Forum Replies Created
Unfortunately – I don’t think so. It would be extremely difficult to implement. You’re going to have to send a support ticket to regardng your query. They might be able to send you sql files so that you can import them into a new account.
I hope that helps.
In reply to: Open ID and login for facebook friendsNo-body has developed that yet. It may happen in the future – though I think it would be done through a WordPress integration.
In reply to: Open ID and login for facebook friendsYeah, the OpenID plugin works quite well. I wish it was a little more theme-adaptive, but there’s a work-around for everything.
In reply to: bbPress IRC Transcript 12/9/2009gerikg: Good idea – we’d like these meetings to be as productive as possible. And you’re very welcome to attend on Wednesday.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
In reply to: Page that lists compatible pluginsThe website is going to be re-vamped in the coming future. The plugin directory may include a comprehensive filtering system at some stage.
I think you should suggest this in the current survey. Matt Mullenweg might want to know about it.
In reply to: How to Show Total Registerd Users In Forum?I see – I never designed the plugin to be published – it was specifically for my forum. So I’m not sure how I’d get everything working there for an intergrated WP.
@fundomaat: I’d really love to know how you got the “Members online today” thing. I’ve been trying to do it myself – but I’m not sure how. Also, I don’t want to experiment because my PC keeps lagging an I’m constanly loosing files over FTP. I can fix that soon enough though…
In reply to: url's in post's not clickable…I agree with Chrishajer. I didn;t know that bbPress does it without a plugin. This as I did not use my forum at all until I had some plugins installed (including bbcode).
@Chrishajer: I don’t think it would have anything to do with the CSS file. I’m sure there’s a file (I haven’t looked) that has the function that parses the post.
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!Hi rleon!
Thanks for joining!
The smaller statistics were entered manually based on functions in the built-in statistics file, except for the newly registered members which I wrote myself.
The actual ‘Detailed Statistics’ comes from a plugin called MyViews. Search it up in the plugin browser.
I also have a ton of other plugins – which is why the forum looks somewhat advanced.
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!I completely agree with you on that. There would be no point in putting effort into making a stable plugin for a version of bbPress that will soon be out of date.
I’d really love to see the developments of this.
Wish you luck with it
In reply to: How to Show Total Registerd Users In Forum?I can’t see why it is giving you that error. Did you install the plugin properly? It should work 100%
In reply to: How to Show Total Registerd Users In Forum?I uninstalled Mini-stats because I don’t like it. That script should be working.
My statistics come from manually editing files – the plugins are not very helpful to me.
I did write my own plugin – though you have to do manual editing to get the information to show. Simply add the following code to stats.php and place it in your plugins folder – and activate.
* Plugin Name: General Statistics
* Plugin Description: Collects general statistics about the forum, including the newest users, online guests, and topic/post counts.
* Author: Inniosoft
* Author URI:
* Version: 0.1
$mysql41 = true; // Change this if you have regular database problems
function show_newest_users()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$count = 3; // Edit this value to change how many users get displayed.
if ($newestuser = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."users ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 0,".$count."")) :
$counter = 0;
foreach ($newestuser as $nu):
if ($count != 1 && $count > $counter) :
if ($counter == $count - 1):
if ($count == 2):
$comma = " and ";
$comma = ", and ";
$comma = ", ";
else :
$comma = "";
if ($counter == $count) :
if ($count > 1) :
$stop = ".";
else :
$stop = "";
else :
$stop = "";
$user = bb_get_user($nu->ID);
$userdisplayname = (empty($user->display_name) ? $user->user_login : $user->display_name);
$userprofilelink = get_user_profile_link($nu->ID);
echo "<a href="".$userprofilelink."" title="See ".$userdisplayname."'s Profile">".$userdisplayname."</a>$comma$stop";
else : echo "Unable to fetch newest members(s). An error occured within the database.";
function show_total_users()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$totalusers = $bbdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."users USE INDEX (PRIMARY);" );
echo "".$totalusers."";
function show_total_posts()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$totalposts = $bbdb->get_var( "SELECT SUM(posts) FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."forums;" );
echo "".$totalposts."";
function show_total_topics()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$totaltopics = $bbdb->get_var( "SELECT SUM(topics) FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."forums;" );
echo "".$totaltopics."";
?>Then, to show the information, add the following to either
or `footer.php:We have <b><?php show_total_users(); ?></b> registered members. Welcome to our newest members: <?php show_newest_users(); ?><br />
Our members have made a total of <b><?php show_total_posts(); ?></b> posts in <b><?php show_total_topics(); ?></b> topics.</td>In reply to: How to Show Total Registerd Users In Forum?Hi bb-lover
I recently wanted the same thing in my forum. I did not want to install complex plugins.
If you’re looking for something like this: (look at the bottom), then you need to add the following to your footer.php file in your template’s directory:
<?php function show_total_users()
global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix;
$totalusers = $bbdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$bb_table_prefix."users USE INDEX (PRIMARY);" );
echo "".$totalusers."";
?>Hope that helps
In reply to: Social Networking: Link ProblemThanks!
In reply to: Need Permalinks in bbpages plugin? SEO FriendlyI’m glad it worked
I’d probably want to find a way to enhance the plugin, but I don’t think I will as bbPress is soon to be changed. We had our first-ever IRC last night, and some major developments are going to come out of it – including things that have not yet been mentioned. So there’d be no point developing a plugin for an old version of bbPress.
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!@Taeo: That sounds very interesting!
And you have an excellent forum!
