kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    By the bbPress documentation site… are you referring to Sam’s personal wiki that he set up before he joined Automattic?

    Might be mate. I knew it was to do with Sam, but didn’t know it was his own and from a time when he wasn’t with Automattic. At the risk of derailing, how expensive is a domain name to renew? (not that I’m not a fan of the shemale subdomain – buy me a bottle of wine, send the kids out, and it’s my friday night)

    The realism is, if the bbPress plugin is that far advanced, and thats a really awesome thing for the huge number of people who’ll preffer that option, we will only get more and more questions/topics/posts like the one above. And the Original Poster asked alot of exact and pertenant questions…

    The big thing for me though is this:

    1) If, according to Matt, the release schedule was meant to be bbPress1.1, then bbPress plugin work would be after that, are we realistically at a stage where that’s been turned around without any communication?

    2) Does that mean that there was development resources for bbPress plugin, but not for bbPress standalone, and the community thats been attempting to suppotr it for years? It didn’t develop itself…

    3) bbPress1.1 can’t be released until the next 2 versions of BackPress are out (as well as our own current task list – which is small thanks to Gautam et all). Jane’s post contains timescales which suggest that bbPress plugin will be used sooner than that (of course it may not be released publicly at that time).

    The whole thing just feels very underhanded, y’know. Even if it’s not (and I truly doubt anyone’s attempting to be machevelian) the evidence to back up that gut feeling just keeps on coming.

    • It’s been 163 days since we’ve had a blog post.
    • Over 100 (that I can see) since the Project Lead has been on the IRC.
    • Over 100 days since the Project lead posted on the forum.
    • 7 weeks since the Project Lead used our trac (and that was to delete the 0.9 milestone without telling anyone for another 3 weeks).

    No wonder people think badly of the information they get from here.



    Those are some excellent questions.

    Sadly, the good folks behind bbPress have decided not to communicate with us, infact the Project Lead left 4 months ago when a moderator dared ask him a question.

    Do you people have answers for these questions?

    Nope. None. Not one. We have 0 idea.

    Will will closed after plugin’s announcement?

    No, I doubt it.

    The folks at Automattic have dropped the ball on bbPress for a number of years, but that sort of thing isn’t their style. They do truly wish to make as many people happy as possible, and closing this website (or not maintaining it in the way that the bbPress documentation site became a porn site) really would be a bad thing, and they are good folks.



    If the bbPress plugin is at that stage already (can be released onto a website in the next 2 months), what we doing bloating up bbpress standalone with all this nonsence in 1.1 ??



    woah woah woah (sweet child of mine)

    There’s no doubt we’re doing exceptionally well in how far we’ve come with this, especially given that the Project Lead left 4 months ago, but we’re not anywhere near that stage.

    1.0 had 10 alphas (though pre-Alpha6 was massively different to Alpha7-10).

    It had no beta’s. It had 1 RC which was turned into an actual release 7 days later with minimal bug fixes, and we’ve been stuck with these bugs for a year because of it.

    If you want to help, and it’s awesome you do, please download the latest nightly build from the Trunk and report bugs like mad.

    There should be no real alpha/beta/rc packages until we’ve squashed all the existing tickets (possible exception to backPress reliant ones).

    The moer bugs we find now (in the nightly builds) the more confident we’ll all be in the Alphas that we put out there :)

    And Gautam, excellent work once again.



    are these WP 3 MU sites you are talking about “playing nicely”?

    I’ve no idea.

    WP3MS and WP2MU were never supported.

    It was always suggested that one should use Buddypress if using WPMU.

    How that will stand up against myBB, Simple:Press, WP-United and others

    As much as it’s not what I want, it will stand up favourably due to being availible as a custom one click install for users. There are also many people that use WordPress that have it installed via sopme form of control panel from their web host, for them a 1 click integration will be massive.

    In reply to: bbPress + Ajax



    Does bbPress update posts automatically using AJAX?


    As I recall it used to a really long time ago, but had the feature taken out or turned off.

