Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk



    I think if you have threaded replies enabled in bbPress, if you reply to another reply, you get a BuddyPress notification (if you have the notifications active), I think there is a bug in bbPress’ code for that feature though.



    @pestocat for the latest bbPress v2 plugin, you need to install the Akismet plugin from



    @rothaar bbPress by default does not have this kind of layout or the “by” in the last post column, so it is definitely your theme.

    I think that the “by” is just in a template, maybe loop-single-topic.php and loop-single-forum.php in your theme.

    It might be best to create a child theme and manually edit the template and then translate the word to your language.

    Just copy your main themes bbPress templates into your child theme, and edit the files I listed above.




    The bbPress sidebar that you see having the issue, is from your theme. bbPress does not have code in it for a bbPress specific sidebar.

    You haven’t checked and made sure to see if it was in your theme by switching/testing a default theme.

    I still haven’t tried switching to the twentytwelve theme because I don’t want to lose all of my settings for my current theme.

    You can try your current theme and a WordPress default theme in a local installation on your cpu to see where the sidebar is coming from.



    It kind of is both, the issue is caused by some CSS that becomes useless after it uses li.bbp-body that seems to not close properly, breaking the markup when threaded replies is enabled. The avatars going to the top left corner is caused by absolutely positioning the avatar when it reaches about 480px.

    A possible workaround for this would be to have a horizontal forum layout.

    This stylesheet has an example of the horizontal layout I was talking about. You can Place the file in a folder called css in your child theme to see how the layout takes affect. I have not tried it with 2016 theme yet though so I do not know how it will do.



    Well not a bbPress specific plugin, but there are a few plugins that can work with custom post types (bbPress uses custom post types).

    A plugin I found and tested is called NS Featured Posts, but like I said many other plugins could possibly work too.

    After installing the plugin make sure to go to Settings > NS Featured Posts and make sure to add the topic custom post type from bbPress in the plugin’s settings.

    Now we can go to Topics > All Topics and see a new column that says Featured. Make sure to click the checkbox near the topic you would want to feature.

    Now we are going to make a custom view to display these featured topics in a topic list, and also be able to display them in pages with a shortcode.

    Add this php code snippet into your child themes functions.php or insert this snippet into a custom plugin like functionality.

    This function displays about 10 featured topics on a single page, change 10 to whatever you want.

    function rkk_register_featured_view() {
     bbp_register_view( 'featured', __( 'Featured Topics' ),  array( 'meta_key' => '_is_ns_featured_post', 'meta_value' => 'yes', 'posts_per_page' => '10', 'max_num_pages' => '1'), false );
    add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'rkk_register_featured_view' );

    Now in a custom page or widget area that has a widget text area that can handle shortcodes, insert this shortcode.

    [bbp-single-view id='featured']`



    this is a possible bug

    Not really, its just that when your post was posted it captured the then current post time into the post_meta table in your database for those specific posts. When you change your timezone it does not magically update other posts post date values to the current timezone.

    I don’t see the usefulness of changing certain topics that may have had a different post date that might be a few hours off, but I can see a reason for the reply posts in a conversation to be jumbled if you switched timezone and your new posts were posting before an originally made conversation.

    I can only think of right now is to possibly manually edit the post date time meta values for the specific posts in phpmyadmin, or possibly use some sql snippet for a group of posts in a certain time frame.



    So I thought: I have a MS installation, why not put the forums into their own subsite (subdomain). Noone will notice if I use the same theme and let the menus crosslink the sites. (Except those who actually look at the URL.)

    My question is: Would you do that, too? Because it seems, people in these support forums only ever try to migrate their forums into their blog install, not the other way round. Which, as I would expect, would make things much slower on their end.

    You can do that. You do not have to run a blog and forum on the same site. You can just use WordPress for content management on your bbPress forum only sub site.




    You can put this bbPress default themes CSS from the plugin into a folder called css in your child theme and edit the css file to your liking.




    Use this CSS to remove the box shadow for links in bbPress.

    #bbpress-forums a {
      box-shadow: none;
    In reply to: Private Message



    Just found this new plugin.




    I see you are using bbPress new UI, see if that plugins styles are affecting the layout by temporarily deactivating it, and see how the default theme looks in comparison.



