John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    @DeysonOrtiz – Sounds like you’re missing some files or something didn’t get moved/downloaded completely.

    I’d say give it another shot and try again.



    Loosely yes, but that’s more of an issue on the BuddyPress side of things.



    Loosely yes, but that’s more of an issue on the BuddyPress side of things.



    For people running into issues on Windows local installs, svn up and test the most recent trunk. The solution isn’t very pretty but appears to work on all server configs.



    That’s in the plans but feel free to open a trac ticket. I’d like to work within the existing WordPress roles and caps if possible, but also understand it might be nice to have dedicated forum admins and moderators.

    My immediate thought would be to enable WordPress multisite and use a dedicated site with dedicated ‘staff’ for the forums, but I also understand that’s only one particular use-case and isn’t optimal for everyone.



    That will happen eventually. This way just provided a head start.



    Fixed. Ty!



    Beta by the end of the year.



    Beta by the end of the year.



    Form offset should be fixed.

    @DKB – Sounds like you’re missing a file somewhere, or your svn up didn’t finish.



    You’ll also need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin, since the capabilities are added and removed on plugin activation and deactivation. Until then, you’ll have some strange issues. I’ve edited my original update to reflect this.



    Lots of updates and rearranging today.

    If you’re running on an SVN check-out you’ll want to SVN up. If you’re running on a zip download, you’ll want to deactivate the bbPress plugin, delete your /wp-plugins/bbpress/ directory, replace everything, and reactivate the plugin *in that order*

    A first pass at WordPress capability support is now included, so that will cause issues if you don’t deactivate/reactivate.

    Going to work on topic and reply count functions next.



    @Willabee – Would love to see what you come up with. :)

    In reply to: Lost Key Master



    In the future can you create a new topic rather than bump one from years ago.

    Looks like you either deleted or somehow didn’t set a password for your ‘ror’ user. Is ‘’ really your email address?



    It’s unfinished code basically. I started making it a template file and then decided to make it a template part to make it work right away and never cleaned up the mess.

    In reply to: TalkPress suggestions



    Th bbPress plugin will actually help make this happen, possibly by way of using WordPress multisite and letting each site/network have their own bbPress setup.

    If you wanted to use existing bbPress stand alone, I’m not sure where the channels code is to see if it’s available to share. Will see what I can did out.



    Hi neighbor. No, you are not being marked as spam. If you were your posts would show you.

    Looking through your topic history, there is one unresolved core bbPress issue (which I just responded to). The rest were questions to plugin authors which we don’t have much control over.

    Consider that wanting to remove topic tags completely would require the use of a custom theme that does not use them, and/or a plugin to disable the functionality too.

    Of the several things of you’ve tried, exactly what version of bbPress did you update from and to (1.0.1, 1.0 branch, 1.1 trunk, etc…) Did it work before your update? Did any of your changes modify core bbPress files? If so, what happens when you go back to what came in the zip? If not, are you using a custom theme? If so, does deleting tags work with a default theme?

    Lots of things you can include to help us help you. Remember this is free software and free support that you’ve received already, successfully, and recently in the past.

    I get that you’re upset and there is an obvious sense of urgency, but in the future you’ll get a better response by including detailed info about your issue, what you’ve already attempted, and steps to duplicate the issue.



    Hi neighbor. No, you are not being marked as spam. If you were your posts would show you.

    Looking through your topic history, there is one unresolved core bbPress issue (which I just responded to). The rest were questions to plugin authors which we don’t have much control over.

    Consider that wanting to remove topic tags completely would require the use of a custom theme that does not use them, and/or a plugin to disable the functionality too.

    Of the several things of you’ve tried, exactly what version of bbPress did you update from and to (1.0.1, 1.0 branch, 1.1 trunk, etc…) Did it work before your update? Did any of your changes modify core bbPress files? If so, what happens when you go back to what came in the zip? If not, are you using a custom theme? If so, does deleting tags work with a default theme?

    Lots of things you can include to help us help you. Remember this is free software and free support that you’ve received already, successfully, and recently in the past.

    I get that you’re upset and there is an obvious sense of urgency, but in the future you’ll get a better response by including detailed info about your issue, what you’ve already attempted, and steps to duplicate the issue.



    What plugins do you have installed? Does this work with those plugins turned off?

    If not, file a ticket and be sure to include what version of bbPress you’re using.



    What plugins do you have installed? Does this work with those plugins turned off?

    If not, file a ticket and be sure to include what version of bbPress you’re using.



