if (isset($_COOKIE['site_cookie'])){ //cookie has been set, proceed to get user info!
    $tmp = explode(':',$_COOKIE['site_cookie']); //this will make sense later
    $tmpusr = $tmp[0];
    $wpid = $tmp[1];
    $tmphash = $tmp[2];
    $hashShouldBe = md5($tmpusr . $SECRET_KEY . $wpid); //what the hash should be - prevent tampering!
    if ($tmphash == $hashShouldBe){
    if (isset($_SESSION['user'])){
    $site_user = $_SESSION['user'];
    $qry = "SELECT * from wp_users WHERE ID = ".mysql_real_escape_string($wpid,$the_db) . " LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($qry,$the_db);
    $site_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $qry = "SELECT meta_key, meta_value from wp_usermeta where user_id = ".mysql_real_escape_string($wpid,$the_db);//get additional data, just for fun
    $resulta = mysql_query($qry,$the_db);
    $temp_arr = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resulta)){
    $tmp_value = unserialize($row['meta_value']) ? unserialize($row['meta_value']) : $row['meta_value'];//if it a serialized array, unserialize it. otherwise, dont.
    $temp_arr[$row['meta_key']] = $tmp_value;
    $site_user = $temp_arr + $site_user;
    $_SESSION['user'] = (object)$site_user;//Object just out of preference, but doesn't have to be

    }else{//tsk tsk, bad hash
    $_SESSION['user'] = array();
    setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time()-9600, '/');//may be unnecessary...not sure...but can't hurt! (famous last words)
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['site_cookie']) && isset($_SESSION['user'])){//attempt to gain access?
    $_SESSION['user'] = array();
    setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time()-9600, '/');//may be unnecessary...not sure...but can't hurt! (famous last words)
    unset($SECRET_KEY,$hashShouldBe,$tmp,$wpid,$tmphash,$tmpusr,$result,$_SESSION['user'],$resulta,$temp_arr);//burn the evidence!
    include ('site_functions.php'); //optional, can hook another file with functions (universal to all sites) to deal with this new user object

    After I finished the cookie_login.php, I rolled up my sleeves and dove into the WordPress and BBPress core to allow my login to occur.

    in the /wp-config.php file, define the cookie domain:

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    Also, that secret key you used earlier in cookie_login…define it here as well

    define('SECRET_KEY', 'Same Key from Earlier. IMPORTANT to make sure it's identical');

    Next, I hooked in my cookie_login file to wordpress and bbpress by adding an include to the top of BOTH bb-config.php AND wp-config.php

    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/cookie_login.php';

    To set up the ‘site_cookie’ properly, open up /wp-includes/user.php and find wp_signon function (was the first one for me). At the bottom of the function, after

    if ( is_wp_error($user) )
    return $user;

    Add the following:

    $hashValue = $credentials['user_login'] . SECRET_KEY . $user->data->ID;
    $crossCookieValue = $credentials['user_login'] . ':' . $user->data->ID . ':' . md5($hashValue);

    wp_set_auth_cookie($user->ID, $credentials['remember'], $secure_cookie);
    do_action('wp_login', $credentials['user_login']);//this may have already been there, don't remember

    Remember how I mentioned the site_functions.php which can be included at the bottom of cookie_login.php? That is a perfect place to put the next function, for bbpress login, but it can just as well go inside cookie_login.php itself. The function overwrites the bbpress native wp_validate_auth_cookie function, found in /bb-includes/pluggable.php, with one of our own, which is as follows:

    function wp_validate_auth_cookie($cookie = '') {
    global $site_user;
    if (!isset($site_user->ID)){
    return false;
    return $site_user->ID;

    This is used internally by bbpress to allow the login to proceed.

    Next, open /wp-login.php and find the case: logout section, and add the following right after it:


    Finally, and this may be only applicable for subdomain usage, open /wp-includes/pluggable.php and find the function wp_safe_redirect. Add subdomains you want redirects to in the $allowed_hosts array, for example:




    That’s all (I think) that I had to do. This is probably not ideal, as there are now two copies of a user when hey login, one defined in our new system and one in the wordpress/bbpress systems; however I found this necessary to have happen since I didn’t want to go through all the core code and edit out mention of $user.

    Let me know if this works for you, I hope it was coherant enough. I may have accidentally omitted sections since, as I said before, this is the result of a few weeks of on-and-off tweaks and changes. I can always dig into code and find things I missed if I know what problems are occurring. Also, if anyone is interested, I altered a private messenging system I found which was a little outdated ( to work with this model as well. Users can PM one another from within the wordpress dashboard, and message indicators are noted in the header throughout their visit (in wordpress, bbpress, and other subsites).


    So wait, does this mean BBpress is dropping support for PHP-4? Because WordPress is working just fine…. I’m also downgrading. Would have loved to see some kind of warning/note on the download file page that requirements have changed (if they have).


