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Search Results for '"wordpress"'

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  • #238544

    We’ve run into the following issue on our site.

    Whenever a new Free Member registers, they should get a custom role called Free Membership Plan. However, bbPress overrides this somehow and the role they receive is Participant. This happens even if we choose not to have all new members added to the Participant role.

    On our site, we use Paid Memberships Pro which manages user levels (who gets access to what content), so in addition to WordPress’ site roles, we have user levels and bbPress’ forum roles.

    We have deactivated bbPress and the issue went away. However, we would love to keep using bbPress as our Forum software.

    Would anyone be willing to help us out here?


    Robin W

    bbpress just uses WordPress login, so it is that area that needs researching.

    WordPress uses login cookies, so if your browser does not have cookies enabled then it would not remember you.

    Given that it works on some of your browsers but not others, then it would tend to indicate a browser issue rather than website.

    you could also look at

    Robin W

    great – what were you wanting your dev to do?

    you might find this useful if you are not already using it

    bbp style pack

    Robin W

    @mike80222 writes a really good response.

    bbpress is used on the support site of WordPress itself – ie it is what almost all the themes and plugins have as their support tool, eg


    that last one has 23,000 pages of 30 topics so to say wp is not good for forums and that it would clog your server is maybe not accurate.

    bbpress is used on 200,000 wordpress sites, including this one.

    All plugins and themes have the potential be be unsecure. Indeed as I write this, the Elementor plugin which is installed on almost 9 million sites has a vulnerability which has just been fixed.

    If you really want to secure your site then as Mike says, install the Wordfence plugin, it is really worth it. The free version will gets you lots, but if your site is more commercial and not a say a poetry writing forum, then paying $119 for the professional version is well worth it. You get same day protection from issues found by an army of bug hunters.

    Mike Witt

    Hi @rvpodcast,

    I’m not a WordPress, bbPress, or security expert — but I’ve been using bbPress for forums on a couple of different sites for almost 5 years now. I’m not aware of any current or recent security issues with bbPress itself. WordPress has had a number of them. I suggest looking at one of the several available “vulnerability” databases WRT this kind of thing. I mostly use Wordfence (and I also use their security plugin on all my WordPress sites).

    For what it’s worth, my most active site has about 500 users. So I don’t have any experience with a really high-volume site.

    It is definitely important to take some time making this decision, because once you choose your forum software, it’s not going to be easy to switch!

    Hope that helps.



    I’ve just spent a lot of time making a great bbPress forum. When I went to ask my WordPress developer for some assistance, he said that bbPress was way too vulnerable to hackers, would clog my server, and that he didn’t want to work on it. He says WP is not good for forums. I do expect the forum to be busy with users but from what I can see, the security and hacker issues seem to be from several years ago. I love the forum I have set up on bbPress but my developer has me spooked. Has bbPress gotten rid of most of those previous issues?


    I run:
    Wordpress 6.4.2
    bbpress 2.6.9
    bbPress WP Tweaks 1.4.4

    When I remove the shortcode for the single forum. The images work again.


    So I added a forum on a wordpress page using shortcode. After that all the images on the page (outside the forum) disappeared. And I cannot add any – well I can add images, but they will not show (and no error messages). I have searched the posts here but cannot see an answer to this issue.

    I run the widget for all forums at the bottom of the page.


    In reply to: Show user’s country

    Robin W

    In reply to: Metallas to users.

    Robin W

    In reply to: Create topic form.

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>buttons

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Forum Roles


    When I edit a forum. Set Forum Moderators properity and Click Update button, but bbPress didn’t update forum moderators and didnot show any error. I checked for sure that username (which chosen to set for forum moderators) exist in wordpress user manager. I don’t know why. Pls help me

    Robin W

    This will let you do them inline, but no drag/drop.

    Inline Image Upload for BBPress

    Might be worth asking them if they could add that feature to their pro version

    Robin W

    you might also want to check that email from your site is working, you can use this plugin

    Check & Log Email

    If you enable logging, then even if they don’t come you can see it in the log.

    Robin W

    in that case if you have the capability – turn on debug


    Hi. I get a “There has been a critical error on this website.” error message when responding to a topic on the front-end of our website. All was working well until recently, but now responding to topics stopped working…

    Not sure if this is related to using WordPress Version 6.4.1?
    I have tried disabling plugins, but the issue persists…

    I do not use any theme as I use Oxygen Builder which “disables” any WordPress theme and overwrites them. I have not had any update on Oxygen for a while and bbPress was working fine all this time…

    Also, finally, I have disabled and re-enabled the plugin and re-saved all the settings, but again, the issue persists…

    I am using PHP 8.2. How can I fix this issue?

    Robin W

    ok, it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    it is unusual to see index.php included in a url

    what theme are you using?


    Not that I’m aware of. Meaning something in WordPress or elsewhere?


    See previous post and…

    I just noticed that when I click that link, it redirects to

    Edit Ad

    I really don’t know how that happened or how to fix it.


    I hope this doesn’t go through more than once. It said I’ve already sent but it isn’t showing on my screen that is did.


    I recently installed bbpress and AWPCP Classifieds. Whenever a user clicks the edit button to edit their post, it takes them to a page that asks for the Ad email and access key. This page is default with AWPCP and is called -Edit Ad. Inside that page is the shortcode [AWPCPEDITAD]. I disabled the AWPCP plugin to test and the result was when a user clicked the edit button, it then just shows the shortcode text from the -Edit Ad page. I am little more than a beginner when it comes to web development. I have built a few websites but they are all basic and mostly wordpress sites. This is the site address if you would like to look at it.

    The site is for testing. Hopefully once it is done, I can put it into service for my club. Thanks if anyone can help.

    Robin W

    not totally sure that you are spam, so I’ll reply

    bbp style pack

    should give you lots that you need, and has a list of other useful bbpress plugins


    In reply to: Forum


    I believe that Method 1 was used to create the forum page, but I cannot find any pages associated with this name in the WordPress pages section.

Viewing 25 results - 301 through 325 (of 26,703 total)
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