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Search Results for '\"wordpress\'

Viewing 25 results - 126 through 150 (of 26,702 total)
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  • prashpbt

    Hello Robin,

    I am using the default Twenty Twenty-Two Version: 1.2 theme provided by WordPress in version WP 6.0.9, without any customizations.

    Does that too need the above fix you mentioned?.

    Also I have earlier version of BBpress i.e 2.6.9 working fine with WordPress 5.8 installed on one of a server, which works absolutely fine without any such issues.

    Any way to debug the possible cause ?. Cause no errors in apache logs as well.

    Robin W

    I suspect you are using an FSE theme, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.

    bbp style pack

    once activated, navigate to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.

    In that tab, select

    Enable Theme Support

    and save

    The forums should then display


    In reply to: Change log

    Robin W

    Nothing new

    The following 13 errors fixed

    View RSS feeds return the all-topic feed if the view doesn’t exist
    After export from SMF error: bbp_converter_db_connection_failed
    BBP_Converter_DB does not have a method “__destruct
    Restoring a trashed topic will set the post status to ‘draft’ as of WordPress 5.6.0
    Default arg to “bbp_add_forums_roles()” can cause errors
    Reduce subscription email subject duplication
    Editor buttons missing since 2.6.8 upgrade
    bbp_get_reply_url() generates incorrect link for a spammed topic
    Search displays hidden forums to participants
    The content-archive-forum.php template does not filter if the search form should be displayed
    Recount topics for each user, counts only published topics
    Statistics widget throws Undefined index if no replies or topics tags
    “You may use these HTML tags and attributes:” not escaped correctly


    If anyone out there needs to quickly do an emergency fix to their live site before updating to 2.6.11, here are the changed lines of code between 2.6.10 and 2.6.11:

    I’m not advocating for hacking on weird files on live sites, but I understand everyone’s situations are different, and thought maybe this could be helpful to see.


    Apologies to everyone who was quick to install 2.6.10 and had a scare.

    It has been a few years; I’m out of practice and botched it.

    I backported the 2.6.11 fix to the 2.6.10 tag, so in the unlikely event anyone still downloads 2.6.10 it will not be broken like it was.

    Go get 2.6.11 from: 💚

    Robin W

    I have raised a trac ticket for this release which hopefully the authors will look at


    In reply to: BBPRESS 2.6.10!

    Robin W

    these 13 tickets are in 2.6.10 I believe

    Robin W
    Eusebiu Oprinoiu

    Chuckie, try logging in using the standard WordPress login page and rollback to the previous version.

    Eusebiu Oprinoiu

    You can get older versions from the Advanced page on
    You can find a dropdown with previous versions at the bottom of this page.

    Once you download the version you want, upload the ZIP archive under Plugins > Add New.
    You will be asked to overwrite the existing plugin. Click Yes, and you are back to normal.

    Robin W

    Otherwise it is doable but far beyond free help – as I say bbpress just uses wordpress registration so maybe contact a wordpress developer who can do some code for you.

    Robin W

    ok, without an email address, is in effect registration not necessary (?), as you have no way to contact users or validate who they are?

    If so I’d suggest you:

    1. allow anonymous posting

    dashboard>settings>forums>Anonymous Allow guest users without accounts to create topics and replies

    2. use Akismet to reduce/stop spam

    Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection

    3. install

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation and follow instructions and set that all posts need to be moderated

    4. go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form

    and set 19, 20 and 21 – 20 allows you to hide the email field

    Robin W

    bbpress just uses wordpress registration.

    Wordpress requires users to have an email address for various reasons, including password changing and resetting.

    Whilst this is certainly achievable with code, I do not know of any plugin that allows this.

    No-one sees the email address apart from WordPress admins and the user.

    Dean Scott

    Ugh. No editing of posts? Crazy. Anyway… forgot to select the error along with the query…. WordPress database error: [Key ‘post_parent’ doesn’t exist in table ‘wp_posts’]

    Like I said, ‘post_parent’ most certainly DOES EXIST! per copy/paste below from myPHPAdmin…

    2 post_author
    3 post_date
    4 post_date_gmt
    5 post_content
    6 post_title
    7 post_excerpt
    8 post_status
    9 comment_status
    10 ping_status
    11 post_password
    12 post_name
    13 to_ping
    14 pinged text
    15 post_modified
    16 post_modified_gmt
    17 post_content_filtered
    18 post_parent bigint(20) UNSIGNED
    19 guid
    20 menu_order
    21 post_type
    22 post_mime_type
    23 comment_count

    Robin W

    add this plugin

    BP Classic

    Robin W


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Emails

    and you can change the email address in those settings


    Despite reinstalling BBPress and disabling other plugins, the “forum” button is missing from the WordPress dashboard. Seeking advice on resolving this issue.


