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  • #233344
    Robin W

    wordpress and bbpress registration do not have a password option or Detalles del perfil, so the layout is not from worpdress or bbpress.

    It may be your social login is doing this, so layout would be with that.


    Hi Robin,
    Don’t Understand what exactly do you mean with “bbpress or wordpress registration”.
    I’m using miniOrange social login for users that want to login with their google or facebook account.
    I’m login to wordpress as admin, from wp-admin.
    How can I check that?
    If I disable some possible “conflict” plugin, layout will change?!
    Thank you!

    Robin W

    you are not using the bbpress registration, or wordpress one, so you have something some custom registration maybe using your theme or a plugin


    Topic: Youtube Embed

    in forum Troubleshooting


    On Astra theme, youtube embed is showing fine

    but on hello theme for some reason, the youtube embed is not showing in right dimensions :

    800 x 450px, which is not a right ratio for youtube video, it crops parts of the video

    how can i set a good ratio for youtube embed on forum posts ?

    (i checked on a wordpress posts it shows fine)

    thank you !



    When i paste a wordpress post link on bbpress, it creates a nice box with featured image & link

    but when i paste a topic link, it just creates a grey box with link inside

    is it normal ?how could i get something better ? (with author / date etc) is it possible ?

    Thank you


    In reply to: Topic Count

    Robin W

    Interestingly I also tried using the shortcode [bbp-stats] in a test page and that reported the correct number of topics despite the individual forum count being incorrect! How can that be?

    I should start by saying that I am not a bbpress author, just someone trying to help 🙂

    the [bbp-stats] shortcode does the wordpress function
    wp_count_posts( bbp_get_topic_post_type())

    so actually counts the number of topics in the database.

    the forums page calls a function bbp_get_forum_topic_count in \bbpress\includes\forums\template.php

    This looks up the number held in the forum’s post meta under _bbp_topic_count (which you had already worked out)

    so how did you delete the post which caused the numnber to fail back?

    Robin W

    I take no responsibility for this, but maybe

    Delete Orphaned Post Meta Data in WordPress


    Advanced Database Cleaner


    Hi there,

    Since I installed the GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin I no longer see my WordPress media library.
    I deactivated the plugin and it comes back but cannot find the parameter in the plugin to reactivate it.
    I need your help.


    Robin W

    you can have a child theme of any theme (if it has been written to the wordpress standards).

    Child Themes

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form and tick item 15


    I am using WordPress 6.1.1 and bbPress 2.6.9.
    I have a forum where if I use the standard forum page e.g. there are no problems and pagination of the large number of topics works correctly producing a URL of say
    However, I wish to have a page with some other content at the to so are using a short-code to list the forum topics. The URL for that page is However, on this page pagination does not work. The URL for the third page is but this produces an error 404.
    I have tried various solutions found from others having a similar problem including: using a standard theme, resaving the permalink setting, adding a bp-custom.php file with some code in it etc. but it still fails.
    Can anyone suggest a solution?


    I have had bbPress installed on my website for sometime. However, without me realizing it, thousands of spam comments and messages have been posted on the few forums I have made. I had thought that Akismet was supposed to be cleaning things up, but I guess not. Now, it’s gotten to the point that my WordPress database has ballooned to over 8GB and my hosting provider wants me to fix it or they will take my site down.

    That being said I have been trying to find a solution and thus far have come up empty handed. The problem is no matter how hard I try to delete the comments, both from the bbPress plugin on WP-Admin or by deleting the records from myPHPAdmin, the server locks up and the task cancels. I guess the server is not powerful enough for such a task. So, I downloaded a copy of the database to my local machine to try editing it there, and in this case I can’t find an app that can open .sql files and when I do there isn’t enough memory to open it.

    Are there any other solutions? Is there a way to shrink the SQL database before opening it? How about splicing it into smaller batches? Is there a specific app, preferably free, that does a better job at managing large SQL databases?

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


    Robin W

    ooops, sorry, just remembered that this is a known error.

    Ignoring Brizy (any remaining issues with Brizy you’ll need to get a developer to help with)

    either install

    bbp style pack

    which has the fix for this built in

    or use this code

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'rew_supports_js' );
    function rew_supports_js() {
    	echo '<script>document.body.classList.remove("no-js");</script>';

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    Vivian E

    @Robin-w A developer helped to look into it and found that the H1 tag is generated by this wordpress function

    He also helped to temporarily edict the H1 tag to a H3 tag by editing the core files to temporarily solve the redundant H1 tag.

    We texted the site without the core files edicts and on trouble shoot mood using the Troubleshoot plugin you recommended. Leaving only the Bbpress plugin and wordpress default theme enabled. I noticed that the new Topic form does not have an editing tool bar even when I “enabled” the editing formatting tool bar” on Bbpress settings.

    When I proceeded to turn on 2 plugins in troubleshoot mode; Brizy page builder and Bbpress with the wordpress default theme. I placed the Bbpress “new Topic form short code” on a Gutenberg page on the site, then noticed the New Topic form still shows on the Gutenberg page but without the editor tool bar!

