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Topic: FAQ
bbPress now has a tiny FAQ section in its Documentation.
For now, it covers the following topics.
Topic: Ultimate BBpress Guide
As I did for wordpress many times in various customization articles and free released themes, I have begun to do the same for bbpress in support of the Automattic team and their excellent scripts.
The Ultimate BBpress Guide goes over installation, customization, and even demonstrates some things that can be done to modify the forum homepage. I tried to be as precise and accurate as possible, so if I made any mistakes anywhere let me know so I can get them corrected quickly.
Let me know if you find this helpful or not.
+ astereo
Topic: Can’t Login!
I seem to be having trouble logging in at all in bbpress. I integrated it successfully with WordPress, but I can’t login with my wordpress user name and password. I figured, something must be up, so I registered a new account in bbpress to try it out – password was mailed and everything – and when I went to login, still nothing. The page refreshes but goes nowhere and doesn’t say I’m logged in. Seems like a mod rewrite issue, but I can’t figure out what it is. During the initial install I set the config to clean urls, then used an .htaccess like the following:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /location_of_install/
Options +MultiViews
# END BBPress
After doing so I kept getting 404’s when clicking on topics, etc (only to find out later I needed to fix my url at the beginning of config). Now everything is working except logins. Any ideas?
Is bbPress supposed to create an .htaccess file for mod_rewrite URLs? I was expecting this, like in WordPress, but there wasn’t a file after install. Should I just create my own .htaccess?
I’ve updated the Registration integration documentation to link to a couple plugins you may find useful when integratinog WordPress and bbPress.
WordPress Plugin:
bbPress Plugin:
When we have a better place to put these plugins, I’ll let you know.