    I copied the entire page. Please let me know if there’s something else you need. Thanks!

    Site Details
    PHP Version 8.1.29
    WP Version 6.5.4
    Multisite False
    Active Members 1
    Total Forums 9
    Total Topics 3
    Total Replies
    Theme Twenty Twenty-Three 1.1
    Theme Type FSE Block Theme
    bbPress Version 2.6.9
    Plugin Version 6.0.5
    WP Debugging False

    Site Plugins
    MU Plugins Name and Version
    – mu1 wpcomsh-loader.php

    Active Plugins Name and Version
    – active1 Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.2
    – active2 bbp style pack 6.0.5
    – active3 bbPress 2.6.9
    – active4 Enable Classic Editor 2.6
    – active5 Editing Toolkit 4.26529
    – active6 Gutenberg 18.5.0
    – active7 Jetpack 13.6-a.5
    – active8 Layout Grid 1.8.4
    – active9 Page Optimize 0.5.5
    – active10 Remove Footer Credit 1.0.14
    – active11 Simple Custom CSS 4.0.6
    – active12 What The File 1.6.0

    Inactive Plugins Name and Version
    – inactive1 BuddyPress 12.5.1
    – inactive2 Crowdsignal Forms 1.7.2
    – inactive3 Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings 3.1.1
    – inactive4 Elementor 3.22.1
    – inactive5 WP File Manager 7.2.9

    File Generations
    Filename Last Generation
    bspstyle.css 2024-06-23 15:12:11
    bspstyle-quotes.css 2024-06-10 13:43:35
    bsp_delete.js 2024-06-10 13:43:35

    Plugin Settings
    Option Group Values
    Theme Support


    No values set for: bsp_buddypress_support
    Forums Index Styling

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_f
    Forums Templates

    No values set for: bsp_templates
    Forums Display

    No values set for: bsp_forum_display
    Forums Order

    No values set for: bsp_forum_order
    Freshness Display

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_freshness

    No values set for: bsp_breadcrumb
    Forum Buttons

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_buttons

    Login Failures

    No values set for: bsp_login_fail
    Forum Roles

    No values set for: bsp_roles
    Subscription Emails

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_email
    Subscription Management

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_sub_management
    Topic Order

    Topic Index Styling

    a:52:{s:19:”Pagination FontSize”;s:0:””;s:20:”Pagination FontColor”;s:0:””;s:19:”Pagination FontFont”;s:0:””;s:20:”Pagination FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:25:”Voice/Post Count FontSize”;s:0:””;s:26:”Voice/Post Count FontColor”;s:0:””;s:25:”Voice/Post Count FontFont”;s:0:””;s:26:”Voice/Post Count FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:27:”Topic Title LinksLink Color”;s:0:””;s:30:”Topic Title LinksVisited Color”;s:0:””;s:28:”Topic Title LinksHover Color”;s:0:””;s:20:”Topic Title FontSize”;s:0:””;s:20:”Topic Title FontFont”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Title FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:24:”Template Notice FontSize”;s:0:””;s:25:”Template Notice FontColor”;s:0:””;s:24:”Template Notice FontFont”;s:0:””;s:25:”Template Notice FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:31:”Template NoticeBackground color”;s:0:””;s:32:”Template Notice BorderLine width”;s:0:””;s:32:”Template Notice BorderLine style”;s:0:””;s:32:”Template Notice BorderLine color”;s:0:””;s:20:”Topic Started bySize”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Started byColor”;s:0:””;s:20:”Topic Started byFont”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Started byStyle”;s:0:””;s:49:”Sticky Topic/ReplyBackground color – sticky topic”;s:0:””;s:55:”Sticky Topic/ReplyBackground color – super sticky topic”;s:0:””;s:26:”Forum Information FontSize”;s:0:””;s:27:”Forum Information FontColor”;s:0:””;s:26:”Forum Information FontFont”;s:0:””;s:27:”Forum Information FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:33:”Forum InformationBackground color”;s:0:””;s:34:”Forum Information BorderLine width”;s:0:””;s:34:”Forum Information BorderLine style”;s:0:””;s:34:”Forum Information BorderLine color”;s:0:””;s:29:”Topic Index Headings FontSize”;s:0:””;s:30:”Topic Index Headings FontColor”;s:0:””;s:29:”Topic Index Headings FontFont”;s:0:””;s:30:”Topic Index Headings FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:13:”Lock IconSize”;s:0:””;s:14:”Lock IconColor”;s:0:””;s:18:”Sticky PinFontSize”;s:0:””;s:15:”Sticky PinColor”;s:0:””;s:11:”empty_forum”;s:0:””;s:19:”empty_forumActivate”;s:1:”1″;s:17:”must_be_logged_in”;s:0:””;s:18:”register_page_page”;s:0:””;s:17:”register_page_url”;s:0:””;s:16:”topic_title_link”;s:1:”0″;s:12:”topic_topics”;s:0:””;s:11:”topic_posts”;s:0:””;}
    Topic Previews