    When the Bbpress short code is placed on a Brizy page, the Bbpress editor tool bar appears but doesn’t function properly. For example; the insert/edict link form does not appear as a “pop up” when I am trying to create a link on a post, instead the insert/edict link form appears on the footer.

    I don’t know why this is happening. help!


    I can’t reduce the font size on the Forum/Topic Type/Topic Status dropdowns so they don’t get cut off. This is using bbp Style Pack.

    I’m running Astra Pro with a child theme, Elementor Pro and WP Super Cache. I’ve cleared the cache, done a browser (Microsoft Edge) reload (ctrl F5) and the font size change doesn’t show up. All of the green background lines in “it’s not working” are green, as they should be.

    WordPress 6.1.1
    bbPress 2.6.9
    bbp Style Pack 5.1.5

    What else should I try?

    Robin W

    I have filled in some details on my Forum page

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Forum Display>item 6


    I am a first time user of bbPress plugin and am mighty impressed by the ease inspite of it being used in an untested version of WordPress.
    I am using WordPress 6.1.1, though it is listed as not tested, I decided to try.
    My bbPress version is 2.6.9
    I am using the theme Astra version 3.9.4

    Help needed:
    1. I have filled in some details on my Forum page, which are not visible on the output page
    2. Is there a way I can copy Categories from one forum to another?

    Thank you so much for your attention.

    Best regards,



    I have created a thread on the The Event Calendar support forum

    Robin W

    Doing anything involves finding out where and why this is happening.

    If we find that, then we can look at possible causes and potential solutions.

    I am yet to be convinced it is a bbpress issue at all. bbpress uses this element when a user inserts a link – that is true, but it is a generic piece of wordpress code. This is a bit like saying because Fred cuts his lawn, any lawn that is cut must have been cut by Fred.

    I am not seeing this form on any pages in my test site.

    The code is in some javascript in the footer, and could be loaded by anything, including a wordpress setting, theme or plugin.

    so can you


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Vivian E

    @robin-w exactly it’s a WordPress element that’s only suppose to load on the backend! I use bbpress plugin and what BBpress does is that it causes this element to load on the front end! so that people who want to post a new topic or reply to an existing one can edict their texts and insert links. For example right now if you are tying something on bbpress and try to make word a link, you tap on the link in the editor menu and you will see “that wordpress element” pop out.

    I use Bbpress plugin and that elment shows up visibly when users want to link a text as well!
    BBpress causes that backend “wordpress element” to show up on the front end.

    The thing is even when the “wordpress element” is not visibly seen i.e when a user is trying to edict a link when typing a new Topic on the Forum. “The wordpress element” can still be seen hidden in “the source code” of the page and other pages even when not visibility seen. This doesn’t disrupt the user experience but here is the reason why I have a problem with this;


    The “wordpress element” has a H1 tag. when it’s loading in the front end. My pages has it’s H1 tittle which I put there. So the H1 tag tittle tag on my page and the H1 tag on that “wordpress element” on the source code makes for redundant (2) H1 tags on my site page.

    Apparently search engines like Bing has a big issue with redundant H1 tags and shows it in my Bing webmaster report as a critical SEO error that need to be fixed. while search engines like Google have no problem with this.

    Is there a way that when BBpress pulls that “wordpress element” (that by default loads only at the backend) to the front end, it changes the tag on that “wordpress element” to a H3 tag??

    Robin W

    that’s a wordpress element

    Robin W

    ok, I cannot say why that is happening.

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W
    Vivian E


    On this page on my site. I can see that bbpress insert/edict link form is causing my site to have redundant H1 tags. This is bad for my Bing SEO as it’s showing up as something I need to fix. So I have 2 H1 tags. One is the tittle of the page and the other one is coming from the link insert/edict form on my site “front end source cod” that’s a feature created by bbpress.

    Please can that insert/edict form have H3 tag please ? is there a way to course the form to have a H3 tag and not a H1 tag??

    Secondly the form edict menu does not function properly. The form link and other menus does not show or work on the “reply box” on the front end even if I’m accessing the site as an admin! Also the “create a new topic form” the insert/edict link form doesn’t show up on a pop up but instead shows up on my footer. I’m using both the latest version of bbpress and wordpress.

    I will really like to fix this issues. thanks for any help or advice that would be provided for this issue!!

    Robin W

    thanks, by comparing settings on my working site with yours, I found the culprit


    Dashboard>events>settings>general you had ‘Include events in main blog loop’ ticked. No idea what this does, but unticking it seems to fix the issue.

    If you need it ticked….

    I reckon (but not certain) it is something to do with how event calendar is reacting with a WordPress function called WP_Query.

    When listing a topic, bbpress sets the 2 custom post types ‘topic’ and ‘reply’ so that it can list the topic first and then fires WP_Query to get the list for the display. I think events calendar is catching that query and filtering for an event required process, the effect of which is to strip the ‘topic’, so only the replies get listed.

    You can fix this by using this code

    add_filter ('bbp_show_lead_topic', 'rew_true') ;
    function rew_true () {
    	return true ;

    This does alter a bit how the topic page looks. I could build a topic display page to overcome this, but beyond free help I’m afraid.

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