Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: post date not working



    thats not the post-date its suppose to be an IP address

    only keymasters and maybe moderators can see it and its for banning users from their IP addresses

    use this custom CSS to make a little tidy

    span.bbp-author-ip {
        font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Arial,Helvetica,"Nimbus Sans L",sans-serif;
        font-size: 11px;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: #AAA;
        word-wrap: break-word;

    here is to remove it

    span.bbp-author-ip {



    it worked when i just tested it on my local development area.

    see if its a plugin issue

    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.



    see if its a plugin or theme issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    In reply to: Category Tree



    like this??


    forum 1

    forum 2

    forum 3



    the bbcodes one i think you can deactivate the message in gd bbpress tools settings.

    go to the bbcodes section find BBCodes New Topic/Reply Notice and deactivate that.

    the unrestricted HTML content message shows up for only keymasters so its not really worth messing with since you are the only one seeing it.




    yeah if you have the default settings in the permalinks section it would show a weird url like

    try changing it to post-name




    oh ok the zoom is probably just the app or maybe even some phone animations.

    and bbPress has custom post types forums, topics, and replies

    custom post types are just like regular WordPress Posts

    bbPress doesnt use WordPress comments , the replies are just like regular posts



    these features you listed from what i can tell aren’t that bad im sure a developer at could develop this

    1. there is already a mobile device layout created from the bbPress stylesheet , but its not that great but it does the job. You can improve the layout with bbPress but that requires a lot of modifying bbpress templates in your child theme.

    1.1 It should be not ZOOM in when I push to post a topic\message answer

    please explain this so i can know if its a bug or not



    the main goal is to NOT just manage this app ,but create this app for all future clients of this forum to use this forum from the Android app. If it’ll be creating for open source I’ll be happy to create a technical task and be a project manager to connect people all together.

    i like that you said this . you should list the features you would like to see in this app so maybe other developers can maybe help out with making this idea a reality in the future.

    or i can tell you some alternatives to the features to make a app-like website than an actual app.



    you can disable the search form in settings>forums in the backend dashboard of WordPress so that you wont have to use the CSS anymore.

    and unless you already did you could remove the code that renders the title in your bbpress.php file.

    if you haven’t created a bbpress.php you should

    if you still need help copy the first half of the bbpress.php file you have in a reply here.



    see if its a plugin or theme issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    @supremor please dont bump topics this old , just make a new topic ILL be there to help you out.




    use this plugin instead and see if it works

    In reply to: WordPress dashboard




    i said where in my above reply

    add it to your function.php in your child theme or functionality plugin.



    hmm i thought they would have bbPress support since they have the sister project BuddyPress supported shown on there site, well at least they could implement it in the future though.

    and well you could use a normal web browser/WordPress app in view site and go to the regular WordPress dashboard on your site and edit the bbPress settings that way.

    like i said you can receive push notifications to your phone with pushover and the plugin mentioned above or hell you can use IFTTT and bbPress’s RSS feeds for its custom post types too.

    with the search from XML-RPC i think you would need some custom development

    you can go to or any other freelance websites.

    if you do get this all set up like you want , can you please post a topic in Pimp your press cause i would like to check out the results.



    test this out cause im not entirely sure , but install jetpack if you havent already on your site and download the WordPress app from Google Play and connect your self hosted WordPress site to the app.

    can you see any settings for bbPress in the app dashboard?? like settings>forums??

    just so you know this only allows you to manage your site from the dashboard in the app, nothing frontend. If you want a custom app i highly recommend Apppressor.

    if you feel like you need to hire a developer go to or any other freelance website for custom development.



    you should post a job at



    I don’t know how your going to find your forums in FTP , but you can go to each forum and click view and that should take you right to the forum.

    you also see the whole forum archive if you go to

    if you dont have pretty permalinks activated in settings>permalinks in the backend of WordPress then its

    other than that make sure you correctly created your forums and subforums correctly.



    great find Doug!!

    In reply to: Can’t get it going.



    i checked your site and i see a few topics im going to assume this is resolved.

    if its not reply back.



    there is alot of RSS/news ticker plugins that could do this vertical scrolling thing.

    i suggest doing a google search and seeing what might be the best

    to most likely make it work with bbPress you will need to use the bbPress RSS feeds.

    you can change how many topics to show in the RSS page in settings>forums

    for listing all the most recent topics use something like this for example

    so on your site it would be



    when i checked your feed on in Chrome it had this

    This page contains the following errors:

    error on line 262 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

    so there is an issue with your feed.

    you can deactivate your plugins one by one and try to find the issue , and also switch to a default theme like twentytwelve to see if it still shows the issue.

    i would check to make sure the error is in Chrome on your side.

    when i tried Firefox it showed up fine for some reason.



    I believe that wordpress support forums use bbpress, how can I add this “Add New” button to my bbpress forum

    they do , the bbpress standalone version

    suprisingly this button is not in here. use a customized version of bbPress just like this site ooes

    you can try something like this

    <?php if ( bbp_is_single_topic() ) : ?>
    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
    <a class="bbp-new-reply-button" href="#new-post">New Reply</a><li>
    <?php endif; ?>		
    <?php endif; ?>

    place the code in loop-replies.php above the <li class="bbp-header">

    you can style the link like so with some CSS , place wherever you place custom CSS

    .bbp-new-reply-button {



    there is alot of RSS/news ticker plugins that could do this vertical scrolling thing.

    i suggest doing a google search and seeing what might be the best

    to most likely make it work with bbPress you will need to use the bbPress RSS feeds.

    you can change how many topics to show in the RSS page in settings>forums

    for listing all the most recent topics use something like this for example

    so on your site it would be



    bbPress doesnt render shortcodes

    you will need to use a plugin like this

    Note: by default, only users with the ability to publish bbPress forums will have their short codes parsed. This can be changed by passing a different capability via the pw_bbp_parse_shortcodes_cap filter.

    so by this note keymasters/moderators for sure can post shortcodes.

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