malfhok (@malfhok)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Hooray! I can’t wait for a stable 1.0 beta release! Thanks to everybody who helped get bbPress this far, and will take it farther in years to come.


    The answer up I gave in this thread is the answer to Vadi’s question on the bbPress Avatars plugin. That plugin generates a random avatar for users with no Gravatar. Once you have a Gravatar account, you can change your avatar whenever you like.

    bbPress is linked into Gravatar. You have to get a Gravatar account, and then go into Settings in the bbPress admin. At the very bottom is a checkbox for enabling Gravatars. Click that and you should start to see avatars on the forum.

    If you don’t like the “mystery man” no Gravatar picture, I’d recommend trying the bbPress Avatars plugin, which will let you integrate avatar generation scripts.



    My members have been asking for this feature as well.

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?

    Actually, I’ve been logged into both admins since I upgraded, and it hasn’t asked for my password since the initial upgrade. Any ideas why I’m seeing this “bug” and nobody else is?

    Serious, though. Nobody take that as a sure sign that bbPress 0.9 works with WP 2.6. _ck_ knows more about bbPress than I do. :-)

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?

    I have a WP 2.6 install that works perfectly with the 0.9 bbPress branch. Unless there are some specific problems that I haven’t experienced yet.

    In reply to: Bozo deletion

    This is a quick fix for now, until bbPress gets the well needed mass-edit:

    If you have your bbPress integrated with your WordPress, then all of the bozo users will show up with no role in your WP users mass-edit. You can mass delete them from there. Look out, though, because non-activated accounts show up with no role as well. I’d check in bbPress for bozos and then delete them in WP after you know who they are.

    Works fine on my install of 9.0.2 and WP 2.5.1. Did you have an older version of the plugin and then upgrade? If so, try deactivating and reactivating it.

    It also will automatically mark spam users as bozos, if they post something that Akismet catches.

    I figured somebody had to do it. I had a backup, so I thought I’d go for it. Nothing’s fallen on my head since I did it. Still testing, I’ll tell you the outcome once I’m done testing it.

    Edit: The member who asked to be allowed to change her grammar errors just thanked me for fixing to edit link, so I suppose it’s working now.

    I’ll try -1 and see what happens. I was only wary of putting in a large value because I didn’t know if there was some database table or variable that was just going to get larger when I changed the number.

    In reply to: Hot Tags

    Find this function in the front-page.php file of your theme: <?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?>

    And replace it with this function: <?php bb_tag_heat_map(9, 9, 'pt', 80); ?>

    Here’s what those numbers mean. The first number is the minimum font size, the second is the maximum font size, the third is how to measure the font (pt, px, etc.), and the fourth is how many tags to display.

    In reply to: Reading Forum for Kids

    I’m not sure. I know that I have read some of Caroll’s work, and also some Bradbury.

    Great! It works properly now. Thanks for upgrading a very useful plugin. :-)


    I’ve been testing it quite a bit today, and I have found one small bug…

    I’ll try to explain this as clearly as possible. Basically, when Member A sends a PM to Member B, then Member B replies, the plugin tries to send the message to Member B, not Member A like it should.


    I just overwrote all of the old files. Works fine on my latest-version bbPress install.

    Thanks for the upgrade! When I’d previously tried the PM plugin, it continually gave me errors. But this seems to have fixed them all! My forum members will be so happy.

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