yoyopop (@yoyopop)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: soundcloud embed




    I just worked it out for myself!

    If you download the bbVideo plugin, then edit the file provider.inc.php and add the following at the end :

    'soundcloud' => array(

    'width' => '620',

    'height' => '81',

    'pattern' => 'soundcloud.com/(.*)/(.*?)/',

    'index' => 1,

    'code' => '<object height="[HEIGHT]" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://soundcloud.com/[ID]/"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="[HEIGHT]" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://soundcloud.com/[ID]/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>',

    'page_url' => 'http://www.soundcloud.com/'


    In reply to: soundcloud embed




    I just worked it out for myself!

    If you download the bbVideo plugin, then edit the file provider.inc.php and add the following at the end :

    'soundcloud' => array(

    'width' => '620',

    'height' => '81',

    'pattern' => 'soundcloud.com/(.*)/(.*?)/',

    'index' => 1,

    'code' => '<object height="[HEIGHT]" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://soundcloud.com/[ID]/"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="[HEIGHT]" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http://soundcloud.com/[ID]/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>',

    'page_url' => 'http://www.soundcloud.com/'


    In reply to: User ID = 999999999?



    just wanted to bump this because I found it very useful just now after doing a phpbb 2 conversion and having user IDs starting at 1000000000!



    really? adding the first tag always makes the full page refresh? Why doesn’t that update with ajax also?

    Thanks for the tip for the fix, however I tried with the latest version from trunk and still have this problem.

    What are the bb_tags and bb_tagged tables in the database used for? Should mine be empty?

    In reply to: "Sandbox" theme



    @ Hard Seat Sleeper

    did you get any further with the Sandbox theme for bbpress? Could be really useful :)

    it would be amazing to have an equivalent of the P2 theme (that I see you’re running on your blog) for bbpress too. Very clean design, easy to mod, lightweight etc



    refueled – I like your theme, very clean & nice. When can we download it?

    In reply to: Welcome Back _ck_



    having started with bbpress after _ck_ had ‘left’, I could see there was a massive hole left empty. And I appreciate all the work she has done for bbpress in the past – if you use any of her plugins then please consider donating to _ck_, we all appreciate her massive efforts, so we should show it properly!



    I can confirm that the latest bug fixes do correct the problem – great work guys!



    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    CioboMario, this is the same problem I had. The files do not contain an extra space before the <?xml but when output the error comes up. Try replacing your files with the latest versions – https://trac.bbpress.org/ticket/1181



    yes, john, you are right. The option to delete your own posts times-out after one hour – I was just a bit impatient!!

    Being able to submit an empty post via edit is still an issue though, which would be nice to solve!



    sorry to raise an old topic from the dead, but I think I have found a significant problem with the current version…

    If you try to post an empty reply in a topic, you are met with a message saying ‘You need to actually submit some content!’ and bbpress won’t let you reply.

    However, if you edit a post, and delete all the information from inside, you can resubmit the post as a completely empty reply, because the filter for new replies does not work for edits.

    And because there is no delete post function for normal users, some of my users have been doing this to remove their posts.

    This means there are blank replies in some topics, which have to be manually found and removed by moderators!

    I suggest there are two possible solutions

    1) Allow users to delete their own posts, but within a certain time limit, I don’t want users deleting posts they made 2 months ago!


    2) Have the empty-post filter work for post-edits as well as for brand new posts.

    How can I make the edit-post function call the same minimum-character filter as the new post function??

    Is it possible to mod the above post-delete plugin to include a time-limit on deleting posts (as found in phpbb)?

    In reply to: jquery loading



    cool, thanks zaerl – I had it working before but your solution is much more elegant!

    In reply to: jquery loading



    thanks for the input guys. The only thing I was worried about was it would be loading jquery on every page, even when it won’t be used – or do you think it’s not a large enough file to worry about?



    thanks chris.

    I’m on a linux server. Like I said before, I’ve tested the problem with a blank template and zero activated plugins it still happened.

    it seems like it would be closest to this problem https://trac.bbpress.org/ticket/1090 – although that trac has been marked as a duplicate with 1150, they seem to be separate problems to me. But you never know!

    Do you know what the correct url format for a undeleting should be? Is my forum directing me incorrectly, is delete-topic.php failing, or is my server not carrying through the command?



    yeah, I saw that ticket. I can’t even undelete at all though!



    found it! there was a single space after the final ?> in the main quote.php file – damn!!



    it seems to be a clash with the Ajaxed Quote plugin… not quite sure why yet though.



    I’m having this same issue in a test forum I’m running at the moment. Adding tags doesn’t refresh the page, consistently in certain topics. And when it does, the whole page reloads, rather than just the tag section via ajax…

    This problem happens when using the default theme.

    Any ideas? kirpi.it didn’t say how it was fixed!?

    In reply to: jquery loading



    Maybe I wasn’t clear – basically I have a script that I wrote myself that I have put in header.php so that it gets loaded on every page. However, this script needs the jquery script to load as well or it won’t work. BBPress has jquery built-in but it only loads it on certain pages. I wanted to see what defines where the jquery script that is built into BBpress is called…

    But I can use this technique to do the same thing, just the opposite way around, so thanks for the help! I did it like this:

    <?php if ( in_array( bb_get_location(), array( 'login-page', 'register-page' ) ) ) echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js'></script>n"; ?>

    I tried to use bb_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); in there but couldn’t get that to work!

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    @ kawauso

    I applied the patches suggested via the trac and your comments but my rss feed is still returning invalid in Chrome, Opera and Firefox (in Safari it works fine)

    it does seem to be something wrong with the markup via an extra space in front of the xml declaration somewhere…

    Anyone have any ideas??


    error on line 1 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document


    XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 1, Character: 1)

    Error:XML declaration not at beginning of document

    and it shows a space in front of the initial <? xml


    XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity

    Location: /rss.php?topic=2074

    Line Number 1, Column 2: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>


    In reply to: RSS Feeds



    where is the patch you used??



    tflight – I understand paulhawke is working on his own script, but prior to its release, I am looking to convert those links using the current script, which so far ran successfully for me. So, any feedback on that from anyone who understands it better than I do would be great.

    rspowers – try this one https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/phpbb3-gt-bbpress-converter-beta-release



    glad to hear you’re still working on this as it will help a lot of people! Do we actually have any concrete information about how close any integration with wordpress is, in order to make the decisions you suggest?



    Hi guys.

    I was looking at this conversion again and one really useful thing it misses out is converting internal links – eg: if someone has posted a link to a certain topic within the forum, the link will no longer work.

    If it could convert from the standard phpbb format eg: forum/viewtopic.php?t=7836

    to the default bbpress format eg: forum/topic.php?id=7836

    or does the smilies conversion only search for standalone text (ie: it wouldn’t convert phrases within a string)??

    would adding something like this to the smilies conversion section work?

    ‘viewtopic.php?t=’ => ‘topic.php?id=’,

    I guess you could also write a new viewtopic.php file that could parse those links, although that’s a bit of a workaround.



    I echo the above comments – am transferring a phpbb forum to bbpress at the moment and it’s so refreshing!

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