    I successfully set up the bbp yesterday, integrated with my wordpress. I installed bbp on the SAME database with my wp, but is another user name…

    But all in all, they worked pretty well. The users on my WP can access and log into my bbp flawlessly. However, whenever a new user comes, and register through my bbp, there is not response for the register.php. After filling out the name and email, click send. Nothing happened.

    Except for registration, everything else works perfectly.

    PS: I cannot redirect my bbp register to wp…and I wish to keep it in bbp. I want to know why it didn’t work, since other things worked well.

    Anyone has suggestion?



    No, none of bbpress’s functions can be overridden unless they are in pluggable.php

    You cannot override the functions in template-functions.php

    That’s why filters and actions exist instead.

    If you are often trying to replace the entire function, you are probably doing it wrong or in an overly complex way.


    The creators of bbPress, are putting their head in to the sand, the function most people wants (theme integration) isnt still available in bbPress, and that’s a big shame! ;)


    Topic: Themes

    in forum Themes

    Hi, is there any site with themes for bbPress?


    In reply to: Footer


    In the directory of your current template, you want to add it to the file called footer.php. Just put it right after this line:

    <?php printf(__('%1$s is proudly powered by bbPress.'), bb_option('name'), "") ?>

    Before the closing </div>.


    Topic: Footer

    in forum Themes

    Hi, how can I add something below “Forum name is proudly powered by bbPress.” (footer)?

    Thanks in advance



    I was wonder if anyone out there has cookie sharing between WP and bbPress working, has WordPress 2.7 (NOT 2.7.1) installed, is using bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6 and using the bbPress Integration 1.0-alpha-4.1 PLUGIN.

    Would it be possible for you to go in to the WP Admin section and under settings click on bbPress Integration. For the “Manual Cookie Settings” can you post what yours states?

    I’m trying to anrrow down a cookie sharing problem I’m having and this may be it.

    Mine says,

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    but that’s under WP Admin. Under the bbPress Integration settings in the bbPress Admin section, it has this,

    define(‘COOKIEDOMAIN’ , ‘ ‘;

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/forums/’);

    Shouldn’t they match or since, according to the pulgin site, my WP is 2.7.1 the plugin doesn’t work correctly since it only goes up to 2.7?

    Thanks for any help I can get.


    Can anyone who has successfully got both WP and bbPress to use the same cookies please post what code you used in your wpconfig and bbconfig to them to work?

    I understand there are countless thread with this information but I’ve tried different various combinations of the code to no avail.



    Hi there!… for the last weeks I have been working re-designing my site and integrating it with BBpress.

    You can see it running here:

    Any suggestion is welcome.


    I can not seem to find a way to delete a repeated word in my forms category title. I have a repeated word and not sure how I got it.

    But, here is what is happening. I have bbPress 0.9.4 and WP 2.7.1 integrated using Anne’s plugin. No problem there. Most of CK’s plugins, no problem there either. In the Category title of my forums I have a repeated worked and don’t know how to remove it. What I mean by the category tile is, like the title of Latest Discussion, and the discussions below it my issue is the title above the forum categories. Hope that explains it well. The repeat is Forums Forums. My site is still a work in progress, so there are no post, except test ones.

    Thanks for the help.


    THANK YOU detective!

    (also thanks to _ck_ and Ipstenu – i’m sure we would not have gotten there without you).

    So in idiots terms (so i can understand ;-] )…

    All functions hardcoded into BBpress’s template-functions can be overwritten, but only if they are on a hardcoded list within the core?

    And if you want to write a plugin to overwrite one of these template functions that’s hard coded into the core, and not on another the hardcoded list in the core, we have to include a file in the theme directory and not the plugin directory?

    Am i the only one that thinks that this hampers theme development with all this hardcoded stuff? Anyway, as long as this works it’s cool with me – thank you all for your help!


    I assume this is just a typo in your example and not what you are really using:

    add_filter('topic_pages', 'output_what_i_want, 11');

    because the quote should close before the 11

    add_filter('topic_pages', 'output_what_i_want', 11);

    There’s nothing wrong with the action or filter triggers in bbpress (only that there are not enough of them or in the right places). The code for that is taken right out of wordpress and works fine. My dozens of plugins kinda prove they all work.


    Very nice conversion and I am very partial to the blue vs default green of bbPress.


    HI _ck_,

    thanks for this. I’m not trying to stop something being called with an add_action, but i’m sorry if i didn’t phrase it well enough. What I have found is that i cannot either get an added filter nor an action to add to certain functions in BBpress. Thats the issue i’ve hit.

    Nor am i wanting dynamic theme’s, as your wonderful plugin covers that.

    My plugin does this:

    ON activation checks for wordpress integration.

    If wordpress integrated copies the header file form the wordpress template to a directory.

