it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
‘how to quote a post or comment without using any plugin.’
you could try using a Ouija board, but otherwise you will need code in either theme or plugin.
You could pay someone to cut some theme code, but of course that won’t be maintained unless you take out some sort of maintenance agreement with the author.
Adding a plugin will not make any difference in load time that anyone would notice (or indeed most software could time), and if you use caching software nothing measurable at all over theme code.
bbp style pack
has a quotes section
I think you are using the 2023 theme.
This is one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
bbp style pack
once activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display
I am trying to follow the step-by-step instructions, and I am still having trouble displaying the main forum page. I am trying to use method 1. I checked and verified the settings.
I added some test forums and topics, and I can see them in the backend.
Forum Root = Forums
Permalink structure is set to POSTNAME
Category | Tag base left blank (default)
I created a page called Forums and nothing displayed.
I tried adding the shortcode and still nothing appears.
I am referring to:
Page Links:
Wordpress : 6.3.2
bbp Version 2.6.9
Thanks in advance.
Fills silly to be stuck so early on in the process.
Hi everyone, I’m hoping you can help me.
I am using WordPress version 6.3.2 and bbPress version 2.6.9. Earlier today, I installed a plugin called ‘BuddyPress Username Only’ which caused the whole of my site to have a critical error, so I went into recovery mode and deactivated and uninstalled the plugin. This fixed everything except my bbPress forum which still has a critical error as can be seen at
I deactivated and uninstalled bbPress then reinstalled it, but the error is still present.
Please can someone help me fix this? Thanks in advance. And yes, I have now learned my lesson about installing old plugins!
I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.
The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.
My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.
bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.
I currently have my test site running WordPress 6.3 and php 8.1 with no issues.
The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.
However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this
bbp style pack
as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.
All plugins are subject to the authors commitment, and bbpress is no different.
The main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.
But with open software you make your choices….
Hello all, I recently noticed that there has not been a significant update to the bbPress core for two years. Is the plugin still set to have further updates to keep up with PHP changes and WordPress?
Thank you,
Hi, I use GD bbPress Attachments
GD bbPress Attachments is an easy-to-use plugin for WordPress and bbPress for implementing files upload for bbPress Forums topics and replies. You can control file sizes from the main plugin settings panel, or you can change some attachments settings for each forum individually.
Works fine for my forum
In a bbPress forum I want to prevent participants from creating topics but allow replies. In searching the Internet I found code examples from which I selected some to build a plugin. I know a little PHP but WordPress is like a “black box.”
function ‘modify_participant'()
add_filter(‘mod_participant’, ‘upd_participant’);
function upd_participant($role,$caps)
$role = bbp_get_participant_role();
$caps = modify_capabilities($role);
function modify_capabilities($role)
return array(
// Topic caps
‘publish_topics’ => false,
‘edit_topics’ => false,
‘edit_others_topics’ => false,
‘delete_topics’ => false,
‘delete_others_topics’ => false,
‘read_private_topics’ => false,
// Topic tag caps
‘manage_topic_tags’ => false,
‘edit_topic_tags’ => false,
‘delete_topic_tags’ => false,
‘assign_topic_tags’ => false
For instance the WP loaded hook causes it to run once at the start which should call those functions to initialize things. Is an add_filter also executed at that time to complete initialization? Then the black box proceeds with the bbp_get_parcipant_role routine so that the capabilities array elements can be updated. I read that WP filters always expect an object to be returned. It seems that these wouldn’t be permanent but just temporary in memory for executing that page. However my suspicion is that more coding would be necessary because that would be too much to depend on the black box for.
Hello everyone, I’m a beginner using the bbPress plugin in WordPress. I have some questions, and I hope I can get some help.
1. If I have 3 forums, Forum A, Forum B, and Forum C, and there’s User1 who wants to create a topic but doesn’t want to enter a specific forum first. They want to create a topic and then choose the forum. How can I create a form for this and add the option to select a forum when User1 wants to create a topic?
2. Can the admin set it as a default so that when User1 creates a topic and someone replies, it automatically goes to their email?
Thank you in advance.
