Stephen Edgar (@netweb)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 851 through 875 (of 3,353 total)
  • @netweb


    This is most likely an issue with IIS Rewrite Module not being configured correctly rather than a bbPress issue.

    If you plan on deploying this site to an IIS server (e.g. Azure) then I’d look to fixing the IIS Rewrites, if you are looking to host this site on a typical ‘Linux’ server using Apache or Nginx I’d look to swapping your local virtual server infrastructure to match that of your chosen host provider.



    Have you contacted Wishlist members to see if a fix is available and/or if they know about the issue?



    Why not change the code back to what it was then?

    You should look up some CSS resources and use your browsers ‘inspector’ to look at how to make CSS changes to your theme, use your favourite search engine to find these.



    bbPress will use that forum.php file as a wrapper template for all of bbPress pages and that is most likely what the issue is.

    I’d suggest if you need a wrapper template to work with your theme you copy the contents of your themes page.php to a file named bbpress.php.

    Then copy any bbPress templates you want to customize to your themes folder.

    See these for more info on copying bbPress templates and child themes:

    Functions files and child themes – explained !

    In reply to: moderating bbpress




    And if you are looking for either registration or topic/reply captch check out the plugins available as there are a few that do registration and at least one for captcha topics/replies:




    Much of what happens when the ‘moderation’ is triggered from comment moderation has not been added to bbPress until the code I’ve added recently.

    If your comfortable with PHP you could take a look at what I have thus far in the following tickets:

    This first one handles post of what is coming for moderation:

    This second one is for the template to notify the user that there topic/reply is pending moderation, I haven’t started on this due to needing to implement everything in the above #2645 first, now that I got most of the code finished for that yesterday I plan on looking at this in the next few days.

    Keep an eye on those tickets and that should give some hints of what is happening.



    You cannot have both the ‘forum root’ and ‘forum slug’ the same as you have seen in that you get a ‘slug conflict’ warning, I’d suggest you leave the ‘forum root’ slug as travel-forums but change your forum slug back to forum.

    To check the ‘trash’ visit your ‘posts’, ‘pages’, and ‘forums’ sections in WordPress and you should see if you have any posts, pages, or forums in the ‘trash’ (or bin if your using English UK WordPress language packs).

    Have a look at those and let me know how it goes.

    In reply to: Forum subscriptions



    Emails previous to bbPress 2.5.4 were sent out out to each recipient email individually (one email per user), since bbPress 2.5.4 we now only send a single email with all the recipients as BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) and all emails are sent using as you state a default email address of noreply@domain.tld.

    bbPress also works fine to send emails with many of the WordPress mail plugins and should work as we are using WordPress’ wpmail function to send them.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    As to the details of a project for what UI/UX changes are install for bbPress we will continue to flesh these out and post something when we think we have both the goals of these projects and resource and requirements to help contribute ready to go at the same time.

    Much of all this is core to the feedback we received from the survey and just a bit more time for us to get our ducks in a row is in order to get these up and running, but they are important to get up and running πŸ™‚

    I haven’t looked at HipChat except for a quick glance now and maybe this is something WordPress may look at in the future.

    It’s been a while since one of ‘these’ conversations has occurred here on so it’s been fun and I do look forward to hoping we can find an area that you’d be willing to donate some of your time to help out the project. πŸ™‚




    The above document outlines the different behaviours between adding the ‘bad word’ to the ‘blacklist’ or ‘comment moderation’ sections and what the users see, in the next release of bbPress there will be a notice if the ‘bad word’ was added in ‘comment moderation’ and the user will know that there submission is pending moderation, the blacklist behaviour will not be changing.



    Open up your punBB config.php file, it should be located in the root folder of your punBB install and should contain something similar to this:

    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $db_name = 'import_punbb';
    $db_username = 'root';
    $db_password = 'root';
    $db_prefix = 'punbb_';

    That table prefix punbb_ is what I suspect is incorrect.



    I see you do not have a database table prefix in your settings?

    Check your phpBB database tables, most likely they have a prefix of phpbb_

    Here is a snip from my phpBB database, as you can see the database is named ntwb_phpbbv3 and all my tables have a prefix of phpbb_, check what your database prefix is and try adding that to your settings.



    That is odd that it slows down circa the 2 million mark, I’ve only performed an import of just over a million posts so I’m not sure what could cause this.

