Null (@null)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu



    Walks by and sees Trent sitting…. Heya Trent, want some company?



    Plz do cause it doesn’t only effect hyperlinks, but also some hooks wich need to generate links. This one is not working for me:

    <?php new_topic(); ?> It should show a link: Add to ad a new topic, but it won’t show…







    PHP5 only :(

    I for one still run PHP4.x (well my host company does), don’t know what the majority runs, but I don’t think that is PHP5…

    Like this plugin though! What was fixed, changed?



    Ah going to try that tonight. Don’t know why, but I never understood forms :S (perhaps cause there are many different ways to do this…) I am going to print this one and mine and compare them. Thx for the help, learned something today :)


    and you have to be a bit more specific about your forms submit name to distinguish it from other plugins

    Well that could explain why it updated on its own :D


    In reply to: Hooks & Filters Docu



    Nice we also need a list of available APIs :)



    Well got the bb_get_option working, but not my form. Did take a look at yours and several others, but I can’t seem to see the logic in them. I’ve made some changes but it aint updating at all anymore.

    This is what i have now:

    // Show form
    function bbportal_form() {
    <h2><?php _e('Portal Management'); ?></h2>
    <h3><?php _e('Portal settings'); ?></h3>
    <form action="" method="post">
    <tr><th scope="row"><label for="forum_id"><?php _e('Where do you want to pull the topics from?'); ?></th>
    <td><?php forum_dropdown(); ?></label></td>
    <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e('Number of topics on the portal:'); ?></th>
    <td><input type="text" name="number_of_topics" id="number_of_topics" /></td>
    <p class="submit alignleft"><input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php _e('Submit'); ?>" /></p>

    // Update portal
    function update_bbportal() {
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    bb_update_option( 'pforum_id', $_POST['forum_id'] );
    bb_update_option( 'number_of_topics', $_POST['number_of_topics'] );

    So what do i miss?




    Ok thx Sam, going to take a look at that



    Good luck with phpBB 3 dude, see you back in a couple of weeks :D:D:D:D:D



    Darn you beat me too it fel64 :D

    In reply to: BbLD problem



    Each link in that side bar misses the “&page” at the end of the linkurls. Add that and it works fine



    Try <p align=”left”> or something or throw it in a div and align that to the left where the search form starts…

    edit: well this sounds weird, but it’s late overhere

    In reply to: bbpress future



    I also think people should realize that bbPress isn’t dsigned to be a plugin for WP in any way and the developers should keep in mind to not develop too much towards this too.

    It’s a standalone forum, fast and light and should stay this way :D

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1



    The table is also filled?

    Try installing anotherplugin that uses the database, like the memberlist and pm plugin and see if you get these errors too…



    Well I know how much time it takes to write a plugin :)

    I do want to request to make this a stand alone plugin and no modification of the private forums plugin, cause I want to merge it with my bbPortal plugin (with your permission ofcourse) and that is done most easily with a stand alone plugin…

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1




    I will take a look at the plugin (think after easter) and see if there is a way to implement this. The tab titles are stored in the db, can’t change that, but the title can be replaced with a stringreplace thingy. So technically it could do what you want… Well I’ll try to get that tab in first :D

    edit: seems you’ve got that pm tab working, what did you use to edit it into the table? (saves me time finding it out myself)

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1



    Well most izi way:

    Wait for the next release, it will have custom tabs adding feature.

    Hard way:

    Using phpmyadmin you can add into the menu table:

    DEFAULT, 'Excample tab', 'inactive', 'pagename.php', 'front-page', 0

    Well ‘front-page’ is more complicated to add it should be changed to something else and added as a plugin (i know this sounds weird), so let it in and see what happens….

    About the pm issue, i am not familair with it what does it do? Can you show me? If it is a page that is added then this is possible INCLUDING that the tab stays active…

    problem that could happen is for non logged in visitors, they will see the tab too

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1



    Btw, your error seems to be a db connection problem…

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1



    Darn that error again, there must be something wrong with that insert part when a table is created.

    Check with phpmyadmin if the table bb_menu is created. If not do so manually (this is not tested, but it contains the stuff needed in the table):

    "CREATE TABLE$bbdb->menu` (


    item varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,

    set varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,

    page varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,

    location varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,

    order int(9) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

    PRIMARY KEY (item_id)


    Then you will have to fill it (again not tested, but it contains what needed):

    "INSERT INTO$bbdb->menu` VALUES

    (DEFAULT, ‘Forums’, ‘active’, ‘index.php’, ‘front-page’, 0),

    (DEFAULT, ‘Search’, ‘active’, ‘search.php’, ‘search-page’, 1),

    (DEFAULT, ‘Statistics’, ‘inactive’, ‘statistics.php’, ‘stats-page’, 0);”`

    When sucesfully created this table, things should work…

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.1



    It adds a menu to your forum displaying the forum, statstics and search page which you can edit in the admin page. Also see:

    It works woth all versions 0.8+ not sure about 1.0 (should work). The re-write is just to use jQuery, so I can downsize the plugin javascripts etc it needs now.



    Yes thx

    Any progress Trent?

    In reply to: No ajax on replies

    They used to be ajaxed… or was that wordpress?? well ajexing this would be great to have as default!!

    Any bbpress programmer who wants to comment this?

    Also editing could be made ajaxed… :D

    Thx going to try that!

    No 1? :(

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