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Topic: WordPress Integration
I am trying to make my wordpress blog integrate with bbpress but I think their might be a problem. I have two wordpress blogs in my webserver so maybe bbpress dont know with table to look.
This is if I log in first in bbpress without login in the blog
bbPress database error: [Table ‘libreexp_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’ AND SUBSTRING_INDEX( user_pass, ‘—‘, 1 ) = ‘fb756366af4998835a845e97addc3a3b’
bbPress database error: [Table ‘libreexp_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’
Log in Failed
This is if I log in to the blog first and then go to the bbpress
bbPress database error: [Table ‘libreexp_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’ AND MD5( user_pass ) = ‘d465d8c05bbf7c921e1fad84d4358e44’
bbPress database error: [Table ‘libreexp_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’ AND MD5( user_pass ) = ‘d465d8c05bbf7c921e1fad84d4358e44’
This is my conf file
// The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.
// If you’re not, just leave it as it is.
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘’
$bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘’
Help please I would love to mac this two work together
I installed this cool forum but doesn’t look like it’s actually part of wordpress and I am stuck on a few thing, I hope you can help.
Where it says “$bb->wp_table_prefix” – where do I find the prefix?
$bb->wp_home & $bb->wp_siteurl – that is just my site url only, nothing more –
Once I do the above how to I make the forum part of wordpress, will it automtically look like this forum?
I have setup a WordPress blog and a bbPress forum, installed setCookie plugin to WordPress and added $bb->usercookie, $bb->passcookies, $bb->cookiedomain and $bb->cookiepath preferences correctly (I assume) to config.php of the bbPress intallation.
Logging in and out works great, I can login from either WordPress or bbPress and it would login to both sites. But once I login, I cannot do any administrative changes (delete/modify posts) or even go to /bb-admin. Trying to delete a post will give me an error saying I don’t have enough priviliges, and going to bb-admin will just redirect me to homepage. (And my user level is key-master.)
But once I comment out the cookie info from the configuration file, it works as it’s supposed to.
Any ideas how I can fix this?
I don’t know if this is a bug or if it is working as intended, but I figured I’d document it.
Explanation of bbpress registration/login
When a user registers in bbpress the user_login field in the database is case sensitive. If you register with the name Tom, Tom is put in the database. When a user logs in however, it is not case sensitive. So Tom can log in as tom, TOM, tOM, ToM… you get the point. Now this doesn’t seem like it would pose any problems. But…
Explanation of WPMU registration/login
WordPress MU and I’d guess WordPress do things differently. You may run into problems with an integrated site because of this ‘bug’. When a user registers through WPMU the user_login field in the database is converted to all lowercase. If you register with the name Joe, joe is put in the database. This is different from how bbpress does things. So if Bob registers through bbpress with a capital in his login the user_login is set to Bob, but in WPMU if Bob registers with a capital in his login the user_login is set to bob. Just like bbpress, WPMU’s login is not case sensitive. So Joe can login as joe, JOE, jOE, JoE.
The problem occurs if a user registers with a capital letter in bbpress and then tries to login through WPMU. WPMU converts the input in the login field to lower case BEFORE it queries the database. So WPMU checks for user_login with all lowercase letters, but there may be capitals, so the login can fail.
Here’s a step by step explanation
1) Fred registers in bbpress with the name Fred
2) user_login is set as Fred
3) Fred attempts to login to through WPMU using Fred (capitals)
4) WPMU converts Fred to fred BEFORE the database is queried.
5) According to WPMU fred (lowercase) does not exist.
6) Login fails
To fix this I set bbpress to match WPMU’s functionality. To do so I edited the bb_new_user function in the pluggable.php file. I simply added the following line before the database query.
$user_login = strtolower($user_login);
Now when a user registers through bbpress his user_login is set to all lowercase letters.
What I’d like to do is make a plugin that replaces the bb_new_user function with a new one that makes this change so I don’t have to edit a core file, but I’m not that savvy yet.
