Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    This is really a question about how to ‘bundle plugins with a theme’ so I googled that and got lots of stuff including

    have a look around this and the other results

    In reply to: Removing "Started by:"



    Ok, you need to do the following

    If you have a child theme, then do this in there

    If you don’t have a child theme, then seriously consider creating one, it’s very quick and easy, and will ensure that changes you make don’t get lost on theme or bbpress upgrades. Just google wordpress child theme videos and you’ll get lots of help.

    In your theme create a bbpress directory

    then copy

    wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/loop-single-topic.php to this directory so that you have

    Edit this file to delete line 60 which says

    <span class="bbp-topic-started-by"><?php printf( __( 'Started by: %1$s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_author_link( array( 'size' => '14' ) ) ); ?></span>

    and save.

    bbPress will now use the file in your theme’s bbpress folder instead of the default, and you won’t lose your change on bbpress upgrades – but will it it is in your main theme, so if you don’t create a child theme, keep a note of what you changed, as if your theme updates, then you may/will lose the bbpress folder and file.



    ok, then as before I’d suggest you go to yoothemes for support.

    It may be as simple as changing the page template that bbpress is using section 8



    It actually is not displaying any of your replies correctly, they are not aligned as the topic is.

    I think the culprit is two lines of code in your style sheet
    From style line 1659

    From style line 1658
    .reply {
    float: right;

    .reply a {
    float: right;
    font-size: 13px;
    line-height: 22px;

    Altering reply to float left and reply a to float none seems to fix it.

    But it could be that these are being used elsewhere, so just have a look around you site afterwards to check that this hasn’t altered something else.



    John, really pleased that you tracked it down, and yes I’ll add it to the styling crib when I get a moment ! Often I spend hours searching for the wrong thing, the solutions here are often easy and obvious but only after you have worked them out !

    The code

    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-threaded-replies{margin-left:25px;}

    is exactly the same as

    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-threaded-replies {
     margin-left: 25px;

    The computer simply ignores gaps, and coders only write it that latter way to make it easier to read.

    You ought to start using a child theme if you haven’t already got one. (just google child theme video, and you’ll get lots of help). it’s very quick and simple and does not affect you main theme, just allows you to add without losing on updates. Then you would create a directory in that called
    css viz wp-content/themes/yourchildthemename/css and copy your amended bbpress.css file into that. bbPress will then use that, and you won’t lose changes.

    Great that you’re fixed !



    Did you disable the stylepress plugin, as it seems to be pointing to that?

    This plugin is no longer maintained viz

    I’d also post a query on the yootheme suppprt site, as they may have come across this



    Seems you have some theme conflicts

    To save me searching, can you post live links to the pages you have in your screenshots, and I’ll take a look



    No it shouldn’t slow the site down, pictures are an inherent part of any modern website.

    However your host provider will have website size limiys, and it may fill that- so you need to keep an eye on it.

    In most cases people don’t go mad with photos, but depends on the nature of our site!

    In reply to: How to users LOGOUT?



    In fact just done it

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    item 12

    have a look



    would require some rewrites of templates.

    How into coding are you?



    couldn’t where ‘’ was in your example.

    The code is in loop-single-reply, which should show the title using line 22



    That’s the way it works at the moment – it annoys me as well

    You could use the plugin

    WP Modal Login

    This has a modal (popup) login that is happy for you to get it wrong.

    It has a widget that you can use. it’s not a pretty in the widebar as the bbpress one, but smarter when it’s launched.

    I have just started using this linked to a menu item, will be documenting how to do the latter when I get a moment.



    speed wise – this executes as fast as any other menu command on my websites

    which menu do you want it to appear on, and is it a custom menu?



    do_action( ‘bbp_template_before_forums_loop’ );
    does nothing !

    It is the hook onto which you would add an action using a function and an “add_action” command.

    If you want to alter behaviour, the it is probably the function after it that you would want to filter.

    Come back and describe what you’re trying to achieve and I’ll try and help further



    You should be looking at the bbpress.css

    Suggest you look for Topic and reply content and look at padding



    Is this a new installation, or has this just started on an old one.

    Try disabling all other plugins, and seeing if that fixes it. If so then re-add back one at a time to see which is causing.

    If none, the switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve and see if it still occurs

    Come back and let us know the results




    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 4

    The actions are used in the templates held in


    In reply to: How to users LOGOUT?



    There’s some code in the documentation to add a Login/Logout to the menu


    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    item 11.

    I am documenting a ‘modal’ (popup) login to add in a few days.

    In reply to: How can I Delete topic



    You could make one, but if you have the correct privileges you have options in the header of each topic including “trash” which will put it in the trash.

    You can also do this from the Dashboard>forums>topics (or replies) and permanently delete it from there

    In reply to: How to filter an array



    Thanks Stephen



    Think you probably need to crack open the plugin, and see where GD bbPress Attachments is adding a filter, and exactly what code it is using. You might then be able to mod this in your loop to re-strip it out.



    yes it’s always awkward when even two things don’t work together and both say it’s the other one.

    In practice there well maybe no “fault”. If X chooses a hammer and nail to join two bits of wood, and Y chooses a screw and screwdriver, it is neither’s fault that the screwdriver won’t remove the nail, and X can say that Y should have used a hammer, and Y can say that X should have used a screw !

    I may not be able to help, but can you post a link to your url and a sample, and I’ll take a look



    No problem. Just a quick thought, as I might be able to solve it a different way.

    Are you using a page called forums and the shortcode [bbp-forum-index]

    or did it just come sup in your menu when you installed it?

    It’s Ok, neither is wrong, I just need to know which !

    ie which in section 3 of the attached did you do

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1



    The page you are using to display is a full width page.

    Since you are using a child theme of twenty twelve, I presume you still have the default template which has a sidebar.

    If so, then copy this file, and rename it to bbpress.php and put it into your theme’s root ie

    That will ensure that bbPress uses a template with a sidebar



    great, glad you’re fixed !

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