Re: Show off your Forum !!
I use a lot of Plugins, some I’ve edited myself. I haven’t checked for new versions in some time, so I may be out of date :p.
* Upload Avatar Plugin
* Allow Images
* Signature Plugin (edited to allow images)
* Quote (edited to display who you’re quoting)
* BB Emoticons (with tango emoticons)
* Fix Auto-Close
* No ?replies
* Front Page Topics
* BBCode for BBPress (We encourage use of regular markup, but we have this option available to our users).
* Comment Quicktags
* Show Post Count
* Fix BBpress
* Online List
* Page Links
* Indicate New Posts
* BBPress Private Messaging
* TDP Badges (A custom plugin I made to give out badges to our users depending on their taste in games and their accomplishments).
I hacked some code to allow a color changing tag-cloud. I guess that’s it.