kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: s2member integration



    bbPress has no way of setting up roles to forums like every other forum out there has.

    So if you’re hoping to say set “contributors” to see everything and then set your s2M to move people from members to contributors on the WordPress side I’m afraid you can’t – bbPress doesn’t come with that basic forum functionality.

    In that regard, and with all due respect (you’d be amazed how very few people are as polite as you are), doing anything out-with the “plug and play” variety with bbPress unless you really know your way around PHP/WP-theming and functions is not going to happen.

    Now you may be able to take one of Zaerl’s plugins which allows the setting of show/hide/moderate certain forums and adapt it. Or you could contact Zaerl for some custom work (i’ve no idea if they do this btw – its just where I’d start).

    If you’re going on your own, keep posting back, we’ll help when and where we can :)

    In reply to: s2member integration



    I’ve sadly none. You’re the first person to ask about this.

    You’d basically need to set up a s2M roles to Forums relationship in a table somewhere, and then query it.

    It would greatly depend on how you wanted to run it.

    i.e. Would different levels see different forums? Or would they just not see the topics in forums but know they are there, or would they just not see the answers to topics in certain forums etc etc.

    I’m guessing a little, but the easiest way to make it work with bbPress would be to write into the actual theme files testing against the s2Mrole. Shouldn’t be too horrible if you know your way around.

    In reply to: s2member integration



    In theory, you’d need either:

    1) Deep Integration with WordPress, so you could query the WP DB on forum load


    2) Write some custom code for the s2Member callback API (which it supports) to add a field to the bbPress database.

    Shouldn’t be horribly difficult; but so far, no-ones asked about it here so I can’t point you towards any examples.



    I’m going to do something strange here AmplifiedShock, I’m going to ask you NOT to do that.

    The “bbPress” that BuddyPress uses is not the same as this “bbPress”. It is heavily heavily modified. Basically the whole of BackPress is removed and replaced by custom functions, and then some of the middle tiering has been rewritten, and a little bit of the front end output and default theme.

    A large chunk of the support requests we deal with each day/week is people coming here because BuddyPress calls their forums “bbPress”. We need to be able to tell people honestly and without looking like we’re being difficult, that if they use BuddyPress we can’t help them.

    I’m sure it’s technically possible to do anything. I’m sure once it’s technically possible, it’s easier to write a guide for people to follow. You seem to be good enough to do that :) But with bbPress being turned into a WP plugin and Matt publicly telling people not to use this software; inviting more support queries that end in “we simply can’t help you” isn’t going to help us at all.

    Now if you felt like writing more tutorials on converting from other forums to bbPress, I’m sure there would be a good market in that for you!

    And, as always, thanks for your time



    “plz” give us some more information.

    What version of bbPress?

    What theme are you using?

    What error?

    Does all content get sqeezed to the left or the right?

    Do you have any screenshots?

    etc. etc.

    Lets pretend that we are not mind readers so we can help you…



    The simple solution to this is to use a Live Comment Preview plugin that doesn’t make any callbacks.



    If by “bbPress 2.0” you mean this theme, the answer is never.

    If you mean the next release of bbPress (which is either 1.0.3 or 1.1 – they haven’t decided yet and thankfully we’ve people working on different versions) then it’s a wait and see situation. I’d suggest August seems one of the earlist likely dates.

    New features? Matt is scapping bbPress and making it a wordPress plugin, so there are no new features going to be added. Plus last time we were asked what we wanted in bbPress the results of the poll got ignored and the needs of was chosen.




    What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?

    Did you install and use the WP/bbP integration plugin?

    Have you tried logging in from both sides?

    Have you checked to see if you’re using the same user tables?

    Have you checked roles in your database?

    Basically, give us as much information as possible, and we’ll try and help :)

    In reply to: BB press look



    It comes with 1 default theme, but you can create your own very easily or download others from the internet. There are not that many around currently, but enough for most people.

    It would be very helpful to enable us to answer you if you give us some information about what you were looking for in a theme or forum?

    In reply to: BB press look



    I suppose you’ll need to define “a bit less basic”. Everyone’s opinion of the way things look is different.

    And bbPress will not change theme automatically I’m afraid. You’ll have to theme it yourself or use an exisiting one



    I thought it was an excellent guide. Truly awesome.

    In reply to: moving data into BB



    Zaerl’s link is a good one, but I want to adda word of caution.

    bbPress is not a WordPress plugin, and its definately not “WPBB”. if you’re not a programmer then you will find integrating the two of them a bit of a pain.

    In reply to: Localisation bbpress



    I’m sorry, but We can’t help with any issue regarding BuddyPress. You’ll have to ask on the BuddyPress forums (which are awesome).

    The “bbPress” that BuddyPress uses is not anywher enear the same as this bbPress. I don’t know why the continue to not tell people that, as we get alot of support questions here about it, we simply can’t help with.

    Sorry, and good luck



    Could you provide us with some more details please?

    Like what version of bbPress you’re using?

    Are you using BuddyPress?

    Are you integrated with WordPress? and if so what version?



    I’m afraid bbPress doesn’t come with any of the functionality that you are asking about.



    1. WPMU 2.9.2

    bbPress doesn’t play well with WPMU. I’m afraid you’ll pretty much have to use BuddyPress.

    That said, there should be a plugin somewhere that allows you to specify people to skip akismet. I actually think it’s called “skip akismet”, but really you’re looking at a short term fix.




