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  • #3446

    Anyone else have this problem with 1and1 ?

    I cannot get pretty permalinks to run, even after following directions.

    I wrote to them

    I am running wordpress and bbpress in the same root directory is wordpress install and is bbpress install each install has

    it’s own .htaccess for using permalinks. WordPress permalinks work fine

    but I cannot get bbpress pretty permalinks to work at all. I have tried

    different variations of htaccess codes for both files without any

    success. It seems to me that the main root htaccess is overriding the

    /bbpress/ htaccess.

    Any suggestions ?

    This was their reply to me.

    “Dear Cliffmaster, (Customer ID: 6XXXXXXXX)

    Thank you for contacting us.

    With regards to your query,

    we would highly suggest that you install BBpress on a different folder

    and not on folder where you have installed a different CMS (WordPress).

    Please separate the two CMS’s by installing them on different folders

    under the root directory (/.)

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Technical Support

    1&1 Internet “


    Hi Detective,

    I have tried sending you a message using your website but I think I might have submitted a comment instead of an email in error :(

    I really like your website/forum ( It’s definitely one of the best bbpress/wordpress integrations I’ve seen, looks very professional – great job :)

    Would you be able to give us some more information on how you used the wordpress User Photo plug-in inside bbpress? I’ve tried for a while to work out how to do it with no success. If you could help it would be very much appreciated, or if anyone knows how to do this?

    I’ve done a few Google searches but there isn’t any information on how to integrate the User Photo plug-in into bbpress.




    In reply to: Importing Database


    This is an old post about converting from PHPBB2:

    The Google Summer of Code project for bbPress is going to focus on importers for bbPress, so if you are not using PHPBB2, you might want to wait until the GSOC project is over. There will probably be an announcement if they complete the tools.


    I think you need to include WordPress in your bbPress so you have access to WordPress functions like get_header:

    Then, in your template, you need to do something like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    That will include the WordPress header. If you do the second part without the first, it will fail because get_header is a WordPress function.

    I think… :-)


    i just solved my login cookie issue after one night debugging…

    i found these things:

    – by default, wpmu generate auth_cookie as “wordpress”, but bbpress generate as “wordpress_xxxxx(hash)”

    – wpmu not using “database secret” for cookie hashing, but it use the SECRET_SALT constant defined in the wp-config.php, bbpress using “database secret”. so the cookie result will never be the same.

    you need to update your bb-config.php file to meet these situations.

    assumed you’ve successfully install wpmu + bbpress, then edit your bb-config.php and add these line:

    define(‘BB_SECRET_KEY’, ‘yourreallysecretkey’);

    define(‘BB_SECRET_SALT’, ‘yourreallysecretsalt’);

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ”;

    and try to login… voila.. you can switch to bbpress and wpmu without re-login… :)

    good luck,



    I’m still trying to get my bbpress installation to match What steps/php commands do I need to import my wordpress header/footer into my bbpress template/installation?


    Thought this may help those that are still having trouble integrating the two:


    thanks chris for the help, that did the job. since the rss feed was displaying fine in FF, I didn’t thought about validating it.


    Man…i’ve been trying to get bbpress in integrate (sso) for about 4 days now. I’ve tried just about everything these forums have recommended. I first installed WordPress (upgraded to 2.5.1), and then installed the newest version of bbpress in a subdirectory, like I then went to my “wordpress integration” section of my bbpress installation, set it up as directed…and now I can’t login to the admin section of my bbpress site. I looked into seryi’s suggested changed above, but my code seems to be correct in my pluggable.php file. I tried the “fix admin” plugin from here: I also tried this process ( of changed the phpmyadmin, but I’m confused on what to add where. Is there anything else I can try in order to get this integration working?


    bbPress is not a plugin for WordPress. Just upload the bbpress folder to a subdirectory of your WordPress installation, then access the installer. <— if this is WordPress <— put the forum here

    Then access that URL and start the installation.


    guys can you help me I’m trying to install a Bb press in word press as i posted new here means I’m just got in this wordpress can you help me the proper way of installing Bb Press i know how to upload by an FTP ,and i tried installing it in the livesite in this directory as i have search other forum or tutorials bout Bb Press i put it in this directory /wp-content/plugins/ in the plug in is this right please help me guys help is really appreciated


    Did you try validating the feed

    The feed URL returns a 404 Not found Error if you check the headers:

    This sounds like WordPress trying to handle the /forum/ URL and sending a 404 error when the page actually exists. There was a plugin to take care of this sort of thing, I think…

    I think that plugin will resolve the fact that the feed actually returns a 404 error, then I bet the widget will pull the feed just fine. Report back please…


    ok, the problem is suddenly back. the rss feed isn’t updating in the widget anymore.


