Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    without knowing what you are trying to achieve hard to say.

    Typically you’d use JS for stuff you want to change on the fly without reloading the screen.

    For an input form you would more normally use html and php

    But I do fully appreciate that we all play to our strengths and I would tend to use PHP where JS would be better as I know it well, and I suspect you are the reverse 🙂

    So you would add a checkbox, you can do this by amending the reply template, or better using one of the do_action hooks in the template. You can also do this using JS

    In essence you are adding this to the form, you can use whatever names you want

    <p class="whatever">
    <input name="my_parameter" id="my_parameter" type="checkbox" value="whatever_value_you_want" checked="checked">								<label for="whatever">Tick this box to do whatever</label>

    This will create a box which when submitted will set
    $_POST[‘my_parameter’] to “whatever_value_you_want” if ticked or be blank if not

    you can use the code above to set your meta data



    ok, can you check your moderation settings

    dashboard>settings>discussion and look at the moderation part – most commonly it is because the post breaks the no. links rule



    ok, so as a test can you deactivate elementor to see if that resolves – trying to work out what combination causes the issue



    elementor theme plugin or both ?

    In reply to: bbpress redirection



    how are they loggong on wp-logon, or widget or shortcode?



    ok, I installed the test plugin, and have not been able to find an issue.

    For instance you say ‘bbPress admin menu items disappear.’ – I can still see all admin items, can you specify an exact example of one that goes eg ‘in this I no longer see that’



    @wleanadev old site/new site, just started happening/always happened, some users/all users, every post/some posts



    you’ll want to use update_post_meta – this creates the entry if not there and amends it if it is.
    in the new reply handler, there is a hook which contains the reply_id which fires after the reply is created.

    so something like

    add_action( 'bbp_new_reply_post_extras', 'rew_reply_checkbox' );
    add_action( 'bbp_edit_reply_post_extras', 'rew_reply_checkbox' );
    function rew_reply_checkbox ($reply_id) {
    //and probably set the value to a $_POST parameter you set in the form
    if (! empty($_POST[‘my_parameter’] ) ) {
    $myvalue = $_POST[‘my_parameter’] ;
    else $myvalue='empty' ;
    update_post_meta ($reply_id , 'my_parameter', $myvalue) ;



    This is a great plugin 🙂



    great – glad you are fixed 🙂



    it looks like you have fixed it ?



    thanks, I’ll take a look later



    thanks for this – can you confirm that is only affecting bbpress, it doesn’t affect the other plugin ?



    hmmm….do you know what calls this function ?



    Thanks for your further input.

    bbpress and buddypress are free software offered with free support, I an just a user of bbpress who helps out here.

    With just bbpress and buddypress, the twentytwenty team could not replicate your issue, I cannot replicate your issue, and now you say you are not able to replicate the issue on a brand new installation. Therefore this would suggest it is individual to your site as I said probably a template issue, not an issue with bbpress or buddypress.

    you could try

    bbPress WP Tweaks

    and see if changing the template works




    ok, let me try and unpick this to help you.

    buddyboss is a private development that includes bbpress and buddypress in it, buddyboss has its own theme, and is designed to work with that. it is really designed as a paid solution with its own theme.

    Buddyboss is not a replacement for buddypress and/or bbpress – these free plugins are just used by it.

    As the twenty twenty support says in their first post ‘I used the steps above to try and reproduce the issue you described, but I was unable to. When testing, I see the list of forums available as expected.’

    bbpress works fine with twentytwenty, as indeed does bbpress and buddypress work with twentytwenty.

    I suspect this issue is with using Buddyboss with the twentytwenty theme, and buddyboss may well consider that to be an issue with twentytwenty and not their problem, just as Ford might consider you using a Chevolet gearbox on a Ford and not working to be a Chevrolet issue. Since buddyboss is a paid solution, I cannot test to find out what is wrong.

    I suspect the issue is with the default template that something is trying to use, and might be quite simple to fix, but as I don’t have access to Buddyboss without buying it, I can’t say.






    I’d suspect you just need to remove it from the menu that is displaying it




    no problem with any language, I frequently work on sites in lots of languages, just some phrases don’t translate well and need a couple of tries to get the meaning.

    Do come back if you want further help.



    ah yes, it should have been


    to make it a function, but ‘reply’ is equally as good




    $ids = bbp_get_all_child_ids($topicID , bbp_get_reply_type) ;



    a quick look at that function would seem to be

    $ids = bbp_get_all_child_ids($topicID , bbp_get_topic_type) ;



    does not translate well !!

    can you try and write this one again ‘ Lorsqu’on crée un nouveau forum il n’existe aucune possibilité de restriction par rôle en lecture et écriture. ‘ as it translates to ‘. When creating a new forum there is no possibility of restriction by playback and writing role.’ which makes no sense.

    forum order is on

    dashboard>forums>edit a forum and on right hand side under ‘fourm attribites’ you have order which lets you set the order.



    untested, but try

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_view_query_args', 'rew_limit') ;
    function rew_limit ($args) {
    $args['posts_per_page'] = -1 ;
    $args['posts_per_page'= 10 ;
    return $args ;

    not sure which 10 it will show!!



    ‘times out’ = what ? 408 error, 503 error etc.
    all users/some users?
    all the time/sometimes?
    old site/new site?
    old forum/new forum?
    all forums/some forums?
    topics/replies or both ?
    what has been added/upgraded recently?

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