    If this feature is not currently supported, do you think it can be easily done?


    It is though a fairly straightforward thing to implement, but personally I’d advise against it. AJAX has been around since IE4 and the MSXML4.0 upgrade, and there’s a reason why it’s not used as often as it’s propents think.

    Given how much AJAX posting requires being tied in to a specific HTML markup, and how realistically you’d want to NOT be tied into the horrific Kakumei markup, you’d really just be adding to your own forum(s).



    You know what else I love,

    If you have Javascript turned off, you can’t see the first 3 lines of what you type for that stupid grey box that “fades”. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how accessible we are.

    Oh same for tags as well.

    In reply to: Remove tag feature?



    You cannot.

    You can either hide the HTML output via CSS or comment it out in the theme.



    First, check you’ve uploaded the theme to the right place.

    If i physically go to the theme files, they’re not there on your server. returns a 404 error.

    Second make sure that you’ve got the permissions of the folder set correctly:

    The permissions of the my-templates folder should be 0755. Same for the folder the theme is in as well. Files in the theme folder should be 0644

    Shout back if that doesn’t fix it.



    How lovely of you to say. Especially after all those lovely things you’ve said about bbPress over on the BuddyPress forum. You are truly too kind.

    WP3 and bbPress play really nicely in my experience.

    So far, 29*** upgrades to WP3 done, and 4 have had issues above the usual ultra-minor things. Most of those have a bbPress forum attatched, 2 of them use deep integration and there’s a definate hit in loading but it plays real nicely.

    There is 1 new issue with Deeply Integrated WP3/bbP1 install, and thats with regisrtaion but: 1) there was a patch by Zaerl on the day this was found and 2) if you’re using a WP/bbP integrated website you should use WP for registration anyway.

    ***6 of those sites were running either a nightly or RC version anyway.


    To Specifics:

    I didn’t ask about BuddyPress because the Original Poster was kind enough to give us the URL in question, so I can see for myself it’s not a BuddyPress issue (i do actually make the effort).

    Given that WP3 has been out for a week, and we’ve had very very very few people telling us of integration issues (deep or normal), I’m quietly confident that there are few new integration issues. Previously we’ve had alot more posts in the last 4 WordPress upgrades – even in the first week.

    And as for my short question in reply… It’s important information. Its really difficult to give up time and effort to help out here when people can’t actually tell us what’s going on, or gone wrong. You’d be amazed at how simply the really intelligent folks here can solve the most complex of issues (and I’m def not one of them) once given actual information.

    If you come on these forums asking for help with a problem, make sure you say:

    • bbPress version:
    • Are you using default theme:
    • WordPress version:
    • Are you using default theme:
    • Are WP/bbP integrated:
    • Are WP/bbP Deep Integrated:
    • Using BuddyPress:
    • Using WordPressMU:
    • Using WordPress3 Multisite:
    • Is there an error message:
    • What is the error message:
    • What PHP version is your server on:
    • Did the issue occur as you installed something for the first time:
    • Did the issue occur after an upgrade:
    • What plugins are you using:
    • Are you using a paid for theme that came with special instructions:
    • What is the URL:
    • Can you include a screenshot along with a description:
    • Did you follow any specific tutorial?

    99/100 by giving us as much of the information as possible, someone here will be able to help.

    Is this correct or a bug?

    There is option 3: Human Error!



    Does it work on your development/testing version?

    In reply to: bb_forum_pad()



    It’s for adding padding.

    Specifically for faking a heirarchal tree view in a parent/child relationship.

    bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">', 1 );

    it eventually calls:

    $bb_forums_loop->pad( $pad, $offset );

    Just to be clear, I am just copy and pasting the information found in teh first link in google for typing in “bb_forum_pad”. This information is also in the actual source code, if you search for “bb_forum_pad”.




    *Obviously* BBpress is about working with WordPress

    …it was made to provide a forum that functions with WordPress

    Don’t you love it when people write totally 100% wrong statements and start them with “*Obviously*

    If we fork bbpress and make it standalone, that would solve half the world’s problems.

