Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Topic views
Sixthed. – I’d also like to see this plugin made possible..
In reply to: MediaWiki, bbPress, and WordPress integration..Oh ok, thanks a million Trent.
By the way, I also dropped a thread off over here on the MWUSERS forum.. 15 views, no replies there lol.
Oh well, maybe someone will then.
Also, Trent.. how would I go about changing the “Create New” account link in the MediaWiki .. to point to either my Forum’s or Blog’s registration page?
Shoot, which one should I use though? I’m guessing the Blog’s registration page right? And even point my forum’s register link to the blog? Might be the best way of doing it.. What you all think?
/*cough* I wish ya were on GTalk again lmao, would be a helleva a lot easier to talk me through this crap LoL!!..
In reply to: Plugin: Post NotificationHaha, Glad to hear you found it though!
I posted some other plugins I’m using in this blog post here:
Shoot, I’m actually missing some there.. I’ll have to re-edit that post again soon.. Again, glad to see you found it, and thanks for checking through my forums..
*cough* You could join there ya know..? Lmao Ya don’t have too though..
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesIt was no problem at all.
By the way, he also posted one over here sigh:
Dang spammers!
In reply to: PROFILE – user specified fieldsAh, ok.. I’ll have to try/test that then Josh.. thanks for pointing that out..
In reply to: PROFILE – user specified fieldsSome of that is already implemented into the bbPress forum software, for the messengers.. try this thread..
In reply to: My forums template :)Nice one! I love it!!
and remove the front-page.php changes so that it is more standard and release it to public whenever I change to a new theme. I don’t want other people to be using my theme at the same time I am
Awww, damn, damn, damn it.. lol! Just kidding..!
Either way you release it, will be fine by me.. whee~~
In reply to: Template of this forum??Um, I don’t see why it’d be a problem though.. but, it’s always better safe then sorry.
However, someone made a WordPress theme, based on the support forums theme.. so.. I dunno.. we’ll have to wait and see what the Uppy Ups say I guess..
/If it’s a no-go, it might be because they’d want their own “signature” forum theme.. who knows though..
In reply to: My modification of the default themeI love it!!
You did an awesome job on the theme/forums there..
/Get’s in line for downloading a copy of it, once she’s going to share it.. LoL!
/By the way, your link still stands on my main site: … under one of the links sections..
I haven’t been there in a while though, but will stop in again then.. I promise!
In reply to: Plugin Request: Forum Categories..Oh yeah, I agree totally about how it could “slow down” a forum.
I’m not worried about that really, I’m specifically asking if/for this to be possible with bbPress, so I don’t have to use those *other* forum softwares though..
I guess I’ll have to wait on what Josh comes up with, I think he’s planning on doing something about this then.. whee!
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*YES! Once again gerd damn-its, testing a bunch of crap out the arse.. for Josh there.. it’s FINALLY working both ways now.. whee!!
Now, maybe, hopefully, some time soon here.. I’ll be able to actually work on MY theme’s for the blogs… because I’m already 7 months behind on the crap.. sigh..
/It’s fun though.. being the guinea pig .. of a bbpress plugin pimp! lmao
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*It’s probably because my host, and their host doesn’t support “MutiViews”.. I have to add the lines from the: file.. to my .htaccess file.. and such..
Maybe something is touchy, or whatever. I dunno. I’m not a professional at this stuff hahaha..
In reply to: Plugin Request: Forum Categories..So, anyone with any ideas on this? Just was wondering..
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Spencer just gets the weirdest problems with stuff
Yeah, but my crap host,, is the real reason for the problems sigh. When I was on the server’s.. it was all cool, and good to go! But, with the plugins on the server’s.. they were working like nasty ho’s! Hahaha
Trent discovered a dumb mistake I made with the WPMU integration. If you’ve downloaded it before now, please download again (only important if you’re integrated).
Alllright, I’ll go re-download it again for the umpteenth time…. lmao! Just kidding man!
Just been busy. Don’t take it personal!