    You can create a custom view, use this shortcode in a page [bbp-single-view id='unresolved'], then just link to it in a menu or use the views widget bbPress provides.

    function rkk_register_unresolved_view() {
     	bbp_register_view( 'unresolved', __( 'Unresolved Topics' ), array( 'meta_key' => 'bbr_topic_resolution', 'meta_value' => '2', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'post_status' => 'publish' ), false );
     add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'rkk_register_unresolved_view' );




    Do what @casiepa said and just put the bbPress template content-single-forum.php in a folder called bbpress in your child theme, and edit the file.

    A guide like this would help you figure out how you can customize the bbPress default theme in a child theme.

    Just make your file look similar to this gist.

    thanks for helping out in a few topics in the support forums, but your code shows undefined messages in the user profile subscriptions section if you are subscribed to a forum.




    Can you be descriptive in what templates you are trying to change, and what exactly you are changing?

    Do you mind sharing the theme on Github (maybe just temporarily) so I can just dig into it and see what could be the issues you are experiencing?

    In reply to: Theme Help



    Customizing a bbPress theme will take a good amount of time to mimic the look and functionality of Xenforo. IF you want simple style changes, use Robin’s plugin, if you want more of the functionality of the forum, I suggest you hire a developer to create something for you.




    You do not have to create a child theme just for custom code snippets, you can also use a custom plugin, this plugin below will give you an area to add custom php code snippets.

    I still rather suggest you just stick with an inline image upload plugin instead of gd bbPress attachments(unless you are using pro), instead of removing the error notice and allowing empty replies.




    I did get a blocked message at first from a user agent blocker on gronboekoby site, now it leads to the default WordPress login.



    Yeah you do not need to run both plugins at the same time. I meant just use one instead of the other.

    This php snippet will allow empty posts which is kind of not a good idea. Also I cannot seem to find the code in the bbPRess plugin responsibe for the no redirect to post after submit after using using this code.

    function rkk_remove_content_error_check( $reply_content ) {
      if ( !empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_content'] ) && empty( $_POST['bbp_reply_content'] ) )
      $reply_content = $_POST['bbp_reply_content'];
    add_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', 'rkk_remove_content_error_check' );



    @mimbelli Here is the list of plugins, these could be about 7 plugins in total if you want to do the free route, or 4 plugins in total if you only want to use BuddyPress and GD bbPress toolbox (paid plugin)

    User signature, hot/new/sticky topics (labels/icons??), post count and join date, visual preview could be possible using a small piece of custom code and using bbPress hooks to display them.




    Use an inline image uploader, so at least the html of the image would be present in the post content box. GD bbPress attachments may have something for inline image uploading, but I think in the pro version.

    This plugin is a good and simple inline image uploading plugin.



    Here is some CSS that could do the same thing. Add the css styles to your child theme style css or insert the code in a plugin that can hold custom css styles.

    .bbpress .header-holder, 
    .page-template-bbpress .header-holder {
      display: none;



    Ultimate member has a paid extension for integration between the two plugins.




    This is a bbPress stylesheet issue. The bbPress plugin has it where most of the forums background areas are styled instead of being transparent for better theme integration. You can fix this using Robins plugin and change the headers and background color to different colors to match your theme.



    This issue is theme related, because bbPress is just inheriting the CSS styles from the themes stylesheet. Same thing with the other themes, there are just some styles that could affect some classes in the code that can make the layout look different.

    In the theme compat code in bbPress, has it where you can use default WordPress conditionals like is_single() which should show up for each single forum and topic, and is_archive() for the forum archive (forum root page) and topic archive (usually at or forum root).

    So while you did create a single forum page using shortcodes as an easy to do workaround, as the code for the “indentation” is created by your themes CSS and only for single pages using ,while you created a simple page. When you enter the normal forum url in 2016 you will see the same “indentation” you see on topics.

    You are on the money on what CSS to use to fix the issue, there is just some media queries that you need to add is all. There will be a slight margin to the right around 700px width when the sidebar goes under the content, but a page has that same margin in your theme and for consistency I just say leave it in.

    This CSS should help your help solve your issue.

    @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) {
    .bbpress .entry-content {
      float: none;
      width: auto;
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