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  • #708

    I’m digging the idea of bb inside wordpress. thanks

    installed bb following integration with wordpress. installed fine. however, none of my logins work for bbpress. if i try to write a post, i’m asked to login. i do so, and the login doesn’t allow me to post or comment on threads. nor can i get into the admin area.

    i know the login is correct because when i use a false login, i get an error message – which doesn’t happen when i use the correct login. all that happens when i login with the correct info is i end up being told i need to login again. it’s as though i’m stuck in some loop.

    not sure what to do next. any help?


    ok, can you tell me how?


    cmcraft, you need to call WordPress’ template functions yourself. bbPress doesn’t do that for you.


    Topic: Can’t Login…

    in forum Installation

    Integrated WordPress with bbPress. I’ve added the integration plugins. But can’t get logins to work in bbPress.

    I pre-registered a few new users in WordPress. Can login fine in WP. But I can’t even seem to login as admin in bbPress even to write/comment on a post – regardless of admin or other users. Can see an admin screen, but not allowed to do anything there without login – which I can’t do.

    No error message comes up. I login, checks the database and returns to the screen. Doesn’t matter which login link I’m using in bbPress, I can’t create/edit a thread, nor can I gain admin access.

    Any ideas?


    I’m interested in this too… but I understand it might sound a bit odd to some people, depending on how they use WP.


    A little more detail…

    I’ve installed bbPress in a folder inside WordPress (I want to integrate them). I’ve followed the instructions for integration. I think everything’s right – but, obviously not if it’s not working.

    I love WordPress and was stoked to hear about bbPress. So any help getting this started would be greatly appreciated.


    Ok so I got it to work without error, but it still does not load my blog site on top of the forum. Maybe I misunderstood, I need more than just username and password integration. I need it to show my blog.


    Perhaps this should go in the plugins forum but something I’m instantly realizing is that not everybody tags things the same, and so not everybody finds the same documents when using the tags.

    It would be nice to have the capability to have tag synonyms (so for a very simple example) if someone adds a “WP” tag, then future readers would also see the article when looking for “WordPress”.

    This could be achieved at a number of points (a) by adding an extra tag when the post is written, or (b) replacing the “WP” tag with “wordpress”, or (c) when a user searches for a tag.

    It strikes me that “a” is best options because with there is a better chance that search engines will find the post.


    Has anyone considered what might be required to migrate existing WordPress comments into BBPress?

    I’m imagining a script that would examine the comments DB, move comments storing them in an article-specific topic (which might be easier if themes could be nested, like categories), tagging them with their previous article’s categories.

    One nicety: perhaps each former comment URL could be added to htaccess, redirecting to it’s new location.


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    Hey, I was checking out this board so I could suggest this very idea.

    I have some easy style postings on my blog with over 100 comments… that makes for one very long page.

    I would love to see a feature that takes WP postings up to the <! –more–> tag and automatically generates a BBpress posting that is tied into the blog comment system.


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    what would be nice to is to be able to add BB tags in your wp post page.


    i’m using



    I tried that and it threw back a serious error. I might be a noob, but is there more defining that needs to be done? Inserting the code towards the bottom didn’t work. My installation works ok, but it doesn’t load wordpress at all, and if I uncomment the wp_bb line, it errors up as well.



    In reply to: err ERRR install probs

    If you switched user tables after bbPress was already installed, the accounts in the old user tables won’t work.

    You can log in with the accounts in the new user table, but none of those accounts will have administrator rights in bbPress.

    You’ll have to manually add something to your database.

    In WordPress’ usermeta table, add an entry that looks like:

    user_id: #your user id on your blog#

    meta_key: bb_capabilities (replace ‘bb_’ with bbPress’ table prefix)

    meta_value: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    Agreed, this would be a great idea. What a great way to combine a blogging community and forum users into one discussion.

    I dont have time right now but in a couple of weeks I will poke around with this, incase nobody else has.


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress



    Great idea !!

    It would be great to have a system that allow WP comments to be handled by bbpress in way that would be transparent (for example the number of comment been displayed under the WP post) and even (let’s dream) the x first comments available under the WP post (like it’s the case currently), with a link “read more.. ” directing to the whole number of comments in bbpress.

    I don’t know if this is realistic but such a system associating a blog script and a forum script would be really fantastic (currently blog handling of comment is really poor from a user point of view).




    In reply to: Anybody on PHP5?

    If you’re getting that error when WP_BB is set, you’re probably not including wp-config.php correctly.

    You do not need to load wp-config.php in order to integrate cookies or most anything else.




    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Thank mdawaffe! I have solved this problem. It looks working fine when I moved BBPress into a sub-directory of my WordPress.


    In reply to: Anybody on PHP5?


    OK Here’s the dish:

    Perhaps this isn’t another issue.

    I was grappling with the “Call to undefined function __() in…” caper as a few have around here.

    Of course, this only occurs when I include WP_BB = true and my wp-config.php

    So, without either of those switches all works fine. Without these, how would the setup go as far as cookies and integration are concerned?

    As far as templates are concerned, I have no need for any wordpress functions to be loaded in my forums, at least not at this stage.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Login problem:

    wp_home and wp_siturl will only work if the url for your forums is a “subdirectory” of the url for your WordPress blog. If that is not the case, you’ll need the more fine-grained control mentioned in the Cookie integration with WordPress Documentation

    Installation problem:

    on Installation, bbPress looks to see if there are any keymasters in the User Tables already. You’ll need to go to your usermeta table and delete the entry:

    meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . ‘capabilities’ (example: ‘bb_capablities’)

    meta_value = a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    This part of the installation will have to change in the next version for several reasons. The difficulties you’re seeing is one of them.


    No – WP_BB only tells bbPress that you will be loading WordPress so that it knows not to try to load thingsn which will conflict with WordPress.

    If bbPress is installed in a subdirectory of WordPress, put this in bbPress’ config,php

    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    i would guess that we need to:

    1: Add a little code snippit inside of wp-post.php that creates a new forum SOMEHOW identified by the post ID.

    2: in your wp-single.php include that forum instead of your comments.

    3: SOmehow replicate/redirect comments/forum for RSS reasons and other ones that i do not understand! :) sloppy i know!


    Topic: Comments in WordPress

    in forum Plugins

    I was wondering if this forum would be capable of housing the comments of my wordpress blog inside the forums. Maybe through some sort of plugin or maybe just an option in bbpress itself.

    Anything info would be great.


    what does that mean?

    setting BB_WP equal to true that is. is’nt it suppose to load the header/footer of my wp installationg? if that is the case, it it’nt working.


    Yea, I agree with lstelie.

    WP use subversion to manage each localized file:

    How do bbPress’ developers think about managing localized file?

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