    Inserts BBcode Hooks into the new file.

    Now that bit works well and dandy; but what i want in this instance is to overwrite the function BB_GET_HEADER as it’s hardcoded in the template_functions.php file.

    So here is my question, how can i/we overwrite the BB_GET_HEADER function ?

    1) can we overwrite functions in the template-functions.php file?

    2) how?

    3) is there an example of this anywhere?

    I ask not to be pedantic, but because i think you answered my post based on what you think i’m trying to do with my plugin rather than the issue at hand – namely that i can over write some functions and not others.

    You are pretty much the authority on this, so i really appreciate any help insight you might have on how to overwrite the BB_GET_HEADER function. thank you!


    I hardly think that it is fair to imply that I don’t ‘care for BBpress (sic) development’

    I didn’t say that nor suggest it, i said that “Name calling, on an anonymous internet forum, is hardly the way to get help, and i think that’s a true statement. If you call people “dick” and “bitch”; you are less likely to get help. I don’t think that is a false statement, and if you’re taking more from it than i had intended then i think you’re just trying to look for a fight rather than apologising for calling me a “dick” for trying to help you.

    After all, i did try and help.

    English is not my first language (nor my second – so my tone may be very off), but i wasn’t being intentionally rude or argumentative. I think it’s fair to say that people who have English as a non-primary language sometimes write sentences in a way that people some people find harsh or blunt – especially on internet forums where tone and intination do not come across. If that’s not something that you or anyone else who reads this agrees with then i’m sorry, it’s my experience that some cultures say things in a different way to others.

    As for the unasked for advice, it was asked for. You asked what your next step should be, and in my honest opinion it should be to test everything on a development enviroment. You may think it “self righteous” of me to say so, but there have been many examples of people on these forums who upload and install on a live environment first (there are 3 on the first page of this forum btw), so i was being honest and offering you and answer to the question YOU ASKED. I didn’t get bored and decide to write you an email, you asked for help and i took time to answer. If you think that was unasked for, then i apologise.

    You know man it’s like this, folks like me try our best. We try and asnwer in the best way possible in a language thats not our own, and if you go around picking out phrases out of context and saying things like we “tried to imply” – you’re reading way too much into simple sentances. If i wnted to say something i would, i wouldn’t hide behind an implication or worse, hide behind an attempted implication of something i really wanted to say. It’s hard to post here in English and we do our best. We dont expect to be called a “dick” or suggesting that we’re a “bitch” for doing so. And if you think that’s acceptable behavior to someone who was trying to help, then thats your own thing man, frankly i think it’s a little uncool – but if you think swearing at someone who is trying his best to help you is cool then there’s nothing i can add to that. Namecalling never got anyone anywhere, and i’d be surprised it if got you help on this forum either.

    Good luck in your endeavours.


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    I have a general question. How updated language files can be uploaded to



    My theme switcher plugin is capable of doing this quite easily, it already allows each visitor to select the theme they want.

    All you would need to do is change the cookie support code into session support code so the server controls which theme is seen instead of the visitor.

    Should take all of an hour to convert for someone who understands cookies and sessions.

    Actually if the domain is fixed you can just use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] to determine the theme to use which makes it even easier.


    You need a basic understanding of filters vs actions in WordPress before you can get this done.

    You can’t replace anything via add_action(‘post_form’… because it’s an action and not a filter. Calling it as a filter doesn’t change the fact that the hook itself is an action.

    Filters give you the opportunity to change the data passed.

    Actions are just points in the processes that you can inject activity into, but you can’t change what was before or what is coming after. No data is passed to you, no data is taken from your activity.

    You cannot change forms this way on the fly, it’s impossible (unless maybe via javascript).

    If you want dynamic themes, start with my theme switcher plugin and find some way to keep track of what theme is used without cookies (maybe sessions instead).



    I run six installations of bbPress – so I hardly think that it is fair to imply that I don’t ‘care for BBpress (sic) development’ or that I was trying to ‘bump’ my website views. I honestly couldn’t care less about the one or two views I might get from this forum. Furthermore, it is an annoyance to have Google bring up this post – so if anything I am generally inclined not to include the link – except that a) I thought it might be helpful to see the set up and b) as I said, people usually bitch when I don’t include a link.

    I do think you need to learn how to show a little restraint though. On top of going too far in your first post you go on to imply that I am trying to bump my views, have bad forum decorum, don’t care about bbPress, read English insensitively and perhaps most incorrectly, say things on this forum that I wouldn’t say in person.

    I thanked you for the step by step – for which I am sincerely grateful. Unfortunately, it came with a condition – a little unasked for advice and a little self righteousness.

    I don’t want to fight with you though. You think I was in the wrong + I think you were in the wrong = nothing gets solved.

    Thanks again for the help, I’ll try it out soon.

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