Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Troubleshoot integration
@ mykes
What version of WordPressMU?
I’m not sure that the latest version is compatible with bbPress yet. The recent Release Candiadte is though.
In reply to: Troubleshoot integrationI think I’ll add this checklist to the documentation. It seems to have worked a treat for you guys.
In reply to: PHPBB3 ConverstionImport/Export is being improved as part of a Google Summer of Code project. We will hopefully have some results from that to share by the end of it.
The basic idea is to create export plugins for other forum software which can export to a standard format. Then we will have one importer to import that standard format into bbPress.
In reply to: Mail Sending problem with mail() functionThose ini_set() calls could go in your bb-config.php as well and should work just the same.
Having said that, I think this hack will only work on Windows Servers running IIS. But I’m not 100% sure about that.
In reply to: bb-avatars (gr)avatar pluginJust yesterday I enabled Gravatars built in support for MonsterID, etc. in core in trunk and 0.9 branch.
In reply to: New Users Specify PasswordIt is in
In reply to: Troubleshoot integrationHere’s a checklist:
- You are running latest versions of WordPress (2.5.1) and bbPress (
- You have matched SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php with BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php
- You have matched WordPress “secret” database option with bbPress “secret” database setting
- You have setup compatible cookie domains and paths in config files (see instructions in bbPress admin)
- You are successfully sharing user tables from WordPress with bbPress
In reply to: Portuguese Brazilianmdawaffe takes care of adding users to the i18n svn repo.
In reply to: Host problemsThere’s a setting for this in the adm……
Oh good, you found it.
In reply to: Image Upload_ck_ has started this plugin:
In reply to: bbPress on a ms sql serverYou would have to write a replacement for bb-includes/db.php to get bbPress to work with MSSQL.
In reply to: Plugin localization?Many plugins do use the gettext functions.
I know I always try to.
In reply to: Upgrade to killed all special caractersYou have to make sure your database character set and collation set in the bb-config.php file exactly match your databases character set and collation.
In reply to: Rewrite rules under lighttpd?> but it still seems to be breaking on some minor things (like adding a topic to your favorites while logged in)
Actually, that’s bbPress that’s broken, not your rules. Fixed in the next release
In reply to: Add admin powers to account in mysql?If admin’s user_id is not 1, then adjust that value. Also your table may be called “wp_usermeta”:
INSERT INTO bb_usermeta VALUES (meta_value = 'a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}', meta_key = 'bb_capabilities', user_id = 1);
In reply to: Where is the setting for mail server config?The bb_mail() function that sends emails uses the basic mail() function of PHP. That means that the web server needs to be able to send the mail. There is no built in way to set the mail server to anything else. This would be possible with a plugin, but I don’t think that plugin exists.
In reply to: Error when deleting entire topic…Try editing this line in your bb-config.php file.
define('BBDB_COLLATE', '');
To this:
define('BBDB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');
The password should not change if you do this. It just won’t tell you it has failed (it should though). That’s the real bug I think.
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsIn reply to: How do I customize emails to new users?There is no email like that sent by anything in core bbPress. I don’t know of any plugins that do that either.
The only email sent by bbPress is the one containing the password for the new user.
In reply to: slug permalinks can lead to db problemsDo you have any data as to how much this improved things for you?
In reply to: Open Links in new windowLuckily the sort of people who turn off javascript also happen to be the sort of people who hate having new windows forced on them.
I agree with chrishajer that forcing new windows is bad. If I want a new window or tab then I can make that happen myself. But when a new window is forced on me I can’t make it not do it.
In reply to: Error when deleting entire topic…Can you post the database section of your bb-config.php here (the first 15 or so lines). Turn anything sensitive, like the password, into ********.
In reply to: Proposed method for file attachments and uploadsI recall a ticket where mdawaffe was hesitant to put hooks in the templates.
Would you require hooks in the templates?
New WordPress MU 1.5 release candidate is now out: