Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: First post not showing



    You did try Robins plugin right. I think this plugin was created to solve this exact issue that might occur when using membership plugins. It mainly fixes a bug in bbPress that is triggered using these plugins.

    There is also this which basically includes the show lead function in the plugin, that is still here.




    On a separate issue, I do notice the the topic counts don’t reset when topics are deleted.

    Try recounting the topics by running the nessessary repair jobs in Tools > Forums.


    If you want contact me personally and I will check on this and see if I can come up with anything.



    Are you guys running any membership framework plugins as well. Like paid memberships pro or s2 member?

    In reply to: Threaded layout




    Share an image of what exactly you are looking for in your custom layout.

    In reply to: private forum



    There are some woocommerce extensions for membership plugins.

    Here is one by Woo that has compatibility for bbPress.

    Do some research on this, and find a plugin that works for you, I know there are plenty of them. I do not have a personal opinion on this so I can’t say what is the best plugin to use.



    This is a common issue while using bbPress and activating TInyMCE. Not all html tags and attributes are unrestricted for every participant.

    You can download this plugin and edit the function and add on to it what html tags you want to allow in your forums. There is an example for tables in the plugin, you will need span style.



    Its not really. But are these emails specifically from the notify plugin or bbPress??

    Do you still have your issue.

    In reply to: Forum/Board not found



    Maybe consider giving this a try since you have the Canvas theme.



    All the links to each forum in the forum index are for some reason the same?? They all link to.

    Try refreshing your permalinks in Settings > Permalinks. Hit save, or switch to the plain structure, save, then switch back and save again.



    Do you have the Keymaster forum role in Users > All Users??



    This issue is caused because the widget links have the same classes as other links throughout bbPress. In your theme mesocolumn, there is CSS in a bb-css stylesheet that bolds the forum titles.

    In this custom CSS I just set a default font-weight for any widget area.

    You may need to show your theme author this so that maybe they can add it or something similar to their theme.

    And I need to note this down as a possible issue that users might occur when customizing their forums/developing themes.

    This is custom CSS add it in the custom css area your theme provides.

    .widget-area li a {
      font-weight: normal;



    Its a common issue related to WordPress comments theme styling having issues with bbPress replies since they have a common class attribute .reply.

    Since your theme is a free WP theme, I was able to test it out real quick to see the issues.

    Use all this custom CSS, add it into a child themes style.css file or in a custom css plugin.

    Know that if it does not work, try adding !important at the end, for example like this.

    Also know that some of the CSS is for your replies links color, so change that if you end up changing your links color so that it would match.

    .example {
      position: relative !important;
      right: auto !important;

    Here is all the custom CSS you would need to use to fix your theme related issue.

    #bbpress-forums .reply a {
      position: relative;
      right: auto;
      bottom: auto;
      display: initial;
      padding: 0;
      border: none;
      font-size: inherit;
      text-transform: none;
      -webkit-transition: none;
      transition: none;
    #bbpress-forums .reply a {
      border-color: inherit;
      color: #BF4D28;
    #bbpress-forums .reply a:hover {
      color: #E6AC27;
      background-color: inherit;



    Yeah you can probably do it. You may need to customize the bbPress templates in a child theme. Then just add a link where it says to login in html or php. I think the files you will need to edit are in the form-reply.php and form-topic.php files.



    How to make all links in the forum with re=”nofollow”?

    Its like that by default.

    How to disappear content for how not login? so just in he will login, the info will appear to him?

    I am guessing you want Private forums/content. You can use a couple of plugins depending on how private you want these forums.

    How to disappear content for how not login? so just in he will login, the info will appear to him?

    By default in bbPress, if you edit each forum, you are able to set a forum to public, private, or hidden. Setting a forum to private will only allow users who are logged in to see the content.



    So are these notifications are they from the bbPress notify plugin? Because that error you posted is related to the bbPress notify plugin.

    Not sure what to recommend since you are using a plugin that seems to not be supported anymore. You are using the old version not the forked (no spam) version that is actively developed.

    You might need to hire a developer to fix everything for you.



    You can either use an alternate plugin beside bbPress WP Tweaks that can give you similar control over widgets on bbPress pages, or you can go without using a forum main page which that plugin might not support.



    If you aren’t using any plugins that modify the registration process or custom frontend registration forms and instead are using the default WordPress registration forms, right after you get an activation link in your email, you should be redirected to a strong autogenerated password that you can edit if you want, just make sure to edit it before you hit reset password. If a user wants to change their password later they can also do that in their bbPress edit profile section.

    As for the emails going to spam, a way that can help this is by sending email through an SMTP server for your site. There are a bunch of plugins on WordPress that can help configure this.

    In reply to: Possible restoration.



    Its a known bug. Here is the trac ticket for the issue.

    Like it says in the ticket it’s possible to restore the topic on the frontend.





    Just another reply to you @mimbelli about your opinion on using plugins for most of the features.

    While I’m sure that WordPress will not disappear in few years I cannot swear for sure on each plugin. What will happen when a plugin I used throughout all my site will not be upgraded because the developer went on Mars? I became very careful to choose my plugin since it happens several times in my life.

    Make sure to use some quality plugins from very good developers. Most of the plugins I mentioned in your original topic were pretty good quality in my opinion.

    If you did go the route of mainly using BuddyPress, GD bbPress Toolbox, bbPress Pencil Unread, then that should be good enough. BuddyPress is very actively developed, GD bbPress Toolbox is actively developed (its a paid plugin) and adding tons of features you wanted even report post functionality, and the Pencil Unread plugin is now improving its plugin to include features that are in other unread posts plugins.



    Just updated to 4.6.1 recently and it seems to work fine on my dev site.


    If your this was a fresh bbPress installation I would try a re-installation.

    We have some users in the forum mention similar issues while having also installed BuddyPress. Do you have BuddyPress installed as well.

    You may also have to make sure you have the plugin activated. I have seen users get confused at how the new way WordPress installs plugins with a single button and no screen change. Some people forget to wait after the loading icon goes, then the button turns into an activate button. Some users forget that and do not activate the plugin.



    I just merged your two created topics since they are pretty much the same, but you just detailed different information for each.

    Have you set any forums as private through bbPress, or are they all set as public?

    Have you tried running the repair tools in Tools > Forums, and made sure to run each tool one at a time?

    Have made sure to clear any cache from any plugins you have, or made sure they are set up correctly?

    In reply to: forums Registration



    go to Users > Add New in the WordPress backend.



    For beginners use a plugin like widget logic.

    That piece of the guide I wrote was a simple approach to creating a bbPress only sidebar for a default theme, it needs to be explained more for beginners, and requires some theme dev knowledge.




    I am going to sum it up really quick why bbPress is taking so long.

    bbPress has few contributors to the plugins core.

    Less contributors > Less contributions > Longer release time

    While it would be better to have.

    More contributors > More contributions > Shorter release time

    We have to get more developers interested in the project somehow to get more contributors and contributions.

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