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  • #59594

    In reply to: Limit long words


    Don’t re-invent the wheel. WP-Chunk

    or Sam Ingle’s Link Truncator for WordPress can be hacked to support bbpress in under 5 minutes. There are probably others too.


    Okee, try version 0.05 which has a few fixes and now uses a textarea for clarity (with maximum lines enforced):



    in forum Showcase

    Here is my latest redesign of my site.. the site has wordpress and bbpress completely integrated..

    there is no bbpress frontpage it shares the wordpress frontpage. the plugins are shared by both bbpress and wordpress.

    I have integrated the search also.. try the ajax live search. type and wait.

    Here is the link –

    I will be releasing the last theme ‘sunnyside’ in a few days

    let me hear your thoughts.


    Page transfer time alone was not-so-hot.

    Front page, non-cached, no-images, no external js/css was 2.84 seconds. Loading a fresh topic took over 6 seconds in my browser.

    No gzip web compression enabled.

    PHP5 (~10%+ slower than PHP4)

    There’s definitely no mysql cache – way, way too slow.

    Can you put make yourself a phpinfo.php page and put <? phpinfo(); ?> in there for us to check for other stuff? I don’t think it’s a security issue but others will have to agree or not.

    Another neat way to look at unknown servers is with this perlinfo cgi I found and hacked at a bit a few years ago. Rename that to perlinfo.cgi upload to your cgi-bin and chmod it to 755. Then we can maybe see a bit more. If you don’t know how to do all this, then nevermind.

    I need at least one static page to compare it all to.

    If you don’t mind saying, how much are you paying for this hosting? According to westhost’s page ALL clients are on their own VPS, even @ $4/mo which is kinda strange. If true, that means you can customize mysql yourself and install eaccelerator.

    top w and uptime are all done from a “shell” via SSH. You need to email them and ask them how you access your shell. If you are indeed on a VPS you should have access to one. Many shared hosting hosts block shell access because of security issues.


    For anyone running 0.8.2.x I bundled this as a proper plugin with some of my other “views” tricks:

    bbPress plugin: My Views

    optional: install bb-topic-views for the other extra views


    thanks, I found another way when integrating with wordpress

    < a href=”;?php echo $user_identity; ?>/favorites”>

    I get the same results:)


    Since there’s no real way to cache bbpress as static pages like wordpress (and not that there ever really can be, defeats the purpose) if you plan to have anything bigger than a “micro-forum” it’s important your host has mysql caching and optionally but recommend, some kind of php opcode cache (ie. eaccelerator)

    Otherwise you’ll be getting emails from your host about your account creating all of the mysql load, etc.

    The problem is I think most hosts do not have the two features I mentioned enabled. At least most shared hosting that’s done on cpanel “out of the box” on defaults. They have to be a bit more tech-savvy. And then if they are that clever, sometimes they will “oversell” the box thinking it can do more work than average.

    Last but not least, on all shared hosting and VPS, you can have great performance for the moments you test it, but then a “bad neighbour” comes along and your performance will become quite bad for no reasons of your own, until the host does something about it, which can be days. Sometimes even the host can make poor decisions that will cripple your site, like backing it up during times of higher activity or allowing the statistics programs to run on dozens of clients at the exactly same time.

    I wish I could afford dedicated hosting myself! Solves most of these problems. But spending $100 per year instead of $100 a month is no contest.

    ps. 2.490 – 8 queries is not good at all if you are expecting high traffic – I have mysql cache and opcode cache and get always get under 0.300 for 10-30 queries no matter how many visitors. But I suspect I pay much more for my hosting. My guess is there’s definitely no mysql cache on there or you are paying very very little for that hosting.


    Oh lazyweb I invoke thee: does anybody have a recommendation for an RSS aggregator to incorporate a feed or feeds into a bbPress site?

    For WordPress, of course, there are a zillion plugins that will do the job. And there are generic ones I could adapt to my bbPress. But if somebody has done it, I’d rather benefit from your experience.




    Already tried (as mentioned above) using forums as subdomain and also putting the htaccess details in a vhost.conf file. No joy either way.


    “Quick and dirty” fix seems to do the trick.

    Not actually sure if I’m going to go with bbpress anymore, I put a vanilla forum up in the meanwhile and it seems pretty decent. Although integration is nowhere near as slick with WordPress.


    Oh if you are trying to do it from an integrated WordPress you’ll need to do this:

    if function_exists("get_currentuserinfo") {global $user_ID;}
    else { $user_ID=bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' )}
    if ($user_ID) { echo '<a href="/forums/profile.php?id='.$user_ID.'&tab=favorites">favorites</a>';} ?>

    untested – change /forums/ to whatever your bbpress path is.

    Sam Bauers

    Apache processes rewrite directives in the order they are found.

    First the main Apache config file is used, then (if they are allowed) the .htaccess files are used in the order they are encountered from the root of the website out through the directories until the final directory that contains the file that is being accessed.

    So if you have a page at, then the order of processing is like:

    Apache config
    +-> /path/to/site/
    +-> /path/to/site/
    +-> /path/to/site/

    So the “blog” rewrite rules will be assessed first. This means that you may want to place your bbPress rewrite rules in the same .htaccess file as your blog rules, before the blog rules, as they are more specific and should be handled first.

    Also, there were some problems with WordPress throwing 404 errors based on what mod_rewrite was doing. This was specifically with version 2.1 I think, so your WordPress may need to be upgraded.


    Sounds like the pre-complied version list to download would be best then. It also allows you to do emergency holds or rollbacks if something in the SVN is discovered to be spyware or malware of somekind.

    The version list could then be gzipped and even mirrored dynamically on trusted sources (like the supposed triple mirror runs on)


    Web compression is on an “offered/accepted” handshake of sorts.

    It would not affect clients that do not support gzip.

    Everytime IE or Firefox (etc.) requests a webpage, it tells the server “I support gzip” in the headers and then if the server supports it, it sends it that way.

    Technically compression can be forced through the server – if trac is under the same litespeed server as wordpress/bbpress then it’s just a matter of making sure it’s enabled.

    A quick test shows both the svn+trac are using apache, so depending on which version it’s either a matter of building with mod_gzip (for apache 1.3.x) or if apache 2.0 they need to just add a couple of easy httpd.conf directives.

    Really though, Matt knows how good litespeed is over apache, both the trac+svn should on litespeed. I bet it could even work with the free 150 connection version instead of buying a license.


    I tried implimenting the user sync with wordpress but then realised I needed the two systems to use the same database. So I went through exporting the data from the bb database to put in the wp database. But it wont import because it says wp_usermeta and wp_users already exists in the wordpress database.

    Correct me if I am wrong, because what I know about databases and sql you could put on the back of a postage stamp, but I think these two fields? have come from me trying to integrate the databases so is it ok to delete wp_usermeta and wp_users from the bbpress database before copying to the wordpress database?

    Sam Bauers

    This is fixed in the latest trunk. I believe, the WordPress tag closing function has been moved across to bbPress.


    In reply to: subforums and markup


    Sooner or later you may want these other tweaks too:

    1. Get rid of the ?replies=# ugliness in topic links

    2. add nofollow to post links

    3. add target=_blank to post links

    4. auto-close tags – bbPress’s auto-close tags is broken by default

    5. get rid of [closed] on subjects – useful if you have a narrow template


    If Login failed, then you’re not giving the right details to log in.

    If the name automatically changes to spyparkreborn, then that’s your browser.

    Are bb and wp sharing a database? Is the database info in bbpress’ config.php the same as that in wp’s wp-config.php?

    hi all …

    i use plugin synchronize bbPress registrations with WordPress but it doesn’t work. I create new user bbPress but in WordPress that user doesn’t have any role. Someone tell me what i miss ???

    and when i login to bbPress use user registered in wordpress (spypark.reborn), i got report Log In Failed and user name automatically change to spyparkreborn. Another word bbPress integration not work well or i miss something.. i don’t know ????


    Okay I have a working prototype.

    Who wants to beta test?

    Okee well just let me know.

    Not responsible for any melted servers or sudden calls from the voyager probe.


    >For a lark I pointed the plugin to the WordPress Plugin SVN. It got about 1/4 of the way through retrieving the list of plugins and died (script timeout).