Sure…. hm, right..
In reply to: Plugin – Memberlist *UPDATE*Yep, She’s working great, just like a cheap hooker downtown.. whee!
/At least I can STILL talk with Josh on GTalk.. *cough* what the hell Trent!?!?!
In reply to: IE Display ProblemHahaha.. I just seen that crap display problem the other day, and was trying to fix it, but.. like normal, Microshit IE6 is just that, a piece of crap. sigh. I’ll keep working at it though..
In reply to: Topic Area in Admin is EmptySorry I didn’t get back sooner, was having problems with my MediaWiki 1.9alpha install, well actually I still am sigh.. Anyway, [slaps self].. after seeing what chrishajer wrote there, yeah.. it would only make sense lol!
Glad to hear you got it figured out, and someone helped you!
In reply to: Topic Area in Admin is EmptyRyan, I can’t really remember if I had this happen before or not, but.. taking a guess here.. does this sound like something similar to what you’re having?
In reply to: bbPortalNice one Null!! Thanks for sharing that..
In reply to: Weird permalink problem..Thanks Josh, I took out the “if else” statements in the two main plugin files, and it’s working now..
In bb-memberlist.php found this:
function bb_get_memberlist_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
if ( $bb->mod_rewrite )
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “mlist” . ( ” != $tag ? “?$tag” : ” );
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “mlist.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “?$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_memberlist_link’, $r );
Changed to this:
function bb_get_memberlist_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “mlist.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “?$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_memberlist_link’, $r );
Then, in bb-privatemessage.php.. Find these two:
(near top of file)
function get_pm_fp_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
if ( $bb->mod_rewrite )
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “pm” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “pm.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_pm_fp_link’, $r );
Changed to this:
function get_pm_fp_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “pm.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_pm_fp_link’, $r );
Then, near the middle of the file, find this one:
function bb_get_pm_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
if ( $bb->mod_rewrite )
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “message” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “message.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_pm_link’, $r );
Changed it to this:
function bb_get_pm_link( $tag = ” ) {
global $bb;
$r = bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “message.php” . ( ” != $tag ? “$tag” : ” );
return apply_filters( ‘get_pm_link’, $r );
This should be it, and should be right.. it’s working for me now, at least.. Hope it maybe helps someone else out there..
In reply to: Weird permalink problem..Hey Josh, yeah.. this link works:
Same for the pm.php one:
Except whenever clicking on a message title link, and anything else related to that section, or what-not, it gives a 404..
Is there a way to keep this from happening.. ?
/I think this came up some where before, but I can’t find it now, my mind is spinning with so much crap going on lately sigh.. can’t think straight these days..
In reply to: Plugin Request: Forum Categories..Well, I’ve already been working on the layout, going by phpBB’s layout in general..
I’m just in need of some PHP professionals, to maybe make up a plugin, or a way to hard code the front-page.php file. To assign each specific forum, to the category..?
I was thinking of, maybe some how skipping the “loop” for the current forum “database calls”.. and just hard code it into the front-page, by calling in the forum’s [id’s].. bare in mind, I’m no PHP Pro here.. lol
Anyone think something like that will work, or..?
/And yes, my english grammar sucks too! Whee~
In reply to: Plugin – Private Messagesardentfrost, you’re awesome! Thanks so much for getting that fixed for me!
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesHmm, first time I downloaded it, I was in Firefox, I just went there in IE6 this time, downloaded .73a, deleted the original PM files, uploaded fresh ones.. Still the same thing..
To see what I mean, maybe try registering on my board quick, and then try PM-ing Trent here?
/Again, all those other problems which were mentioned above, are gone, it’s just that database error showing yet..
Yeppers, I uncommented out for the Post Count thingy..
I also did a hard clear of cache too. CTRL + F5
In reply to: Plugin – Private Messagesare you integrated spencer?
(Sorry, forgot to add that in here..)
Oh, ok. I will do that, and try again!
I’ll report back here real soon..