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_topic_preview
    Topic/Reply Display

    a:51:{s:49:”Topic/Reply ContentBackground color – odd numbers”;s:4:”#fff”;s:50:”Topic/Reply ContentBackground color – even numbers”;s:7:”#fbfbfb”;s:34:”Topic/Reply HeaderBackground color”;s:7:”#f4f4f4″;s:48:”Trash/Spam ContentBackground color – odd numbers”;s:4:”#fdd”;s:49:”Trash/Spam ContentBackground color – even numbers”;s:4:”#fee”;s:36:”Closed Topic ContentBackground color”;s:4:”#fdd”;s:25:”Topic/Reply Date FontSize”;s:0:””;s:26:”Topic/Reply Date FontColor”;s:0:””;s:25:”Topic/Reply Date FontFont”;s:0:””;s:26:”Topic/Reply Date FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:25:”Topic/Reply Text FontSize”;s:0:””;s:26:”Topic/Reply Text FontColor”;s:0:””;s:25:”Topic/Reply Text FontFont”;s:0:””;s:26:”Topic/Reply Text FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:20:”Author Name FontSize”;s:0:””;s:20:”Author Name FontFont”;s:0:””;s:21:”Author Name FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:19:”Reply Link FontSize”;s:0:””;s:19:”Reply Link FontFont”;s:0:””;s:20:”Reply Link FontStyle”;s:0:””;s:15:”Author RoleSize”;s:0:””;s:16:”Author RoleColor”;s:0:””;s:15:”Author RoleFont”;s:0:””;s:16:”Author RoleStyle”;s:0:””;s:16:”Topic HeaderSize”;s:0:””;s:17:”Topic HeaderColor”;s:0:””;s:16:”Topic HeaderFont”;s:0:””;s:17:”Topic HeaderStyle”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Admin linksSize”;s:0:””;s:22:”Topic Admin linksColor”;s:0:””;s:21:”Topic Admin linksFont”;s:0:””;s:22:”Topic Admin linksStyle”;s:0:””;s:18:”Revisionsrevisions”;s:3:”all”;s:17:”mentions_priority”;s:0:””;s:12:”mentionsSize”;s:0:””;s:13:”mentionsColor”;s:0:””;s:12:”mentionsFont”;s:0:””;s:13:”mentionsStyle”;s:0:””;s:9:”hide_name”;s:1:”1″;s:11:”hide_avatar”;s:1:”1″;s:28:”participant_trash_topic_text”;s:43:”Are you sure you want to delete this topic?”;s:28:”participant_trash_reply_text”;s:43:”Are you sure you want to delete this reply?”;s:17:”must_be_logged_in”;s:0:””;s:12:”window_links”;s:1:”0″;s:16:”more_less_length”;s:3:”200″;s:9:”more_text”;s:7:”More…”;s:9:”less_text”;s:7:”Less…”;s:21:”new_reply_description”;s:16:”Create New Reply”;s:17:”topic_button_type”;s:1:”1″;s:16:”TopicButtonclass”;s:0:””;s:29:”topic_subscribe_button_prefix”;s:0:””;}
    Topic Counts