    With many people accessing it, yeah it will necessary to pre-compile a default list of a full revision weekly.

    Or to be sneaky for now you can set a flag in options after each curl fetch and restart bbpress if you calculate approaching 30 seconds.

    Both ways sound like headaches.

    I wonder if the trac cache is faster/more efficent?



    I wonder if trac can be tricked to pre-gzip it all to download beforehand as a bundled revision? It’s got to compress wonderfully as it’s entirely plain text and repeating php functions.

    ps. be sure to take advantage of gzip support in curl / fsockopen – I have some code I wrote somewhere to do this if you need ideas


    In theory it should be possible to use the topic_status field to set a future topics flag ie. “4” and check the database everytime bbpress runs for that flag, then change it to 0 when the time has passed.

    I don’t see this as a big need for forums (wordpress is another matter) but it’s a simple enough plugin so maybe I’ll try later this weekend.


    There are many other things you will need to do to get it working properly with wordpress.

    1. cookies paths need to be fixed in both programs

    2. the integration plugin should be installed

    3. the allow spaces in usernames plugin should be installed

    4. force all registrations/logins through wordpress from the several places they are buried on the forum (the WP interfaces are far more developed)

    5. add the ” set default role when registering new user though forum” plugin tweak

    There are probably a few others I’ve forgotten by now.

    Sam Bauers

    > it works, yay!


    > idea: “power user toggle” that will turn the revision number into a hotlink to the svn directory

    Good idea, I’ll ad it to my “to do” list.

    > maybe show the filesize since curl/fopen has to pull the entire file down anyway so it knows the size

    It only completely pulls down the .php files from the trunk of each plugin to interrogate then and create the list, so I could only accurately report on the size of those. Otherwise I would have to traverse through all the subdirectories and add up the totals. Which would be a bit onerous.

    > a tally at the bottom of how many plugins shown would be interesting to see too

    A bit superfluous, but I’ll add it.

    > will it paginate if one day there are over a hundred plugins?

    That wouldn’t be too hard. But there aren’t that many plugins right now.

    For a lark I pointed the plugin to the WordPress Plugin SVN. It got about 1/4 of the way through retrieving the list of plugins and died (script timeout). Ultimately if this plugin is going to remain in use I’ll have to either compile the plugin list on a server somewhere and serve it as a single file to all plugins, or build a “specs” file format for plugins to use if they want to be in the browser. But that is what the WordPress plugin I mentioned earlier is attempting to do, so I’m more likely to assist in porting that plugin over to bbPress than extending this one to do it.


    Automatically adding a user’s new topic to their own favorites is as simple as this plugin. I’ve unhooked the notification plugin so users don’t get emailed for their own new topics starting.

    * Plugin Name: User Topics To Favorites
    * Plugin Description: automatically adds new topics created by a user to their favorites
    * Author: _ck_
    * Author URI:
    * Plugin URI:
    * Version: 0.1

    function user_topics_to_favorites($topic_id) {
    remove_action('bb_new_post', 'notification_new_post'); // don't email users about their new topic
    $topic = get_topic( get_topic_id( $topic_id ) ); // fetch topic poster's id
    bb_add_user_favorite( $topic->topic_poster, $topic_id );
    add_action('bb_new_topic', 'user_topics_to_favorites');



    I have a WP install with BBPress installed on the same database in a subdirectory of WP. Install went well, looked in the database and my new forum topic was written in the database but all links on the BBPress forum lead to “No input file specified”. I’m suspecting that it has something to do with the config file. Let me know if you see something wrong here:

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    // The full URL of your bbPress install

    $bb->uri = ‘;;

    // What are you going to call me?

    $bb->name = ‘The Asian Man Forum’;

    // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks, set to ‘slugs’ if you want to use slug based pretty permalinks.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage

    // of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at


    $bb->akismet_key = ”; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    I’ve turned permalinks off because it seems people are having trouble with them in conjunction with GoDaddy (my clients host : ( ).

    I’ve created a .htaccess file with:

    Options +MultiViews

    Not sure what’s up. The default forum content is not even showing up.

    Cheer all and thanks in advance

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