    An option would be to split the database in half (with no doubt some very creative SQL queries) and perform the import in two passes…

    Either way no matter what watching and waiting for ~2 million records to be converted from one database to another is little fun to watch.



    If you give it a shot let me know how it goes, might be able to help point things in the right direction and/or add some extra bits to the phpBB importer to at least help things along.

    In reply to: My impressions so far



    That ‘warning system’ will remain plugin territory for a while even though I have a specific use case that this is important for it, it will still remain that way for a while, just because the functionality CAN be performed does not explicitly mean that it should be included with bbPress core.

    As I mentioned above ‘Featured Plugins’ will most likely evolve to become a more refined list and the power and flexibility of bbPress allows us to do this without forcing/giving every user the ‘kitchen sink’ just because we can.

    “bbPress is forum software, made the WordPress way.” and just like WordPress’ philosophy we are making “Decisions, Not Options”. And for example this decision extends to user profile custom fields, if you want these for post authors in WordPress, you look to a custom function or plugin, bbPress is the same, a custom function or a plugin.

    bbPress utilizes WordPress Template Hierarchy to allow sites, theme authors and plugin developers to make amazing forum sites powered by bbPress and simply creating a set of pages that work with all the themes out there is not a one size fits all, some themes use tables, some divs, some unordered lists, responsive, non responsive, the combinations are endless and as said we try our best to ensure template compatability but removing the flexability just to limit designers and developers to no longer have these options available to them is something I doubt we will change for quite a while. We would like to include an additional set of default templates in bbPress, but that’s another project we just have not got to yet, bbPress already fully supports numerous templates though currently it only ships with one set.

    I come from a phpBB background and have spend many weeks in ‘other’ forums databases whilst supporting the ~25 importers included with bbPress, the current way the WordPress database schema is structured is partially a limitation on what options we have available to us and still keep bbPress light and compact without adding new tables to the database.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    Speaking of IRC #bbPress on Freenode πŸ˜‰ Details here:, that said I see where you are coming from though I am one who thinks this is a good thing, being able to ‘chat’ with developers is a very good thing, everything is logged for openness and transparency and everything is backed by tickets and tracing in Trac.

    Onto participation, bbPress will has a presence on GitHub and very shortly we will have our code base synchronized there and how we utilize GitHub for participation will be no doubt an evolving thing, first we’ll get the code sync’d and then look to see how that goes and go from there.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    Breadcrumbs are now implemented in the docs, both breadcrumbs and in page navigation, this will be added to all the docs as each is updated πŸ˜‰


    From a technical perspective bbPress is highly admired and often receives kudo’s for the actual code documentation so we are part way there. πŸ™‚

    I haven’t used many systems but Trac did indeed take a while to wrap my head around.

    One of the benefits of being a ‘sister project’ of WordPress is we follow and adhere to many of the same principles as WordPress in both code and the tools we use so much of what is listed in the WordPress Core handbook is identical to bbPress so resources such as there handbook are also relevant to bbPress, we just need to link and/or copy/paste this content for our own purposes.

    In reply to: My impressions so far



    There’s some nice feedback up there, thanks πŸ™‚

    .WYSIWYG for input field. I know there is a plugin for it, but it should be in core and you should have the option to turn on and off in admin.

    With the new TinyMCE added in WordPress 3.9 and further improvements coming in WordPress 4.0 I am keeping an eye on this and due to several incompatibilities we had when we previously had this as a bbPress option there is a bit of work to be done here to not make it a crappy experience if we do add it back as a bbPress option.

    .Organisation for forums. Forum grouping has been a standard since 1999.

    Yes πŸ˜‰

    .Topic and forum indicators for new topics. Finding new topics should be at a glance.

    There are a couple of plugins that do this, you can see the list here One of the issues with this feature is for larger sites is WordPress’ database performance and is one of the reasons we haven’t gone down this road yet, once a plugin can do this without crippling larger sites we would definately take a closer look.

    .Moderation should be available for all forums individually and on a board basis.

    This will be in bbPress 2.6

    .Permission masks per usergroup to control who can read, reply and post in different forums.

    Once the previous ‘Forum Moderation’ is shipped as part of bbPress 2.6 we can look to extend that functionality further to encompass this.

    .Content approval for new posts and to take individual posts offline for review.

    This is also coming in bbPress 2.6, see

    .Warning system for handling member mayhem.