    Also, i finally upgraded FireBug after notcing how much smaller the text has become again and according to that this is what I’m looking at:

    font-family ‘Lucida Grande’,’Bitstream Vera Sans’,Arial,sans-serif

    font-size 8.4px

    font-style italic

    I don’t know what’s changed (i’ve been away at a wedding since Wednesday night), but “Member” or the role is so incredibly small its unreal. Given that Browsers struggle with decimal points of fonts, we’re looking at 8px text.

    The fact that it’s italic is huge amounts of fun to read too.

    As I pointed out earlier, ‘Lucida Grande’ is a MAC font and ‘Bitstream Vera Sans’ is a Linux font. I wonder if we could check the pages on systems without these fonts because 8px text is honestly a nightmare to read (especially as it’s italic).

    Edit: Found the change:

    The 960 layout framework, for some reason, has decided to control the text as well (brilliantly outwith its remit imo). It sets the text size as 12px, and then we set it to 70% on line 76 of “”.



    Michael and Noel,

    Dudes, we are all so greatly apprecaitive of the time and effort you’re throwing into this. And we do apprecaite that not everythings a simple bug to fix, and of course there will be some legacy stuff/hacks to deal with… But I hope you don’t take offence when we point out things like the homepage not working for days on end (why not roll back??) or:

    These pages haven’t been styled yet – register, login, profile edit, views, favorites, post-edit, search

    I mean, we all accept bugs, heck we’re happy to find them so we can contribute to fixing them. But to release a theme without even bothering to style 8 (minimum) out of the 27 theme files is really starting to make us all look a bit amateur. (Thats 30% btw)

    These 2 links are broken (which are in forum’s footer):

    I wonder, with all due respect, how cool this sort of thing would be over at

    Please let us know if we can help, we want to help!!



    Hi Noel,

    Thanks very much for commenting. Lack of communication is one of the biggies that drives us nuts on this board.

    It’s great that you and Mike are working on the theme; and we all appreciate that not all bugs are as simple as they look. I think we can all appreciate that rolling things out to get them going is fine too, especially as users in a real world environment will pick up more bugs that peer testing – but I also think it’s ok for us to suggest that the HOMEPAGE being broken for 2-3 days is probably a bit… uncool.

    With no communication at all, we’re never sure if these random bugs are due to theme updates or software updates. We’re not sure whether pages are using wordpress or bbPress or hacks of bbPress pages to create specific views (like plugins used to); and that means that most of the time we just don’t report bugs.

    As always, thanks for your time.



    Hi TellyWorth,

    Thanks for popping up.

    Please send examples to Akismet support – false positive problems are usually easy to fix.

    Mate, that’d be really awesome. Basically every 2-3 days on this forum half my posts are marked as Spam. You’ll notice that if ChrisHajer isn’t on the forums for a day or so that they appear quiet, and when he does come on there’s a host of “rescued from Akismet” posts.

    I think you’d get some great examples here by going through :)





    if( function_exists(‘bb_title’))



    } else {

    wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’);



    <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>




    by “BP” do you mean BuddyPress?

    I’m afraid if you have BuddyPress on your website, bbPress won’t work at all. Sadly this is not something that the Buddypress folks make clear (which is a shame cos everything else they do is awesome).

    The “bbPress” that is used with “BuddyPress” is so heavily hacked and modified it’s unreal, and it’s not even remotely the same product. It just shares some front end functionality. I’ve no real idea why keeping the name was insisted on; because it just confuses good people like yourself, who then come here only to be told that bluntyl, we can’t help.

    I’m afraid youhave to take this to the BuddyPress forums.

    Sorry and Good Luck



    Akismet is not great on forums, it catches alot of legitamite posts and marks them as spam. That said, it also catches a good percentage of the spam too.

    On one of my forums, 100+ spammer registrations a day is about the norm. One of WordPress and bbPress’s plus sides is it’s easy to register, so there’s alot of automated bots out there.

    Not having Akismet activated with the amount of registrations / traffic you’re recieving is probably a bad idea.

    Phpbb has a feature where you have to approve a member’s registration before they become members

    Thats not built into the core, infact very few moderation abilities are; but I’m sure there’s plugins to enact such functionality. Zaerl had something like that I belive.

    I am using WordPress MU, the Buddypress Magazine theme

    bbpress is not built to, and does not play well with WPMU.

    If you’re using WPMU, I strongly strongly advice BuddyPress instead of bbPress.

    They are somewhat integrated

    We probably need somewhat more information ;-)



    As long as you’re ok with me writing this without testing:


    <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>


    if( function_exists('bb_title'))



    } else {







    So here’s my thing:

    – Is anyone working on the theme?

    – If so, who?

    – Can we get some form of notification when there’s been a theme update/bug-fix?

    – How often is this site getting updates from the SVN?

    – What software is running the static pages? (wordPress or hacked bbPress)

    I ask this because I’m never sure if something is a bug from the nightly build, a theme bug, or a bug from (what appears to be) the hacked pages from bbPress.

    If we take the HomePage as an example, and seriously “the homepage is broken” should be setting alarm bells off somewhere in Automattic; i’m not sure if this is down to someone trying to fix the theme, or a nightly build error, or compatability, or just not testing or what?

    With respect, the theme roll out was half-assed and for the most part untested. I’m not fussed about the font-size issue; but once again the management issue behind it. Who thought it would be a good idea to take an untested 9 month old design/theme and put it onto live enviroment with ever changing software base (nightly builds) and then not test it??

    *sigh* and I was trying so hard not to complain

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