    No values set for: bsp_settings_topic_count
    Topic/Reply Form

    a:27:{s:10:”LabelsSize”;s:0:””;s:11:”LabelsColor”;s:0:””;s:10:”LabelsFont”;s:0:””;s:11:”LabelsStyle”;s:0:””;s:25:”Text areaBackground Color”;s:0:””;s:13:”Text areaSize”;s:0:””;s:14:”Text areaColor”;s:0:””;s:13:”Text areaFont”;s:0:””;s:14:”Text areaStyle”;s:0:””;s:22:”ButtonBackground Color”;s:0:””;s:16:”ButtonText Color”;s:0:””;s:20:”SubmittingSubmitting”;s:10:”Submitting”;s:20:”Show_editorsactivate”;s:1:”0″;s:16:”topic_rules_text”;s:0:””;s:16:”reply_rules_text”;s:0:””;s:23:”topic_posting_rulesSize”;s:0:””;s:24:”topic_posting_rulesColor”;s:0:””;s:23:”topic_posting_rulesFont”;s:0:””;s:24:”topic_posting_rulesStyle”;s:0:””;s:35:”topic_posting_rulesBackground Color”;s:0:””;s:31:”topic_posting_rulesborder_color”;s:0:””;s:17:”placeholder_topic”;s:0:””;s:17:”placeholder_reply”;s:0:””;s:12:”htmlActivate”;s:1:”1″;s:15:”nologinActivate”;s:1:”1″;s:15:”errormsgMessage”;s:0:””;s:16:”no_anon_namename”;s:0:””;}

    No values set for: bsp_profile
    Search Styling

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_search
    Unread Posts

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_unread

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_quote

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_modtools
    Latest Activity Widget Styling

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_la
    Custom CSS

    CSS Location

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_translation
    Dashboard Admin

    No values set for: bsp_settings_admin
    bbPress Bug Fixes

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_bugs
    Block Widgets

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_block_widgets
    Column Display

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_column_display
    Topic Form Additional Fields

    No values set for: bsp_style_settings_topic_fields



    My WordPress/Buddypress site uses bbpress as the forum.
    All’s good.
    Users post openly under their Buddypress name.
    No guest posting or anonymous posting is possible.

    The issue:

    Lots of users delete their account, after which all bbpress topics & replies created by them will then display as “by Anonymous”.
    This makes the pages look messy & confusing.
    I would like the ability as Admin to bulk delete all those topics & replies showing as “by Anonymous”.

    Is it possible?


    Wordpress version 6.5.4
    bbpress version 2.6.9

    I took over managing this website from another agency that created their own theme and had BBPress already installed. After installing BBPress there should be a “forum” button on the left sidebar of the wordpress dashboard but it is not showing up. I cannot figure out why its not showing up. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin and turned off other plugins to see if one is interfering with another. Neither troubleshooting method solved my problem.

    Missing Forum

    I appreciate any help! I’ve searched through the forums to see if anyone else ran into a similar problem but don’t see a solution.

    Robin W

    ok, so you need to get emails working, as this is essential for your site to work long term.

    so the email adress taht emails are sent to is in

    dashboard>settings>general>administration email address

    you should make sure that this is a valid address and is working.

    You can use

    Check & Log Email

    to test emails, and see what are being sent.

    If you enable logging, youshould see the error email in the log


    In reply to: TinyMCE not showing

    Robin W

    this is a known bug.


    if( !function_exists( 'bbpress_browser_supports_js' ) ){
    	function bbpress_browser_supports_js() {
    		echo '<script>document.body.classList.remove("no-js");</script>';
    	add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bbpress_browser_supports_js' );

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets



    Hi all,
    I`m using BBpress on a wordpress website with Elementor Pro – When a YouTube share link is embedded inside a forum topic it does not seem to be responsive when viewed from a mobile device.

    The rest of the forum page looks fine on mobile it`s only the Youtube video that is not resizing according to the mobile dimensions.

    Is there a solution to this?

    Robin W

    Looking at your site, I think you are using one of the new block or FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.


    bbp style pack

    once activated, navigate to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.

    In that tab, you will find instructions on how to set up


    Wordpress version 6.5.4
    bbpress version 2.6.9

    I’m using Bluehost as provider and blog theme called Version 3 (labeled as version 1.0.0 and called a child theme of YITH Wonder).

    I’m very new to WordPress, brand new to bbpress, and brand new to bluehost. I followed the directions to install bbpress, create a forum, and create a topic. I see those in my dashboard. My root slug is set to ‘forums’ and the permalink is setting is ‘postname.’

    Nothing appears at

    I appreciate any help! I’ve searched through the forums. Most people are getting their forum to appear. I couldn’t find a topic like this one.

Viewing 25 results - 126 through 150 (of 26,702 total)
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