    Comedy Gold



    Oh noes!

    Don’t weave. we wub u!



    Easy way?


    One of bbPress’s major downfalls is it’s way it makes you moderate on a one by one basis. Specifically users.

    The easiest way would be to run an SQL update, moving everyone that’s inactive to member. You’ll have to hunt around for an example or look in your database for a meta key (which i think is bb_capabilities), as I’m out of the office right now.

    Hope you find a way,




    In my opinion, a fair comparison would have to be WP/bbPress (deep integration) and WP/forumpluginX.

    You’re wanting to compare an unsupported, unintentional, unadvisable, found-by-mistake hack (that doesn’t always work) against a theoretical piece of software. It’s a no-brainer which will compare favourably.

    A fair comparison should be a WP/bbpress normal “as intended” integration to a WP/plugin.



    Hi Arturo,

    I’m afraid that bbPress has many issues with a BuddyPress install (I know you’re not talking about the bbpress forum you can sintall into BuddyPress), to the point where we have had to basically shoot down any support corrolation between the two.

    Getting bbPress standalone data into BuddyPress isn’t the work of a simple plugin, even looking at my very brief knowledge of BuddyPress it appears to be quite an ordeal.

    With Buddypress having it’s own version of bbPress, and with you already asking on the Buddypress forums, I sincerely doubt you’ll have anyone at this end who thinks that’d be a good use of development time (sorry).




    please don’t derail this thread with nonsense about another forum software, we’re still trying to sort this one ;-)

    In reply to: function bb_auth


    function bb_auth( $scheme = 'auth' )
    { // Checks if a user has a valid cookie, if not redirects them to the main page

    I’m guessing it “Checks if a user has a valid cookie, if not redirects them to the main page”

    First link on google



    You’re not an idiot mate, but this is where bbPress starts to struggle a bit – especially with no documentation.

    You want to make a call to the Database directly via SQL (SQLECT * FROM blah blah blah), but thre is no quick fix. You can use the $bbdb class to connect to the database.

    If your’e still struggling, do a hunt for $bbdb with here on google. Remember that search on this site su… has many inbuilt features that are not bugs ;-)



    Anybody? Nobody?


    you give us less than 24 hours to answer.

    WordPress3.0’s been out for about 2-3 days, and you’re talking about something not working that has never been supported.

    Automattic made no effort to make sure things were cool with bbPress before releasing so we’re all going to have to wait until we get more reports in.

    Lets not forget that a large number of people wait until the first (if not second) bug fix release is made availible before chaning over.

    Patience is needed my friend, just don’t push untested just release software onto a live enviroment and you’ll be fine – and we know you didn’t do that because that would be so silly ;-]

    In reply to: logout variable




    I never have the link on my forums, I always just type it.



    Yeah, basically the global variable you’re using $forum/$topic/$posts etc. have been codedin such a way that they can only be iterated trhough once.

    You’ll need ot make a separat SQL/data call for each bit of info that you need.

    In reply to: logout variable



    Thats the link, just hardcode it. It doesn’t need to be processed by PHP at all. Just add it to your HTML code.

    And yeah, the formatting change is a bug we’ve been stuck with for weeks. It’s not being worked on.



    I get the idea that bbpress isn’t being actively worked

    Nope, it is :)

    …and that this Mat individual wants to abandon this project

    Nope. Matt wants to convert it to a WordPress plugin.

    Is this the person who made wordpress really great?

    He’s one of the 500+ people that have contributed to WordPress.

    Is this a good reason not to continue using bbpress? Is bbpress going to die out if Mat doesn’t work on it?

    If bbPress works for you, then use it :)

    If it doesn’t, then don’t.

    bbpress is open source software, it’s not going to die. As long as you’re ok with a minimum year between releases, and a project lead who refuses to answer any questions or pass on any information (and most people are) then you’re fine with bbpress.

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