r-a-y (@r-a-y)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @r-a-y


    Ahh gotcha about the RSS feed syndication.

    Didn’t know you used FeedWordpress and then another bbPress plugin to sync between the two.

    Definitely not the best way to go about things, but a nice workaround!

    Would be nice if there was a separate RSS syndication plugin that was native to bbPress, but that’s just wishful thinking!

    By the way, I replied to your problem on the thread you opened.

    Not sure I provided the right answer… but hopefully someone else can look at your thread and give a response!



    Just looking at your code, it looks like you’re ending your “if” statement a little early.

    Try this:

    //Show latest discussions with all forums except id 17
    <?php if ( $topics ) : foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : if( $topic->forum_id != 17 ) : ?>
    <!-- your output stuff here -->
    <?php endif; endforeach; endif; // $topics ?>

    //Show latest discussions but only forum 17
    <?php if ( $topics ) : foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : if( $topic->forum_id == 17 ) : ?>
    <!-- your output stuff here -->
    <?php endif; endforeach; endif; // $topics ?>

    Not sure if that’s causing your problems… but try it out and see what happens.



    Nice bbPress site, anandasama!

    I was looking over your site and was wondering how you’re pulling in RSS feeds into one of your forums.



    Hey vanesta,

    Try this:

    <?php if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
    <div class="message">LOGGED IN MESSAGE</div>
    <?php else: ?>
    <div class="message">NOT LOGGED IN MESSAGE</div>
    <?php endif; ?>



    Rohan is wrong.

    It’s available at bbShowcase:


    Look for the “bbOrg” theme.

    There’s also a similar version called “The Hybrid / aka Kakumei Too”

    They’re probably not updated for bbPress v1.01 though, but with a few adjustments you could probably get there.



    Thanks Simon and to Ipstenu for posting a link to this thread from the BuddyPress forums!



    I’ve fixed my problem.

    Turns out my bbPress xmlrpc.php was the wrong filesize.

    I uploaded the xmlrpc.php from the release package and now all is fine and dandy again!



    Sorry to bump an old thread, but I’m experiencing a similar issue with BuddyPress, bbPress + XMLRPC.

    Using the XMLRPC debugger that mypop used (https://buddypress.org/forums/topic/forums-not-being-created?replies=14#post-11107), I get this error:

    -32700 >> parse error. not well formed

    My issues are explained on the BuddyPress forums as well:


    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for reading.



    This isn’t BuddyPress-specific.

    You can accomplish changes for the title, meta keywords, and description with a bbPress plugin or custom bbPress code.

    I answered this in your post on the BuddyPress forums:




    Thanks Sam for the update and to _cK_ as well for posting just the changed files.

    Question for you Sam.

    Does this fix how user roles are mapped between WP and bbPress?

    When a WPMU site administrator makes a forum post in bbPress, in the bbPress admin area, it shows the user as a regular member, instead of a Key Master (or whatever role you setup in bbPress’s user role map to sync up with WordPress).

    The only person who seems to be a Key Master is the WP user who integrated bbPress.

    Is this the way it is supposed to work currently?

    I should also mention that I’m using BuddyPress, so that maybe a contributing factor.

    In reply to: post_form() h2 woes



    Ugly hack for now…

    I commented out two lines in functions.bb-template.php:

    Line 272:

    if ( empty( $h2 ) && false !== $h2 ) {

    Line 280:


    Would be nice to get a better workaround that doesn’t require hacking a core file.



    BBCode Buttons and BBPress Smilies work on bbPress 1.0 for me.

    I’m having trouble with one of _ck_’s plugins, but I’m not exactly sure if it has to do with her plugin, bbPress or our server.

    In reply to: post_form() h2 woes



    Okay, I’ve narrowed it down to a problem with _cK_’s Read Only Forums plugin, which is weird, because like I said, the h2 displays properly on my localbox with _cK_’s plugin.



    I just installed bbPress 1.0 to my dev server today and something strange is happening.

    Instead of “Reply” or “New Topic in this Forum” for the h2 class “post-form”, I am now getting the string “Array”.

    Any idea why?

    Funny thing is this isn’t happening on my localbox where I installed bbPress 1.0 from 1.0 alpha 6 exactly the same way.


    I’m going to open a new thread because my post is diverting from the original intent of this post.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released




    Have a question for you.

    Your SSL is for login and admin areas only right?

    I’ll have to keep track of what you’ve done, as I’ll probably want to secure the admin area as well.


    Post in the “Installation” area here – https://bbpress.org/forums/forum/installation

    Or in the BuddyPress forums – https://buddypress.org/forums/

    In reply to: Getting Plugin URL



    I think gautam2011 means outputting the path to bbPress’ plugin URL directory.

    Is there a constant variable like WP_PLUGIN_URL?

    I’m looking for this too! I’m porting a WP plugin over.


    Found it! It’s in bb-settings.php

    The variable is BB_PLUGIN_URL.

    Simple as that! :)

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Sorry Jason_JM, I’m not on SSL or subdomains.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    +1 on WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0.2 and bbPress 1.0.

    No issues… yet! ;)

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    At the moment, WP and WPMU are separately maintained. But there are plans to merge the two codebases into one, don’t expect that in the next couple of months. More like next year sometime.

    So if you’re planning on using BuddyPress in a few months, I would recommend getting acquainted with WPMU 2.7.1 since it works with the latest version of BuddyPress. This is just my advice, but I wouldn’t upgrade to WP 2.8.

    Moving over from WP to WPMU is not that straightforward. You have to do a number of things in order to get things right.

    Since this is straying away from the original topic, create a new thread about this and others can chime in.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released




    It totally depends on your needs.

    If you need WPMU for multi-user blogs now, then upgrade.

    If you don’t need multi-user blogs now, then don’t upgrade.



    Nice work man! Like what you’ve done with the different elements!



    Hi guys,

    FYI, I’ve updated the code for the BuddyPress bar in bbPress:


    It uses bbPress’ header and footer hooks, instead of WordPress’.

    The BP bar now also works in the bbPress admin area as well!




    Thanks for elaborating on this new class! Anxiously waiting for bbPress v1 :)


    Off-topic, but… wow! Post-grad particle physics?



    Hi Sam,

    Did the var_dump.

    Here’s the result:

    array(2) {
    string(1) "2"
    string(1) "1"
    string(0) ""


    I should state that I forgot to clear the memcached service. How do I go about doing that?



    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for that detailed post. I’ve added this post to my favorites so I can come back to it.

    However, at this time, I’m not going to upgrade until bbPress reaches official version 1 status.

    I’ve temporarily gotten rid of the warning messages by doing the following:

    Line 71 of bbPress 1.o alpha 6:

    $_cached_ids = join( ',', array_map( 'intval', (array)$cached_ids ) );

    Lines 86-89 of bbPress 1.o alpha 6:

    if(!empty($cached_ids)) {
    foreach ( $cached_ids as $cached_id )
    $this->results[] = $trans[$cached_id];

    Yeah I know it isn’t ideal as I’m probably not using the latest, optimized build of bbPress, but it gets rid of the warning messages.

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