If you ever make it a stable plugin – please let us know. I, for one, would make huge use of it!
I did mention how I my bbPress to be a community site at the recent IRC.
Great work!
In reply to: Need Permalinks in bbpages plugin? SEO FriendlyThe file should already exist in your bbPress Root.
Mine looks like this:
# BEGIN bbPress
Options -MultiViews
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /devstation/
RewriteRule ^rules/?$ /devstation/bb-page.php?page_id=1 [L]
RewriteRule ^faq/?$ /devstation/bb-page.php?page_id=2 [L]
RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/index.php?page=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/forum.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/forum.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum/?$ /devstation/ [R=302,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^topic/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/topic.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^topic/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/topic.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^topic/?$ /devstation/ [R=302,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/tags.php?tag=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tags/?$ /devstation/tags.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/profile.php?id=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&page=$3 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/profile.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^profile/?$ /devstation/profile.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^view/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ /devstation/view.php?view=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^view/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/view.php?view=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/?$ /devstation/rss.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/topics/?$ /devstation/rss.php?topics=1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/forum/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/rss.php?forum=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/forum/([^/]+)/topics/?$ /devstation/rss.php?forum=$1&topics=1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/topic/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/rss.php?topic=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/tags/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/rss.php?tag=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/tags/([^/]+)/topics/?$ /devstation/rss.php?tag=$1&topics=1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/profile/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/rss.php?profile=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^rss/view/([^/]+)/?$ /devstation/rss.php?view=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /devstation/index.php [L]
# END bbPressMost of those should already be there. I have separated the two rules at the top so you can see how it is done for pages.
If your site has a forum directory (ie the forum does not reside on the top-level of your site, then you should remove the “devstation/”. If it does, then replace “devstation/” with your forum’s directory.
In reply to: What's wrong with BBPressHi Raize
bbPress is currently in that stage. There are a number of us who will be contributing to the new bbpress so that it will be a mature package.
See this link for more information about the starting steps of this make-over:
bbPress will take a while before it gets on it’s feet again – once it does, it’ll be great – competing with the likes of phpBB and SMF (vBulletin is out of the question as it is too ‘full’ of junk.)
I highly suggest using bbPress. I’m using it here: As you can see, the quality is good and it caters for most things. Once bbPress starts getting better, upgrading will be easy. Also, if you have a WordPress Blog, you’ll be able to integrate the two. bbPress is aimed at simplicity and good operations.
In reply to: Topic Forum (Front Page)Thanks – I feel like an idiot. I really need to explore the bbPress core a little more.
In reply to: Social Networking: Link ProblemBy the way – this is not actually a mess, it’s just a hassle. I could easily go without the titles as most social networking sites get the page title automatically.
It would just be nice to know where my problem lies so I don’t stumble into it again.
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!Greetings
I guess I could do the show off thing. Here’s mine: Dev:station
It has quite a lot of plugins installed – and everything works – though there may be a few bugs that I don’t know of.
Plugin List:
Admin Add User
Allow Images
Avatar Upload
BBCode Lite
BBCode Toolbar
bbPress Moderation Suite
bbPress Smilies
Bozo Users
General Statistics (my own plugin)
Hot Tags Plus
Hot Topic
Human Test for bbPress
Indicate New Posts
Member List
Post Count Plus
Project Honey Pot
Read-Only Forums
Related Topics
Simple Online List
Support Forum
Terms of Service
Topics per Page
I know the address to this forum isn’t that great – I’ll be getting a .com domain for it some time next year (hopefully January).
In reply to: bbPress Moderation SuiteHi Ben
I’m running quite a few:
Admin Add User
Allow Images
Avatar Upload
BBCode Lite
BBCode Toolbar
bbPress Moderation Suite (obviously
bbPress Smilies
Bozo Users
General Statistics (my own plugin, not the problem – have tested it extensively)
Hot Tags Plus
Hot Topic
Human Test for bbPress
Indicate New Posts
Member List
Post Count Plus
Project Honey Pot
Read-Only Forums
Related Topics
Simple Online List
Support Forum
Terms of Service
Topics per Page
Unread Posts (I should disable this one as I already have Indicate New Posts enabled)
I have gone through and disabled each one – this did not solve the problem.
Any help would be great.
In reply to: Too long "Latest Discussions" ListHi
You need to open the PHP file and edit the settings in there.
In reply to: Topic Forum (Front Page)Thanks – works like a charm:
Is there maybe a way to get the link to that forum?
Would it maybe be
forum_link( $topic->forum_id )
? ^^,In reply to: Need Permalinks in bbpages plugin? SEO FriendlyUnfortunately, this plugin was meant to have support for Permalinks – hence the unused Page slug in the bbPages settings – but that never came about.
I recently had this problem too – so I manually edited my .htaccess file in the bbPress root.
So, I turned my Rules page from this:
You need to open your .htaccess file in the bbPress root and add the following for each page, replacing
with the url you would like:RewriteRule ^<your-page>/?$ /bb-page.php?page_id=1 [L]
In reply to: url's in post's not clickable…You obviously don’t know what BBCode is at all – so let me explain.
BBCode is an alternative to HTML for people to use in their posts. For example, if they wanted to have bold text, they would put this in their post:
You can download BBCode lite for bbPress here:
You then need to save the
file in yourmy-plugins
directory. If you do not have one, you will need to create it. Then go to your admin panel, Plugins, and install BBCode Lite.Then, in your posts, you will need to enter a URL like this:
or, with a title
Hope this solves your problem.