While this really isn’t a bbpress bug it would be nice if bbpress and WPMU did things the the same so that integration was easier.
OK so i successfully completed a BBpress / WPress integration…logins are all synced and i can successfulled login to bb or wp…thats all straightened out and everything appears to be working great..
one bug im noticing now is in WP, in my Visual Editor [write post], all the icons that were once there (Bold, Italic, Font, Font Size, Add Link, Add pic…etc.) that hole graphical bar dissappears…
i’ve narrowed it down to some kind of caching problem…because i deactivated the integration pluggin in wordpress.. removed the line of code in my wp-config.php…cleared my cache and the visual editor re-appears
now when i went back in to re-activate the bbpress integration plugin and got the bbpress back up, and go to check out my visual editor in WP, its there ! great!!! but just to be sure it wont go away, i clear my cache, refresh the page, and its gone again….any ideas?!!!?!
Topic: can’t use admin login
I just installed bbPress, ran the plugin for WordPress to integrate the users, and I cannot login as the administrator. I am using the password for wordpress (I’ve even reset it and re-installed bbPress to make sure I had the right one).
Trying to log in at the top just takes me to the login page. Trying to login on the login page just “resets” the page, with no option about recovering a lost password.
Is there anyway to reset / recover the password that bbpress thinks is my wordpress password? Does this sound like some other login problem?
I’m using the ThemePress theme, that uses the header/footer from the integrated wordpress install as well co-mingles the various template functions. What I’m trying to do is put code in the wordpress sidebar (not widget) that will show the bbpress profile link/login ONLY when the user is in the forum, otherwise it will show a link to go to the forum.
In the sidebar, I’ve tried
<?php if ( $forums ) :
if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu();
endif; ?>Thinking that, since I can supposedly use each other’s functions, the if if ($forums) would work. I was wrong.
I also tried trying to set $is_forum = 1; in front-page.php and in the sidebar:
function show_bbmenu() {
if ( $is_forum ) :
if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu();
endif; ?>
?>Among other things and apparently I’m overlooking something stupid and easy but I’m afraid insomnia is not being kind to me this morning.
(Did I mention I got stuck in an elevator at my office for an hour last night? grrrr)
This is at (warning, not safe for work.)
Topic: Installation Problem
During installation when I go to step 2 I get the following access violation message
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 0AF7B927
Second Step
Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.
1. Created table dvdgbb_forums
2. Created table dvdgbb_posts
3. Created table dvdgbb_topics
4. Created table dvdgbb_topicmeta
5. Created table dvdgbb_users
6. Created table dvdgbb_usermeta
7. Created table dvdgbb_tags
8. Created table dvdgbb_tagged
At this point the tables have actually been created in the database but I can’t go forward with the installation. So if I start again I get the following.
First Step
We found Steve who is already a “Key Master” on these forums. You may make others later.
First Forum
Forum Name:*
Double-check that username before continuing.
From here everything goes fine and I get this
Now you can log in with the username “Steve” and password “*Your WordPress password*”.
*Your WordPress password*
Login address
Diver Forums
Were you expecting more steps? Sorry to disappoint. All done!
Unfortunately, I never got a valid password in the process so I can’t login. So I tried the password reset and the send me the password features but to be able to email from my server I need to put 2 ini_set statements before the mail statement so it knows which smtp account to use (this is for server security). the problem is that I will have to search all the files looking for the mail function.
Can you help me out here.
Here is my System Info
PHP Version 5.0.4
mySQL Versions:
Server: 4.1.12
Client: 4.1.7
I’m adding to this because I have since found and edited the registriation_functions.php file so it would send emails. I used the reset password functions to get a new password via email. The first step had me go to a url with a key at the end. Once I got the password I tired to login and got a Key Not Found error. So I took the key part of the url from the first email and forced it into the user meta table in the database. After that, I could login successfully. However, now when I create a topic and post it and then try to view it or any other things like edit users or forums it always returns an unable to locate page error. Well that’s where I’m at now. Its 2am so I going to bed.