I need to create an area on my site where users can write what they need and interested professionals can respond to them.
I was trying to understand how to do it with wordpress and I thought that I could create categories by type where users can insert a post and all professionals receive an email that that post has been created in the category that they have “selected” as the category of interest.
If you know other ways I could do this besides bbpress that would be even better.
caching provided by wordpress and jetpack
I need help fixing this issue with my forum the staging site works fine! The production site does not, I have talked to wordpress support and they couldn’t figure it out either. Everything is the same… How do I fix this issue. Everytime I post to the forum I have to clear cache and cookies to see it. but it works just fine on test site? SOMEBODY HELP! Thank you, here is my sites:
I am not a bbpress author, just someone who helps out here.
Moving bbpress between sites is surprisingly difficult.
This is because bbpress is so tightly integrated into WordPress.
This gives 2 main issues:
1. Users – bbpress stores topic and reply authors as their WordPress user ID number. So unless the all the bbpress authors users on the source site a) exist on the target site and b) have exactly the same ID numbers on the target site, then imports can have issues.
2. bbpress users WordPress Custom post types and the WordPress Posts table. This means that bbpress forums, topics and replies are not in a separate table, but integrated into posts and pages table. Many plugins use this method. So on the source site a fourm might have a post ID of say 168, but on the target site post 168 might already exist as say a page. So on import WordPress importer will just allocate it the next ID number in the posts table, lets say 265. Now when topic belonging to the forum 168 on the source site is imported it still thinks it belongs to a forum with a post ID of 168, but this is already allocated to a page, so the topic is not listed as belonging to any known forum. The same applies to topics and replies.
I’ll post more on this later, but that outlines why it is not working
BTW, I’m using this plugin to sort by descending order.
I’m having the same issue.
I have the post sort order set to descending and posts per page set to 25.
On multi-page threads (more than 25 posts) the pagination works correctly for most links except the “Last Post” link. When users click on the link under last post column, they are taken to the last page instead of the first page with the newest reply.
Would this plugin resolve this issue?
Or can I edit a PHP file to fix this?
I appreciate that you are feeling a sense of frustration.
But both WordPress and bbpress are free software, and come with free support offered by volunteers.
In effect you are asking someone to take their free time to help you, and then complaining that it is not at the level you want.
When I asked for a link to your forum page, you were unable to provide this, giving a link to a page that does not exist. As such it is hard to help – a bit like asking for help with your car, but then not allowing me to examine your car.
If you provide a link to the forum, the I may be able to help further, otherwise ethe best I can offer is to read the documentation
Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1
and/or the advice in
Before Posting
I added blog to site but it keeps taking me to homepage with clicking on topics and categories. Also why is it so difficult to use the forum it suppose to be made for wordpress. Also, why is it that noone can walk me through each step instead of sending information that is not useful for someone who is not good at code?
bbp style pack
has lots of options to style and add features to bbpress
Hi, I’ve been seeing that it is generally suggested to use the bbpress importer to get the data from kunena, but in my case it freezes in step 1 and I guess it’s because of the version difference (since bbpress importer has support until kunena3).
I am looking to migrate a kunena forum in joomla to bbpress with wordpress. The kunena version is 6.x. Is there any way to do it?
Wordpress version: 6.3.1
Bbpress version: 2.6.9
you might do better to just install
bbp style pack
this should let you match or contrast elements as you wish
New to BBPress. WordPress version 6.3.1. Avada theme 7.11.2, BBPress 2.6.9. The default installation of BBpress is picking up colors from my theme which I don’t want. I have followed the instructions in the article like this “The “css” directory contains style sheets that work with the default markup. Copy any you want to modify into a directory named “css” in your theme’s root. eg. /wp-content/themes/%your-theme%/css/” I have created the css directory in the theme root directory and copied the bbpress-rtl.css file to that css directory. I have not yet modified the file. There is no change to the look of BBPress. I even rebooted the server. What am I missing?
if they want to look at code that already does this, then they can download and crack open the code in
bbp profile information
I have fololowed all instructions to setup forum and when I click on a titler it sends me straight to my homepage whats is going on? its frustrtaing making me want to ditch wordpress