    Not sure what this would entail, I get what your saying, I suppose the current way to do things is block/ban the user though you are suggesting there should be a way to handle/have some way/form of communicating with said user. (See private messages below)

    .Report center where moderators and admins can handle reported threads/posts/members.

    This is mostly also handled as part of

    .Private messages should not require Buddypress. It should be in BBPress.

    I’m not 100% sold on this idea that bbPress should include this, with that said though, as per above a way to ‘communicate’ in some form either with the moderators (or in this use case other users) I have an idea for this, how exactly it would implemented I’m not sure of just yet but the idea is there, just need to get some time to give it a try and see what happens πŸ˜‰

    .Custom Profile Fields should not requires Buddypress…

    Custom profile fields do not require BuddyPress, bbPress 100% fully supports custom profile fields as part of WordPress ‘Custom Profile Fields’.

    .Notifications should not require Buddypress…

    I think I am with you here…

    .Buttons to take actions at the top of the thread and post is also standard since 2003.

    The following ticket covers half of this, firstly for accessibility issue, most likely this will extend to include links.

    .Out of the box functionality so there is no need to create additional pages like bbpress.php to actually make things look the way you are.

    This is near impossible, with the ~2,000+ themes in WordPress’ theme repo we cannot support this many themes yet alone when we start counting the number of commercial themes available. We do our best to have template compatibility with as many themes as we can and think we work ‘out of the box’ on more themes than we don’t.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex



    I agree with and echo Robin’s sentiments above.

    The plan is to update, including breaking up many of the current docs to separate sections based more along the lines of a “Table of Contents” similar to how BuddyPress have done in recent months.

    You can see BuddyPress’ planned “Table of Contents” linked from on Google Docs here.

    So the plan will be for bbPress to go down a similar road as BuddyPress and WordPress with their upcoming handbooks (e.g. plugins, themes).

    Again this is all a time thing and as always, contributions are always most welcome πŸ™‚



    Sorry I missed your posts from last week, I kind of missed everyone’s posts last week and am now only beginning to catch up this week. Everyone here on the forums and the developers are all volunteers and help out when and where we can, and sometimes a bit of patience is needed πŸ™‚



    Can I bring with me the anonymous posts from deleted and anonymous users?

    I have just added support for this to a handful of bbPress’ importers, I hope to finalize some bits for compatibility with all of bbPress importers by the end of the week and release the code for people to test out. πŸ™‚

    Importing Avatars

    This is kind of a complex issue because of PHP timeouts, if we can’t find an avatar via ftp/http how long do we wait, what if the remote avatar no longer exists.

    Has written a Joomla Kunena Forum Attachments converter for the GD bbPress Attachments plugin.

    I’d like to play around one day when I have some time up my sleeve to base an avatar and attachment importer that we could use as a separate plugin to import these into WordPress media library for use with bbPress.

    Kunena converter for bbPress 2.4

    Kunena converter for bbPress 2.4



    Yes, all of what you state above will be a factor and it simply comes down to resource management, allocate a ton of RAM for MySQL, put each database on separate hard disk drives, make these SSD’s if you can, if you have some serious RAM available put the MySQL databases into a RAM drive (only marginally quicker than SSD).

    I also set the MySQL delay between rows to 0.1.

    Another suggestion is to not worry so much about getting ‘everything’ imported, make a copy of your database and trim it down to 1,000 topics and 5,000 replies (Along with forums, categories, users etc) and verify all the data and get your custom importer working 100% and then do your full imoport. Waiting 24 hours for 3 million posts to be imported then finding out everything is mis matched tends not to bring much joy πŸ˜‰



    We are not supporting importing form a remote database at this stage, theoritically it shouldn’t be that difficult with the correct access in place, but not at this stage.

    It should work fine if you have a copy of your database locally though, most likely this is you didn’t select phpBB from the dropdown menu on the import screen.

    Robin: I had a horrid week last week and am still catching up, read through 1/2 of this arvo and I will write a heap of replies tomorrow πŸ˜‰



    There are some details on what and why different status’ are reported depending on if the result is due to “Comment Moderation” or “Comment Blacklist” here:

    Moderation and BlackListing

    Depending on time, improved support for this may land in bbPress 2.6.



    I also cannot find any forums on your site, I see bbPress is activated though.

    Could you add some links that take us directly to your list of forums (and a link to your main forum page) and also a link to a topic.

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