    We’re going to look at it again later this week. We’re busy building a debain box for a new WordPress MU site that we are about to launch.

    I’m telling you though – if somebody made a [shortcode] and some WP widgets this would be so freaking awesome…. I think my head would just explode :D


    I edited the header of my forum, trying to match the design of the WordPress theme, and then loaded the same CSS file from it. It’s the best way i think.


    Hey everyone. I’ve been trying to figure out how to match my bbpress theme with my wordpress theme. So far I know I need to somehow integrate my current wordpress header/footer into my bbpress installation. I’m thinking that this might be the only thing that I need to do. Are there any specifics on how to do this?


    Mufasa, I’m in the same boat. I’m trying to integrate my bbpress into Please let me know if you find out how to do this.




    I am thouroughly confused on how to do this. Where the heck would I actually start? I don’t want to integrate the the databases/cookies/etc., I just want to apply the same look of my header and footer at with;


    How can I create a navigation bar in bbPress so that when I update it in WordPress, it automatically gets updated in bbPress? I don’t want to call the full wp header as the bbPress header, but would I be able to use

    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>

    in bbPress to call the pages in the navigation bar? Both my WordPress and bbPress are integrated in the same databases. If not, how can I do it?


    Foros Ryuuko

    I use a custom theme (heavily a modified Kakumei) and some custom plugins. The forum is new, so it doesn’t have activity, all our users are still using the Vanilla forum we had.

    I didn’t hack any core files, all “non standard things” are donde via custom plugins.

    Plugins i use:

    – My own “Ajustes” (for sidebar, footer and navigation menu content, profile content, and some html tags).

    – MD5 Insecurity (will be deactivated soon).

    – Private Messaging Extended

    – A custom Quicktags (ported from Vanilla)

    – Ajaxed Quote

    – Simple Online List (i also modified a lot this plugin, because it never worked for me ….).

    – Unread Topics. I also modified this one, it was doing too many queries. I added some indices and reduced the overhead.

    – User Photo. I ported the User Photo WP plugin.

    – Human Test.

    Also i indirectly use:

    – Gaming Codes: each user can enter his gaming codes. They’re displayed on the user profile.

    Aleph: this plugin creates user lists (among other things). So i use it inside WP like a “member list”. The beauty is that i can easily create different user lists, so i created a list for each gaming code (in other words, users can see which users have a certain gamer code).

    As i said, the theme is a heavily modified Kakumei. I replaced all topics/forum loops with my own, trying to mimick the Vanilla look. Also the css is based on the Tarski theme for WordPress. In fact, i import it directly from the WP installation.

    For the forum/topic icons, i created a custom plugin which printed the css based on the slug of each forum, and then i added the resulting code to the style.css. I still have to create a lot of icons, those are temporary.

    I hope you like my forums and if you have any questions or would like a plugin/theme release, just ask :p


    I’m looking for a loader.php file to do this. Is it called something else?


    Just like how WordPress calls time in the footer by <?php the_time(‘Y’); ?> and the name by <?php bloginfo(); ?>. What is the code I need to use for bbPress since <?php the_time(‘Y’); ?> doesn’t work to get the year? I also need to know how to get the bbPress title.


    I have used WordPress for a few websites but only recently stumbled across BBPress.

    I just added a Forum to this School History site which was pretty painless.


    I’m not going to let this go :P


    How can we vote on this? Clearly lots of people want easier integration with their site – its just too bloody hard to get it going.

    Bring on a WordPress [shortcode] and widgets!!

    I’m very happy with how easy it it get the accounts to jive but what about the front end of our websites. I don’t expect the bbPress team to just start listening and acting on what I say – but I will put my money where my mouth is and if the bbPress team spoke to us and pointed us in the right direction – what hooks to use etc then I would even look at doing the code to make it happen.

    But I don’t even know if people care :P

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