    The plugin will have shortcodes and widgets to attempt to ease people in to integrating bbPress into existing themes, but because you can’t easily introduce completely new functionality into a theme that isn’t designed to handle it, there will be limitations to that method.

    For the most mileage, you’re better off copying the files out of the bbp-twentyten theme and into your existing child theme and modifying the HTML and CSS to taste. (You are using a child theme, right? :) )

    Topic and reply counts are next on my list of todo’s. They are the biggest source of confusion right now, justifiably so.



    Just saw Justin’s most recent post on his forums which makes it look like we have some catching up to do! :D



    Just saw Justin’s most recent post on his forums which makes it look like we have some catching up to do! :D



    I’ve had a check-out for a while, but nothing of his has made it in yet.

    Because there are only so many ways to do the same thing, our code is very similar with a few different methods here and there. His code is more mature in a few areas (mapping WordPress meta capabilities, topic/reply counts, additional query caching…) and it’s almost time to cherry pick his code and give props where due. :)

    He started out using taxonomies for forums, but a lack of taxonomy meta thwarted that idea. We talked before either of us made too much progress on how to best do things so we would be loosely compatible with each other. I committed early on to using post types for data storage for everything to allow for easy forward compatibility with things like forum/topic/reply thumbnails, excerpts, revisions, etc… Justin and I both agreed it was the quickest way to go, we put our noses down and wrote some code, and we met a month or two ago in #bbpress on IRC and exchanged more code and ideas.

    It was really cool for Justin to volunteer to share his code and approach. He spent countless hours getting things dialed in and that time is going to be greatly appreciated real soon. :)

    It would have been even cooler to have him contribute patches directly to trac, but from what I recall of our talks he had some previous obligations that prevented it. I’m sure if I’m wrong Justin will catch wind and chime in. :)

    Edit: I saw a reply in the above linked topic about him ‘turning over’ code to bbPress, but I don’t really see it like that. His code is always his, and he’s free to continue developing his plugin if he wanted to. No hard feelings. :)

    The bbPress trac is public and the code is visible for everyone to see, versus Justin’s forum code which to my understanding isn’t something he wants openly available for download, or else I imagine he’d probably have it that way. I know from experience that supporting something as large as bbPress on top of other obligations can be a challenge, so I wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to volunteer additional time.

    Either way I’m honored to have his respect and be able to have someone attempting to do something similar at the same time. It’s one of the first times in my professional career I’ve had what most people would consider ‘friendly competition’ without ever feeling like we were against each other in any way… not that I’ve ever had unfriendly competition… but you get the idea. :)



    I’ve had a check-out for a while, but nothing of his has made it in yet.

    Because there are only so many ways to do the same thing, our code is very similar with a few different methods here and there. His code is more mature in a few areas (mapping WordPress meta capabilities, topic/reply counts, additional query caching…) and it’s almost time to cherry pick his code and give props where due. :)

    He started out using taxonomies for forums, but a lack of taxonomy meta thwarted that idea. We talked before either of us made too much progress on how to best do things so we would be loosely compatible with each other. I committed early on to using post types for data storage for everything to allow for easy forward compatibility with things like forum/topic/reply thumbnails, excerpts, revisions, etc… Justin and I both agreed it was the quickest way to go, we put our noses down and wrote some code, and we met a month or two ago in #bbpress on IRC and exchanged more code and ideas.

    It was really cool for Justin to volunteer to share his code and approach. He spent countless hours getting things dialed in and that time is going to be greatly appreciated real soon. :)

    It would have been even cooler to have him contribute patches directly to trac, but from what I recall of our talks he had some previous obligations that prevented it. I’m sure if I’m wrong Justin will catch wind and chime in. :)

    Edit: I saw a reply in the above linked topic about him ‘turning over’ code to bbPress, but I don’t really see it like that. His code is always his, and he’s free to continue developing his plugin if he wanted to. No hard feelings. :)

    The bbPress trac is public and the code is visible for everyone to see, versus Justin’s forum code which to my understanding isn’t something he wants openly available for download, or else I imagine he’d probably have it that way. I know from experience that supporting something as large as bbPress on top of other obligations can be a challenge, so I wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to volunteer additional time.

    Either way I’m honored to have his respect and be able to have someone attempting to do something similar at the same time. It’s one of the first times in my professional career I’ve had what most people would consider ‘friendly competition’ without ever feeling like we were against each other in any way… not that I’ve ever had unfriendly competition… but you get the idea. :)

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